Chapter 4: The Infected Come-A-Knocken

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   Recap: I hear a scream. I freeze as it echos through the whole shop. I reach for a gun scatterd on the floor, load it and run towards the direction the commotion came from. Time to kick some zombie butt!


      As I run towards the back of the store I spot a little girl about Prez's age which is five cowering in the corner as Kim tries to tell her everything's okay. Whats going on? I demand. "She thinks I'm trying to hurt her" Kim replies. Whats your name I say as I bend down to her level. "Lily" she says softly.

I smile, well Lily I bet your hungry huh?  I look to Kim as she shoots me a dirty look. "What" I ask glaring back. "In this situation I would be starving" I say turning my head back to Lily. I raise an eyebrow waiting for her reply.

She nods her head up and down quickly. "Well today's your lucky day" I smile widely. "Whys that ?" she asks cautiously. "Well if you come with us you can eat all the food you want" I hold out my hand for her to take. "My mommy told me I had to stay here no matter what, and not to go anywhere until she comes back" she says matter-of-factly.

I look at Kim, she shrugs her shoulders and turns back to Lily. I sigh but smile as I come up with a plan. Lets face it her mom probably dead or infected and its for a good cause so I went ahead with it anyways. "Your mommy told me that I had to come in here because you were waiting for her and she couldn't make it here."

I feel guilty as  she grabs my hand and smiles satisfied by my answer. We grab a few more things before we head out and find that its already sunrise. "We have to hurry up this time. Raven, me and Kim will go in while the rest of you wait in the car until we come back. " Why do me and Bo have to always stay in while you guys have all the fun!" Sean say complaining. That's because your " really good at driving and Bo's "good" at watching kids."

" Hey I'm not a kid"! Raven says stomping her foot. We don't have time for this! I say angrily as I grab Raven's arm and send Kim to get two carts so we can stock up on as much food as possible. When Kim hands me a cart we take off in different isles. Raven trails behind me grabbing anything and throwing it in. As were looking at the candy, we hear a moaning.

I turn to Raven holding my finger to my lips as I grab my bat and hold it in a defensive position. Raven grabs onto my shirt as the moaning gets closer. I start to inch forward but Raven pulls my shirt so I take cautious steps backward. "Carter stay here please! I have a really bad feeling about this, let it just come to us". I sigh, " fine... but only because you said please."

She smiles but it drops and she stares frozen in place. I turn around to find a huge fat vainy zombie with blood all over its mouth. It probably died while looking through the candy isle I think to myself smirking. How ironic... "A fat guy in a candy isle" I say out loud. "Carter?" Raven whines unsure of what to do. 

"Raven hop into the cart so we can make a run for it." I don't turn from the overweight zombie. I bring the bat up just in case it gets any ideas about eating me. It starts waddling towards us real fast for someone so fat. Raven starts screaming as I grab the cart and sprint towards a different isle.

I look behind me to find its right on our heels. This thing runs pretty fast for a undead fat guy who probably needed a wheelchair before he turned because he didn't have the energy to walk. I don't have time to look for Kim so instead I scream for her to meet us at the car and have everyone inside. As I sprint towards the store exit I hear him gaining on us. Raven starts to throw the candy that's in our cart at it.

"Nooo! don't throw the candy" I yell pained to know my Candy's going to waste instead of going into my belly. "But Carter its gaining on us!" Raven complains. "I don't care just save the candy! We will make it out before he can lay one meaty finger on you" She nods but doesn't look convinced. I hear Raven scream just as I see a hand swipe out and grab my arm.

I feel the air rush out of me as I feel myself slam against the wall. I look up to see it staggering toward Raven as she tries to get out of the cart. I stand up and grab my bat. "Hey fat ass!" I scream enraged that it dare mess with my baby cousin. It turns just as I swing the bat at its head.

I hear a wack and thud as it connects and the zombie falls over. I look down at it as it struggles to get up. I step over it and take the cart with a shocked Raven in it. "I told you I wouldn't let him lay a finger on you" I say softly. She blinks at me then slowly smiles.

"THAT WAS AWESOME!" She yells excitedly. We high-five each other as I push the cart back to the SUV. As were making are way over I spot Kim's red hair and her arms flailing back and forth to get our attention. I run over to see she already loaded the car. I hear a door slam before Xavier comes rushing out.

He slams into me crushing us together. He pushes me back surveying my body."I thought you were dead!" he says smoothing my hair down. Well I'm not I say awkwardly." Well since your alive do I get a kiss for worrying about you?"

I stomp down on his foot. I walk away angrily as I hear him complaining about getting no love. As we head home I look around to find everyone asleep except for Sean who's driving and me and... Xavier. Just great I think to myself bitterly. This is going to be a long ride.

Mine and Xavier's eyes connect.

I didn't have time to correct sorry.:)
(Pic of lily)

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