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(COPYRIGHTS) If anyone tries to steal my book names which are the zombie ate my ho hos and loving carter and Immune also my book plot and anything from it will be reported to wattpad and the police. (Sorry had to make it known.)

Its Saturday morning and I don't want to get up AT ALL! Looking at the time on my clock I slowly crawl out of my bed and stumble around for awhile rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I creep down the stairs like my grandpa usually does to tired to run down it, who does that anyways.

What could I say I'm just really lazy. Stumbling downstairs I pass by my mom watching the news. Something about some disease that was breaking out in a form of cancer and people were dropping like fly's all through the U.S. Looking up from the television my eyes fall upon

My brother Nick. We looked nothing alike besides our facial structure. Nick has Blonde hair and brown eyes like my mom.

While I have brown hair and blue eyes like my dad. Me and my little brother Prez look exactly alike. Nick is my fraternal twin. He shoved me out of the way and jumped on the couch. I rolled my eyes and sat down already in a horrible mood. I was not a morning person at all.

"Hey mom so whats the deal with this disease they're talking about" Nick asked. My mom opened her mouth to reply but paused when we heard banging upstairs. That's when the crap hit the fan. I heard Prez scream. Prez never screams for anything. I knew something was wrong and rushed up the stairs two at a time as Nick shot off the couch.

I found my dad grabbing at Prez from under his bed. "Dad what are you doing?"I yelled. He turned around. I gagged stumbling back. He had purple veins all over his face, sunken in cheeks with a distant look in his eyes that were a hazed over blue.

He hissed and ran towards me. I screamed as he slammed into me. I tried pushing him off but he got the better hand. All I felt was a burning pain spreading through my body before I turned cold and I was numb, I only felt this once when a girl from another team was drowning me during a tournament for Waterpolo. My mom tried to pull my dad off of me. He moved so fast everything was a blur.

He jumped on her and all I heard was her screams and the tearing of her flesh. I screamed for Prez to find Nick and get out of here. He dashed to the door and that's the last thing I saw before I blacked out.

A FEW HOURS LATER........................

I stretched and tried to stand up and fell back down. I looked around and saw that I was in Prez's room. I felt something sticky, looking down there was a pool of blood on the floor around me. I felt a sharp pain and the memories came rushing back. Putting my hand to my neck I grimaced as blood flowed on my fingers. I stood up again and slowly stumbled downstairs. I couldn't bring myself to change out of my bloody torn pajamas. the last thing I heard before I passed out was screaming. I looked around but no one was here.

where was Nick and Prez? or my mom? I didn't want to know where my dad was, I didn't want to think about the monster that he had become, who turned on my little brother and bit me. I went into the kitchen and grabbed the house phone. I tried to call my cousin Kim. Our dads were twins so we both have the same last name: Rebel. she also has a little sister named Raven who just turned twelve.

The phone wouldn't work so I threw it against the wall and it shattered into little pieces. I decided to go to her house instead. I crept outside scared that there more of what my dad has become. I found a broken wooden bat on my front lawn. I grabbed it and held it high looking for any threat that might be out here. I watched movies to know if there was one there was many more where that came from.

I walked past houses and the Livermore lab and spotted a trail of blood leading to one of my neighbors house. Others had blood splattered everywhere. I kept on walking too scared to check them out. I hear a gurgling noise and turn around to find a little girl in the middle of 2nd street.

"Hey!" I call out. " Are you okay?" I ask cautiously. She turns around and I hold in a scream as I glance at half of her face torn off, Whoever did this to her is a sick mother fucker that's for sure. When she cocks her head a peace of flesh falls off and a scream finally rips through my throat. She charges at me and I freeze, can I really hit a little girl? she comes closer and its either me or her. I swing the bat at her face. It connects with her jaw but she doesn't stop, she grabs my arm and bites down hard tearing some skin off.

I scream in agony. I start clawing at her face and the rest of the skin rips off. I start to panic, Her blood splatters all over my mouth. I spit and gag and scream again.

I push her off and start running to Charlotte road where my cousins live. Stumbling to the door, I start pounding on it as hard as I can. I hear my cousin Kim shout. "Stand back or I'll shoot you!" I look up to see her on the second story window holding an AK_47.

(Pic of Prez)

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