Chapter 13: The HillBillies!?

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recap: I realize I'm completely in love with Xavier knightly.

  Driving to the nearest store, which is Walmart by the way. I jump up and down giddy that I finally get to have a delicate ho ho in my hand ...Well maybe like eight but that's besides the point. I'm a growing teen who loves food what do you expect? Looking side ways at Xavier my heart skips a beat when I take in his defined jaw and the small smile that plays its way onto his plump lips. Oh my gosh I cant believe I, carter rebel have a dirty mind! I've been hanging around Kim waaay to much. Smiling harder I can't believe it's been two months.

" What are you you thinking about?" ho ho's! Replying slyly as I look out the window trying to hide my flaming cheeks. "Xavier?" "Yeah?"

"Don't you think we should get some clothes for your brothers and lily? " "Actually that's a good idea because I'm tired of having to wear the same thing every day, I mean that's just grody giirl!" He says in a high pitched voice. Bursting into laughter my stomach starts to cramp. Trying to calm down I notice him looking at me.

Turning towards him he looks away quickly but not before I notice the pink highlighted on his cheeks. So it seems I'm not the only one who gets embarressed. I can use this to my advantage. Stepping out the car a light breeze rustles my hair around my face as I inhale feeling slightly normal, for now. Falling into step with Xavier we head to the entrance quickly. Cautiously stepping in I look around and notice everything thrown around like a tornado came to visit.

A warm hand settles into mine before I can fully walk in. Looking back my face heats up when I notice Xavier looking at me. Squeezing his hand softly we step in with our hands joined. "Lets look in the clothes aisle first then we can look for my ho ho's and head back before dawn."  "Sounds like a plan lets go".

 We grab hand fulls of clothes and stuff them in bags before we rush towards the junk food aisle. Scanning through everything I spot my ho ho's at the top of the shelf and rejoice. Feeling giddy we head out and drive towards the nearest gas station (which is by McDonald's). Its a peaceful quiet as I wait outside for Xavier while he is in the gas station trying to find the button to get gas. Humming to myself I start to daydream.

A loud engine cuts off besides me and startles me out of my thoughts. Looking sideways I take note of four guys in an army truck. My eyes grow big as my brain slowly comprehends that they're human. Excitedly walking forward I stop dead in my tracks as I notice rope, guns, and knives in their hands. Breaking out into a cold sweat my breaths come out in shallow pants.

"What do you guys want?!" I say bravely feeling anything but. " Why honey tats no way to talk to anyone, yur mama neva tout ya na repec di shhe?" The buffer one that looks about in his thirties drawls out with his deep southern accent. Stepping back I glare hoping it looks as menacing as I want it to look.

"What my mom taught me is none of your business!" I spit out angrily clenching my fist. " We gunna haf fu wit dis un I fee it in my boness, she ay fiesta one". Shivering in disgust I step back wondering whats taking Xavier so long. Deciding to make a run for it to the car, I turn around and sprint towards the door.

Falling back a sharp pain sears through my head as its being pulled. Clenching my teeth, holding in my screams I try to thrash out of his hold knowing its one of the rednecks. Crying out as a fist connects with my stomach i gasp for air. Dragging me towards their car my hands and knees get scraped on the pavement as I try to claw away. The last thing I hear is Xavier's shouts as I'm thrown into the hillbillies truck and succumb to Sweet darkness.


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