Chapter 14: Scarred

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   Recap: I'm thrown into the car and the last thing I hear is Xaviers shouts before I succumb to darkness.

                                .........................................TWENTY MINUTES LATER....................................

     Groggily waking up, a throbbing comes from my forehead. Reaching up I rub it wincing in pain, feeling a bump I grimace recalling every moment leading to this. Looking around I notice I'm in a tent, a small one at that. Trying to sit up I immediately fall back down. Glancing to the side anger flows through my body, " THEY FREAKING TIED ME UP!"

Looking down a blush of embarrassment shows clearly on my face as I notice that I'm naked. Crying out in surprise, I try to think of a plan and quick as I hear foot steps getting louder each passing second as I'm struggling to break loose of the ropes binding me into place. Suddenly he burst into the tent, the first thing that I  notice about him is that he is really tall and buff. I seriously under estimated his muscles. The second thing I notice about him is that his cowboy boots have the spur, its sharp and might be my way out of this hell hole I got myself into.

Trying to cover myself I flush red, looking anywhere but at this crazy dude who wont stop looking at me. I try to scramble back as he walks closer towards me. I start to hyperventilate as he strokes my hair softly. Needing him to get closer I force a soft smile onto my face which for some reason lures him to come closer. His hands travel downwards  as adrenalin seeps into my veins.

Instantly I slash the ropes onto his spurs, it brakes on the first try and I kick him were the sun don't shine before he could even blink. Feeling hope, I scramble out the tent, and shiver as a gust of wind hits my body. Sprinting towards the roads I trip and roll in the dirt, struggling to get up a huge weight lands on top of my body knocking the air out of me.  As I gain my voice I scream in fear as tears roll down my face. He rubs his hands all over my body as I kick and scream trying to believe it wont end like this.

Glancing up all the rednecks are surrounding me with smirks planted on their faces with a evil glint in their eyes as they get closer and closer. Feeling claustrophobic, a whimper escapes my mouth as shivers and shakes run through my body.

Throwing my head back pain shoots through my skull as it connects with his face. Kicking the guy in front of me I rush forward, making it towards the road and run into the woods. Sprinting through the trees and stumbling I don't dare turn around our stop. Running and running small pants come from my mouth as my lungs start to burn from exertion. Finally I slow down unable to run any longer.

Slightly looking back relief is the only emotion I feel besides pain. Still walking just in case they aren't close behind a smile forms on my face as I recognize were I am. Those dimwit's only brought me two miles from the gas station. running the rest of the way  I fall to the ground in exhaustion unable to move any longer. Feeling like ive been laying there for hours, I lift my head up startled when a car pulls up curling into a ball to protect myself and mostly cover myself up a smile forms onto my lips as I realize who it is.

Standing up I stumble the rest of the way towards her and collapse into her arms.

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