Chapter 12: Regret And Forgivness

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  Recap: I will never forget this moment.
The day I feel in love.

    Lost in the kiss and moving closer I realize this is true bliss but like always someone always has to ruin it. A cough comes from behind me. Huffing and turning towards her a glare finds its way onto my face. Chuckling Xavier steps closer and ruffles my hair. Stepping back embarrassed, I try to cover my face with my hair.

Trying to stall I spin around facing him anger burning inside me for being humiliated. "What are you doing here anyway" I demand furious that I even needed his help. Xavier suddenly turns angry and steps towards me menacingly. " What am I doing here! I should be asking you that not the other way around! You almost get yourself killed and you don't say as much as a thank you!"

"Lets go NOW, I'm taking over and you don't have a say. I'm getting sick of you ordering us around when your the one getting all of us in danger!" he says breathing hard with his face  centimeters away from mine. Suddenly I feel ashamed and hurt, not knowing what to do I break down crying and fall to the ground unable to stand up anymore as his words lay heavily on my chest. Xavier instantly rushes to me wrapping his arms around me, rubbing my back.

He soothingly whispers into my ear. I cant comprehend what he is saying, but it comforts me nonetheless. Clutching his shirt I burry my face into his neck as I cry harder. Strong arms wrap from underneath my thighs and I fell weightless as he lifts me up in the air. " Carter" he whispers softly.

Unable to form words I burry my face further into his neck. " I'm sorry" he says brokenly. " Just please don't do that again do you hear me?" More tears stream down my face as I nod my head and burry my face back into the crook of his neck and close my eyes falling into a regretful sleep filled with exhaustion.

                                         ......................... ........A FEW HOURS LATER................ ..............................

  Waking up I feel hot and really sweaty. Looking around my eyes grow big as I spot Lily, Raven, and Bo laying around me on my bed. I wasn't going to question how I got here already knowing it had something to do with Xavier. My heart instantly hurts thinking about the crushed look in his eyes. It really did hurt and I realize now that its because I want him to be proud of me but all I got was disappointment.

 Getting up quickly I stumble down the stairs ready to apologize for what I did. And I also hate being indept to someone. Turning right pain shoots through my head as  I run into something hard as rock. "OW!" I shout rubbing my head in the process.

A deep chuckle echos through the house and I  instantly know who's laugh it is and blush furiously when I look up and see a shirtless Xavier standing infront of me. " Why does it seem like your always getting hurt?" he spurt out between fits of laughter. Smiling the weight on my shoulders lift. I'm glad that he isn't mad at me. He holds out and hand and pulls me up his laughs dying down.

"Let me see" he says referring to my forehead. Nodding I remove my hair from my face and let him rub it soothingly."It looks okay to me, just watch were your going next time okay". I start to glare but remember that I owe him and soften out my features instead. Spinning around I head towards the kitchen to get some food into my stomach. "Wait Carter" he calls back softly.

"Huh?' I grunt as I turn towards him. Stepping closer to me a faint blush blooms onto his cheeks as he moves my hair out of my face. "I just want to apologize for yelling at you yesterday, I had no business doing that but I was just so worried about you, and I'm sorry".  "No Xavier I'm the one who should be apologizing."

"Infact that's the whole reason why I came down here in the first place. I have been putting everyone in danger lately and acting rashly without consulting any of you, and I'm sorry for everything I've done this past few weeks." Smiling warmly he takes my hand and pulls me towards the front door. "Where are we going?" I ask confused out of my mind.

" To get you some Ho Ho's as my way of apologizing." Blushing profusely a smile makes its way on my face as he leads me out towards the car. Realizing that I am completely in love with Xavier Knightly.

(Pic of Xavier)

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