Chapter 10: Maybe Lies Are Better Than The Truth

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RECAP: She point to the closet with a shaky finger as she stutters. I grab my bat and walk slowly toward the double doors. I hear a rattling from inside a kick open the door. I look inside to find a women, she looks up and my breath catches in my throat as I whisper one word..... "MOM?"


  I stare at my mother as tears flow down my face. My legs feel unstable and I drop onto the floor with a hard thud to my knees. My mom reaches out to caress my cheek as she says my name in disbelief. "I thought your dad had killed you and you weren't really immune." She says more to herself.

I snap out of my daze and stand up, hurt and unbelieving of her words. "let me explain." She says trying to stand on unstable legs. "I hate you!" Screaming I feel enraged that her and my dad were the cause of everything that lead us to this point. I storm out the room Kim trailing behind me.

 "You need to clear your head so lets take a drive." Kim says suggestively. I smile greatfully. She didn't ask questions that she knew I didn't want to answer and I was extremely thankful. "how about tomorrow after everyone settles in and we'll go in the morning before everyone wakes up." Xavier burst into the front door just as we were about to open it. "What the--" I was cut off when he pushes me aside looking around.

"Where's the threat?"  "Its a little late for that buddy" I say to his late reaction to Kim's scream. "There's no threat." Kim says chuckling lightly. "I heard screaming and you guys took forever!" He says dumbfounded. Rage rushed back to me full force thinking about my mother in the other room.

"We were side tracked." Kim says slightly uncomfortable with the situation at hand. Xavier aims his gun as I hear rustling behind me. "Its just my mother* I say angrily pushing his gun down. He looks back and forth between me and mom.

My mom walks forward between me and Xavier. Xavier smiles confidently, "i'm Xavier Knightly and those two over there are my brothers, and the little girl with the blonde hair is Lilly are new member." He says pointing behind him then holding out his hand for her to shake. She looks at it in disgust then looks at me pointing a finger accusingly. "He's to old for you Carter."

I roll my eyes. "You have no say in anything I do anymore" I sneer in her face. My mother glares but thinks about it and goes outside to gather the rest of the crew. "Sooo were dating?" Xavier says hopefully. I slap him on the head as my mom walks in. "Like mother like daughter."

He says under his breath. " What did you say!" Me and my mom say simultaneously. "Nothing" he says turning his back on me. I sigh and walk toward the stares, "i'm going to sleep" exhaustion hits me deep in my bones. " I'll join you ."

Xavier says linking his arm with mine. "Oh no you don't" my mom says grabbing onto his ear and steering him toward the living room as he pleads and apologizes. I laugh softly , but then scold myself as I realize what I'm doing. I'm mad at her for what she did but I still love her. After all she still is my mom even if she knew the horrible situation my dad put us through, But I'm going to let her think I hate her.

I'm going to think over everything without her persuading or getting in my way. I don't think ill ever forgive her even though she will always have a place in my heart. I look back and catch Kim and Sean in the kitchen kissing. I shutter and head upstairs quickly into my room. I knew they liked each other but it doesn't mean for them to make out in my kitchen!..... well actually me and Xavier kissed in her kitchen.

I blush as I remember what almost happened if Lilly didn't interrupt us. I'm glad she did to or it would have been really awkward, especially since I don't want a relationship right now or any time soon for that matter. I look through my closet for pajamas extremely  glad when I find everything still here. I change quickly and hop on my bed. I toss and turn for what seems like hours, it probably is. I struggle till I find a comfortable spot.

As I'm drifting off to sleep I hear my room door click and rustling come from the foot of my bed. I sit up and rub my eyes till they adjust from the dark. I glare finding Xavier there only in his boxers. "What the hell are you doing"  I whisper furiously. " took forever for your mom to fall asleep and even longer for me to sneak in here" he says tiredly.

I'm about to reply but notice his six pack just calling for me to touch it. I reach out but realize what I'm doing and drop my hand quickly. I look up to see a smirking Xavier looking down at me with amusement showing clearly in his emerald eyes. I blush and huff as he slides into my comforter on the other side of my bed. I growl and plop down on my soft pillow. "Only for tonight" I say. 

"What ever you say" he sighs nonchalantly. "I mean it" I spit out furiously. "okay, okay I get it" he as he pulls me to him. I try wiggling out but his hold gets tighter. I give up angrily and relax. For the first time in two weeks I drift off into a peaceful sleep in Xavier arms as he pulls me against his chest.


                                             The next morning.............

  I jolt awake and look around. My eyes settle on a sleeping Xavier then drift up to find Kim standing at the foot of my bed with a mischievous glint in her blue eyes. "Get ready because were going to the carnival!" Kim whispers excitedly. I get up slowly and air five her. I grab favorite hightop vans and creep down stairs five minutes later fully dressed I hear a creak and look up but find no one there so I continue into the kitchen where I find Kim reloading a gun and putting ammo in her belt. "Get my stuff ready, ill start up the car" I say walking out before she could answer.

I grab my bat at the foot of the stairs and walk out the front door. I examine my weapon contemplating weather we should keep it even though it was broken at the tip, to find a new one on the way to the carnival. Ill ask Kim when she comes to the car. A few minutes later Kim comes out cautiously then hurriedly comes beside me at the car door.

"So who's driving?" Kim asks already heading to the drivers seat. "I guess you are" i say feeling annoyed as I hop into the passenger seat.

                                                        Ten minutes later......

  "Are we there yet?" I whine for like  the billionth time.  "I'm going to kill you and we will head back!" Kim screams throwing the map down. I turn up the music drowning her out and start to dance. The car starts to shake and Kim starts hitting me and the car starts to swerve.  Screaming I  wave my arms back and forth as Kim regains control of the steering wheel.

"I hate you!" She seethes between clenched teeth. Everything gets quiet as I think over her words. I sigh and look out the window. I see Kim look toward me through the glass reflection. Her lips move as she smiles, "I regret nothing!" I laugh at her trade mark sentence and everything lightens up a bit as we listen to the CD.

                                                         Three minutes later.......

  "Kim?...."  "Yea?" she says curiously. "I'm hungry" I groan rubbing my stomach. She starts screaming grabbing stuff from the floor and throwing them at me. I dodge thinking to myself, this is going to be a very long car ride. Especially if I'm really hungry and Kim is going to keep on nagging the whole time.

(Carters mom)

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