Chapter 9: Not Everything Is What It Seems

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Recap: He's quiet for awhile then he turns to me and whispers, "who's Nick?" I look at him trying to hold back my tears as I whisper back. "My brother."


 The rest of the car ride to my house is quiet as we just sit their after my confession. Xavier hasn't said one word since I told him Nick was my brother and I'm kinda glad to but also disappointed. Even if I cant tell him my story, I would like to talk about my brothers. I sigh as we arrive, I look out the window and smirk feeling excitement coarse through my veins as I realize I was right. "Told you so!" I say looking at Kim triumphantly.

" I hate when your right". She says crossing her arms stubbornly acting like a three year old. As I'm surveying the neighborhood I find no sign of interaction anywhere. I walk up the few steps to my front door as the" others unload stuff from the car. I'll check for danger" I call out grabbing the doorknob.

"Wait up!" Kim calls back jogging towards me. "I'll help you" she says holding up a gun. I nod and walk in cautiously looking both ways. I see no threat so I turn to Kim and whisper  that I'm heading up the stairs.  "Check down here" I say pointing straight ahead down the hall toward the guest room.

She starts to shake her head but I put my hand over her lips and whisper, "its easier this way." She nods and I slowly creep my way up the upstairs. I check my room then Nicks  and come up with nothing. I turn to Prez's room and walk in and  my eyes instantly land on the blood stains on the white carpet. My breath comes in shallow pants as I recall every moment leading to my dad attacking me.

I walk out hastily as anxiety runs through my blood. I check my parents room last. I'm about to walk out when I spot a brown object by the bed. I walk up to it and bend down to find that its a book of some sorts. I pick it up and open it to the first page and find that its my dads hand writing. As I start to read it I realize its his journa

I scroll through it and stop at a page when I see my name. I look closer to see my moms and Nick's. I start really reading it and my blood turns cold as he starts talking about how he experimented on my mother when she was pregnant with me and Nick. This whole time my dad was the one behind the infection that spread throughout the whole world.

                                                                  Tyler Rebels Diary entry 

  Both subjects seem immune to the infection. Third subject has not shown any signs towards the disease or cure. The second subject is immune to all diseases, I have come to the conclusion that her blood my be the cure. I have experimented on her when sleeping and found her blood not just the cure to the cancer but the cure to all diseases. I have kept quiet and hid this valuable secret from my fellow colleges.

This action my be selfish but I could not tell them simply because she is my daughter. I feel guilt for what I have done to my family but I can not take back what is already done. I have experimented on myself to find I am immune to the cure. My body takes it in just as regular blood, it could not be helped. I fear I will be changing soon but do not know when.

I have worked in the lab for many years and have never dealt with such a cancer that has extreme symptoms such as this one.

Stage 1: The need to bite

Stage 2: Will start to go insane

Stage 3: Veins will protrude

Stage 4: Hair loss

The finale symptom-

Stage 5: No Humanity

The subjects names-

Subject 1: Stacy Rebel (immune)

Subject 2: Carter Rebel (Cure)

Subject 3: Nicholes Rebel (No change)

Subject 4: Tyler Rebel (Rejected Cure)

  My only wish is that they could forgive me for what I have done and that they do not take my daughter away. The end is near and there is nothing I could do.


  I feel cold hard rage light up in me for what my father has done to this family. I've known he was a scientist, my mother, auntie and uncle were ones to. But I did not know he was experimenting on us, his own wife and kids. I hide the book in my combat boot not wanting anyone else to get hold of it. As I'm walking out my parents room a ear piercing scream echos down the halls. Not again.

I sprint downstairs into the guest room were I find Kim backed up against the wall crying her eyes out and rocking back and forth. "Kim whats wrong?" I say looking for any threats. She points to the closet with a shaky finger as she tries to stutter out an answer. I grab my bat and walk slowly toward the Victorian doors. I hear rattling from inside and force open  the doors.

I pier in to see a women, she looks up. My eyes widen and my breath catches in my throat as I whisper one word.... "Mom?"

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