Chapter 15: Re-Looking Into The Past

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 Recap: Standing up I stumble the rest of the way towards her and collapse into her arms.

 Kim helps me the rest of the way as shock settles in. My minds blank as she holds me tighter. Laughter bubbles up and escapes my lips as tears stream down my face. She helps me into the car. She doesn't say anything, just starts the car and pulls away. I look out the window,everything blurred. I lay my head against the car door unable to get the images out of my head.

After awhile we pull up at my house. I sit there as I hear the car door slam and mine open up. I'm ushered out the side door and into my house. Looking up I realize I've been so out of it that I hadn't even noticed that I was settled down on the couch with a blanket over me. Feeling the couch sink in on the other side of me I look up with blank eyes to find Xavier with tears spilling out of his emerald eyes.

" I wasn't able to save you even though I tried so hard to find you" he said with an anguished cry.  I stare for awhile till im able to answer back. "I never asked you to save me,and I don't want anyone in this house to look at me differently because I wasn't raped if that was what you were thinking and I just want to get through this. Its in the past just act like nothing happened" I say standing up, wrapping the blanket securely around me and walk upstairs and into my room. Going into the bathroom I turn the water on to scolding hot and settle in curling my body up into a tight ball. Shivers rake my body as I recall the images of those men.

More tears run down my cheeks, rolling in the tub I lay there unable to move. I hear the bathroom door creak open and the whoosh of the bath curtain's slide by. The water gets cut off and a towel was thrown on me. Looking up a blush creeps onto my face as I look into vibrant green eyes. Xavier wraps the towel around me and cradles me into his arms bridle style.

I snuggle my head in the crease of his neck not wanting to look him in the eyes. Feeling dirty and contaminated a whimper escapes my lips as fresh tears run down my face and onto Xavier's shirt. He tightens his hold and whispers consoling words into my ear. " Its going to be okay.. your going to get over this and no ones going to think any different about you." Warmth flows into me and settles into my heart as I realize nothing really is different, I didn't get raped so I need to suck it up and get on with my creepy, crazy life.


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