Chapter 19: The Truth

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Recap: Mature Content happened

Waking up I groan as every muscle in my body throbs with pain. I'm so sore it feels like I've been hit by a truck. Especially in my lower region.
Smiling as I recall last night and early this morning I stretch and head towards the bathroom slowly trying not to cry out. Walking into the bathroom I head to the bath and run the water. Groaning I settle in slowly, as my muscles relax I sigh.

Closing my eyes a smile pushes my lips up and a laugh bubbles out. You only live once and I regret nothing I've done or will do with Xavier later on. Not knowing when you will die or how and if it's tomorrow from a infected or by your own kind I can't think about small things like waiting for the right one or going on dates. Xavier did feel like the right choice and I'm glad I gave him my virginity.

I felt so loved last night. Something I haven't felt in awhile. I miss my brothers, if they were here Nick wouldn't let Xavier go anywhere near me and would probably beat his ass if he snuck into my room like he did every night. Feeling a pain of loss in my heart I sink lower into the water before a few tears slip loose.  The clicking of the door opening jolts me into a sitting position as I swivel my head towards the entrance.

Eyes meeting with green ones I suddenly feel shy. "Hey" Xavier breathes out before walking all the way in and kneeling next to me by the edge of the tub. Reaching up he pushes my wet hair back from my face and pulls our faces  together. "Can I join you" I stare for a little longer taking him in before scooting over to make room.  He grabs onto me and moves me onto his chest and rubs my skin leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake.  "God I love you so much" he groans as he leaves opened mouth kissing along my throat. Blushing I turn my face away from his gaze staring at the wall while he caressed my back. "Do you love me Carter" he whispers out while his lips are connected to my skin. I shudder as he turns me around fast.

"Maybe" meeting his eyes they glare at me as his grip turns tighter around my shoulders. We stare at each other for awhile longer before he moves me closer. "I want a yes or no answer not a maybe" he growls out between gritted teeth.  I roll my eyes and go to turn away but his grip tightens even more and he hauls me all the way to him so I'm straddling him. " You're  going to have to figure out how you feel about me seen because I didn't use protection at all last night or earlier this morning" he spits out furiously. I stare at him blankly as my heart stops beating. "Wh-what did you just say" I whisper as my throat starts to close up. "You heard me perfectly fine Carter don't play dumb." He sighs as he stares at me leaning back against the tub. "Why! What do you mean we didn't why didn't you oh my god I'm so stupid why didn't I think about it I'm never this dumb I can't believe we didn't remeber protection I can't bring up a baby into this world I'm way to young to be a mom!" I rush out crying as my heart starts to beat to fast and my breathes start to come out choppy.

I get out the tub, rapping a towel around myself before passing back and forth as I grip my hair tight. "What are we going to do Xavier! We can't bring a baby into this I can't do that." He gets out slowly and comes up to me wrapping his arms around me, pushing my face into his neck. "We will get through this we can raise a baby together that's all we can do if your pregnant." I push him from me as rage towards our stupid horny self's settles in.

"We can't I won't do it. We can get a morning after pill! Yes." I sigh as relief rushes through me. " I'll go looking in stores to find some and everything will be okay." Xavier's face turns furious and red as he glares at me. "Does having a baby with me disgust you that much you would go through that much trouble to get rid of it" he spits out at me. I stare at him for awhile, " I never said that Xavier. All I said was I can't raise a baby right now or ever with it being the apocalypse and me being to young to be a mom. You're putting words into my mouth I would feel disgusted having a baby with you I just can't right now and I won't because I can't be worrying about a baby when people are out there trying to kill us and zombies are trying to eat us. Not to mention they cry alot and that draws alot of attention to us."

"I want a baby with you. I don't want you taking the pill we can get through this and not all babies cry all the time." He says while kissing my neck. " No!" I push him away and go to move but he grabs onto me and our lips meet. Ripping my towel of he grabs my thighs and pushes me against the wall roughly. "We can't"  I rush out before his lips attack mine again.

Panting I glare at Xavier as he smirks back at me. "I won't be having a baby Xavier I can't and I won't" I say as I sit up slowly. "Yes you will if I have to keep you in this bed all day then I will." He rages quietly. I get up to get dressed when he stops me and turns me around. " I mean it Carter if I have to I will." I go to slap him but he moves and grabs a hold of my arms. We both glare until a knock on my door turns our gazes away. "Carter we have a problem hurry and get out here."  Raven rushes out as fear leaks through her voice.

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