"You're not her."

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"I'm going to get us some drinks and you just go over to Darby and her boyfriend. I'll be back in a few minutes." Missy said, nicley.

"Okay." All I said back and went over to her friends. I knew all of them. Darby guess starred in my show as a girl who died and I needed to figure out her murder. It was a Halloween episode.

Yogi is a rapper called "Yogi Gabba Gabba" and is pretty successful at that. My uncle is his manger so of course we did a song together called "If Sesame Street was real."

I might add that it was pretty lit.

"So Darby and Yogi, how are you guys." I ask them.

"Sup bro, I been fine AF." Yogi replied look at his gold chain around his neck. "Well Lucas I have been incredible fine. Thank you for asking." Darby told me in a British accent.

"Why is she talking in a British accent?" I ask Yogi who seems more focus on his chain then us. "Oh she's in a new movie and she play's a British girl and she has been practicing her accent." Yogi answered me, in a annoyed tone.

"I'm back." Missy says handing me a red cup with "punch."

"So Missy why did you invite me here?" I questioned her after I took a ship of my drink. I wasn't going to question what in it because I didn't care. At all.

"Well you haven't done anything fun ever since you got with Maya. In fact you've been a better person since she's been in your life. It's awful." Missy explained to me. "So I though you could you use a little fun."

"Yeah, well, ...I guess I could use some fun." I tell Missy with a smirk on my face. "Let's get started, Friar." Missy told me pulling me towards the dance floor.


"So, Maya you forgive me?" Riley said after pleading for my forgiveness for the five hundredth time. "Because I'm really sorry."

"Fine, I guess I forgive you but you really need to stop making Lucas and I your business." I tell her, honestly.

"Okay, I promise I'll try not to get too involved." Riley told me as she looked down and laughed. "Why did you laugh?" I ask Riley.

"I just imagine Lucas dancing with Missy at her friends party. He's probably dreading every minute of it." Riley told me with a little smirk on her lips.

He:) went:) with:) Missy:) to:) a:) party:) together:)

I'm not jealous at all...

"He's at a party with Missy Bitchford?" I ask trying to act like I don't care.

"Yeah, they told me that's where they were going after you laughed in his face." Riley explained to me. "Plus why do you care? I thought you didn't want to get back together."

"I don't but do you want to go get some food?" I ask her grabbing my keys from my purse.

"We have enough food here." Riley told me.

"Riley, let's go get some food. Please." I say in firm tone.

"Oh, I get it. We're going to go get 'food' then accidentally end up at the party and Lucaya happens." Riley says with a huge smile.

"Let's go." I say ignoring what Riley just said. "We have to get 'food.'"


"Lucas, come on it's Colors by Halsey." Missy said practically forcing me to dance with her like we were a couple.

"Missy can we talk soon private?" I asked and she just nodded. She lead me me outside to a dark wooden bench in a garden.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Missy asked as she sat down on the bench. "Missy I really like you-" I say before being interuppted by Missy.

"I like you too-"

I was going to tell Missy that she needs to back the hell off. In a nice way of course.

"And your a nice person who only deserves the best but I-" I started to before being cut off again by Missy only this time with a kiss. That did not like plan.


"Hey Darby, do you know where Lucas is?" I ask Darby who was reading a book called 'How to be British.' Darby then put her book down on a table and told me "yeah, he went outside with Missy."

"Thanks." Riley said and we went out side to the back yard and saw them together kissing. I shouldn't have came here.


I stopped the kiss an said "You're not her."

Missy looked at me confused and then I heard someone tell "You jerk!" I turned around and saw a blonde and bruntette go inside the house.

I made a mistake. A big one.


If this chapter gets ten comments and twenty votes I'll update in two days.

Thanks for 2k reads!

Anyway thanks for reading!


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