Chapter 16: Is This Love?

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Recap: I'm just going to have to take this one step at a time and get on with my creepy, crazy life.


laying in bed I could believe that everything was normal. my mom cooking chocolate chip pancakes yelling at Nick to stop touching them while my dad reads the newspaper sipping at his black coffee. I would stumble downstairs half asleep and sit at the table staring at my food as my little brother played with my hair and told me how funny I looked. knowing I had to let go I got up, I can't keep wishing for something that would probably never happen again. I have given up all hope for life and for my brothers.


on whether to end everything now I got rid of that notion when there was a knock on the room door. slowly walking over I opened it and shuffled over to my bed and sat on it pulling the thread that was coming undone from to much usage. Not looking up to see who it is I wait for them to speak. "My mama used to say if I'm ever sad and it hurts to much, that I should hug someone or something I love". A small voice says interrupting my inner thoughts.

Looking up a smile forms its way on my lips before it slips away when Raven barges into my room  with a look of panic  plastered on her small round face. "Carter someone is at the door demanding that we let him in and...." "Spit it out Raven" I demand standing up straight. " He....he has a pregnant women with him and she's been bitten". Rushing out the door I yell for Raven to stay with Lily not looking back to see if she followed orders and jog down the stairs.

Going to the door I'm met with Kim and Sean peering through a slit at the barricaded window. Pushing them away I pier through and my eyes land on a round belly and travel up to see a sickly looking woman with a tattered dress on. Looking to my left were the pounding is coming from a grimace replaces my curiosity when my eyes run across a hulking man who looks panicked and ready to kill. Sighing I turn away and mutter the words I will later regret,...."let them in."

Kim gasps and rushes ahead of me blocking my exit to the living room. " What the hell is your problem Carter!" she shouts outraged and exasperated beyond belief. But before I could reply my mother sighs and mutters softly but demanding " just let the poor people in someone, I'm tired of hearing the banging and all of you arguing and that's final! this is my house and all of you will follow it including you Carter".

Glaring I push past her without so much as a second glance and wait in the far corner of the living room were Xavier and Bo are residing. "Glad to have you back" Xavier says warmly. "Me to" I say just as warm and turn away before I could get sucked in his gaze. Looking towards the door I catch the gaze of the guy that rushed in with the woman. I noticed though that he wasn't a man but maybe a year older than me.

The woman looked a little older than him. They both had blonde hair with the same facial features. I'm guessing probably his mom or older sister maybe aunt. They looked out of breath and I motioned them to the couch but kept a good distance just in case he was infected the woman we already knew was so we all knew to keep a safe distance. I smiled slightly but instantly gazed back at the guy. Blushing I look away as I notice that he is already looking my way. I feel a strong pair of arms wrap around me and pull me back into them.

Instantly I knew it was Xavier. Nothing was final so I don't know why he was acting so jealous. Ignoring him I stayed put but turned my gaze back at the guest. " When did she get bitten?" Kim rushed out ready to hit one of them with the lamp in her grip if they turned.

" My sister just got bitten by her husband right before we ran to your house and light was illuminating out of the windows". " That's so sad!" Raven rushed out tears threatening to fall out. "Look we cant have her here but you can stay till you have enough supply's to survive for a few days."I say feeling generous.

" YOU CANT DO THAT IF MY SISTER HAS TO GO THEN I WONT STAY HERE EITHER!" "Go then no one is going to stop you" I say angry that he yelled at me in my own home. "No one in this house wants a pregnant infected lady in their house it will just lead to becoming a zombie and one of us will be bound to die. I was just trying to help you out so if you want to leave then go ahead no one is holding you against your will and were not debating or taking that chance for her to stay and that's final." " Who the hell is in charge here!" he shots.

" I'am" We all looked to find my mother by the entrance of the living room were she was most likely listing to the whole conversation. " Please let us stay here" this time it was his sister that began to beg. They all stepped back afraid she would turn any minute. My mom looked at me and I knew what she was trying to communicate with me. "Follow me"  turning away i walk away not bothering to look back nor do I  care if they thought it was suspicious. I had to help her but the thing is, is that I don't know if her baby will be infected still. Even after I inject my blood into her.

I hope I'm wrong but we're going to have to wait it out, by the looks of it she looked ready to pop any day now. Nervous that my plan would not work I continued down the hall and into the bathroom. Spinning around I look to see if she followed me. She stood by the door frame ringing her fingers together harshly. "What are you going to do?"

She said slowly and shaking so much her teeth start clacking together. "I'm going to help you but you have to listen and be opened to what I am about to tell you." She nodded her head furiously, eager to survive. "I'm going to give you my blood and before you interrupt me , my dad was a scientist and I have the cure. There is no time to argue."I rushed out while pulling a knife out and slicing my palm swiftly.

She moves back unsure, "How are you going to inject that into me?". " Your going to drink it, unless you have a better idea?"  I ask already moving towards her, "I'll do it!" I nodded my head and tilted her head back as she opened her mouth. I dripped my blood in as my stomach rolled repulsively.

She gagged as I finished feeding her my blood. "I'm sorry this is the only way otherwise you would probably be a zombie right now." She nodded as tears streamed down her cheeks. "Don't tell anyone what I just did that includes your brother."

"Will my baby be okay at least? and what am I going to tell them when I don't turn?".  "I'll tell them you are a carrier and as for your baby that's unknown. We're just going to have to wait it out and see." She smiled shakily and grimly at me but I could see the gratitude in her eyes. "Thank you for everything, I don't know what would have happened if you didn't help me". " You would be dead." I said calmly as I rapped my hand with a cloth wincing at the pain. "Can I get this taste out of my mouth please".

She said changing the subject. "Sure lets go and let me do all the talking okay."

(Pic of Ethan )

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