Chapter 6: Lily's First Day Of School

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Recap: I huff and stomp away as he chuckles. He might do just that if I don't keep my distance, but I cant seem to stay away. He's like a drug I cant stay off of and that's not good. I cant give in no matter what. After all I have a plan and it doesn't involve any boys.


The next day..............

I sit at the table eating the last Ho Ho's. We need to make another run at this rate. I cant seem to get enough of these delicious chocolate treats. Probably gained five pounds. As I'm thinking of this Lily comes in holding something in her hands. "Whats that?" I ask her.

"A book". "Are you going to read it?" "No I cant read". Lily says sadly. "Oh well do you want me to read it to you?" She huffs, "No I want to read it".

Lily says. I stare at her for a while and ask, do you know your abc's? "No" she says. What about your numbers, she shakes her head. I stand up and tell her I'll be right back. I gather everyone, while Bo try's to read to a stubborn Lily.

"Guys Lily doesn't know how to read, wright or count. I don't think she even started school yet before the disease broke out." "Well what do you suggest we do"? Kim asks curiously. "Well I was thinking we could go to that elementary school a few blocks from here and get all the supplies she needs and go to the middle school too for Raven and Bo. They all need to learn all the basics and they probably want something normal to happen and what better way than to go to school."

We all agree this is a good idea and decide to head out today. The sooner we get this done the better and I want some more Ho Ho's. It all evens out, I get my Ho Ho's and the kids get their much needed education. Its a win win situation. As Xavier parks the car, me and Kim hop out and shut the doors quietly.

Xavier grabs my hand as I'm about to walk ahead. "Why you little-" he cuts me off and points a finger towards the entrance of the school were there's a couple of zombies walking around. "What are we going to do"? Kim says turning to me. I sigh, "well I guess were going to have to go through the back doors" I say. They nod in agreement.

I look down to see Xavier hasn't let go of my hand yet, but neither have I. I blush as he looks at me. I face the other way quickly as he chuckles softly and lets go of my hand. I should feel nothing but instead I feel disappointment grip my heart. We proceed walking towards the back.

For a zombie infested school its deathly quiet and eerie. Me and Kim share a look before we creep towards the door. We turn to Xavier but he jesters his hand out and whispers "lady's first". I glare at him and grab the handle slowly and turn the nob. It starts to creek and I pause holding my breath as my heart pounds so loud I'm sure Kim and Xavier can hear it to.

I turn it again but this time pull it faster to get it over with. It makes a small creek but doesn't make anymore noise as I prop open the door. I slowly let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and smile sheepishly. I grab my gun and cautiously walk inside. I hear Kim, "You weenie you should've went first you're never going to win her over now!" I glower as I realize who's side Kim's on and she's my own cousin.

I motion them over still glaring as they trail behind me. I walk down the hall till I stop at a blue door. Turning to Kim I jester my arm whispering, "older ladies first" with amusement shining in my eyes. "We all have to grow a pair of balls someday" she says staring at Xavier. He glowers as she walks ahead and grabs the handle and opens it slowly.

A flying black object shoots out as Kim fires into the room furiously. We all scream and duck as Kim grabs on to my shirt and pulls me with her to the other side. We hear loud screeches and stand up and look at the door. Xavier and Kim start running towards the exit. I peer into the room and find blood smeared everywhere and the large window shattered.

I look away and my eyes land on the spelling and numbers workbooks I was hoping to find for Lily. I'm about to run in just as someone grabs my hand. I look back to find Xavier. "Come on!" he yells trying to pull me back. "Not until I get what I came here for!" "I'm not leaving you here! its to dangerous, its not worth your life!" he say urgently trying to pull me back.

"Go ahead I'll meet you in the car" I say softly while yanking my hand back. I run into the room and snatch up the books as I turn back to find not Xavier but zombies rushing into the door. I look around for a exit but come up with nothing until my eyes land on the shattered window. Good thing its a one story building I mutter as I jump through it. I land into some bushes as I look up to see more zombies sprinting my way.

I jump up and run with all I've got to the small playground as they come at me in different directions. I climb up the slide halfway as they all reach for me. I scramble up the rest of the way looking for a way out but instead I notice that none of the infected are grown ups but kids. Understanding downs on me as I realize they were at E.S.S. I remember on the weekends kids who didn't have anyone to watch them while their parents were at work went here.

I know this because my cousin Raven had to go here when she was seven. I feel sorrow consume me as tears fall freely down my face like a waterfall. It hurts knowing that if Prez didn't have anyone to watch him he would have gone to E.S.S and one of these kids would have been him even Lily if her mom hadn't left her in Pete's gun shop. I look up as I hear my name being called. I spot Xavier by the car, pointing to my gun and making a shooting jester all around me.

I shake my head knowing if I shot these kids, undead or not I couldn't live with myself. I stare as he gets in the car and honk the horn three times. They all turn towards the SUV as the car moves forward at full speed towards my direction. My eyes widen and the zombies start screeching. They all head towards the car at full sprint.

Instead of hitting them he does a one eighty. I understand now that he's giving me time to escape without killing any of them. My heart warms up as I realize he's doing it for me, I hop down and run as fast as I can through the gates towards the parking lot.


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