Chapter 17: Cant Give Up

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Recap: "Can I get this taste out of my mouth?" she asked changing the subject. "Sure follow me and let me do all the talking."


Walking into the living room it was dead silent, as she took a seat and her brother rushed to her concerned. Looking away pain and memories rushed through me as I halted.

Past Memory............

"Carter are you okay?" Nick asked rushing towards me as I hugged my knee closer to me as tears rushed down my face. "" I cried out as he kneeled down gently moving my eight year old hand away from my knee.

I cried harder as I saw the blood. "Its okay Carter, does it hurt?" he asked me softly, he always acted older then me when one of us got hurt, I always depended on my twin, he was my rock when things became hard and I never had to worry about him ever leaving me. "Lets go get mommy so she can patch it up." he said softly. "No I'm okay now don't tell mommy, she wont let me climb the tree with you anymore!" I said stubbornly.

He laughed and grabbed my arm smiling happily. " Were best friends I wont let that ever happen, mommy can't separate us ever or anyone else".

End Of Past Memory.......

Looks like he couldn't keep that promise. Rage and sorrow hit me like a punch as I felt my eyes tear up. Why did he leave me? Did he think I died?

I missed him and my baby brother so much it was agony. coming out of my thoughts I looked up to find Xavier starring at me intensely with a gentle look lingering in his eyes. Blushing I glare and look away quickly. "Let them stay, Sean can find a room for them to stay in up stairs, if you guys need anything ask Kim, ill be upstairs sleeping." I say glaring at my mom daring her to object.

She looked away but not before I saw her eyes squint with anger. Spinning on my heel smiling, I walk up the stairs two at a time entering my room and pushing it closed with my foot. Not hearing it slam I turn confused. I bump into something hard, looking up, ready to yell at Xavier for bothering me but surprised instead to see blonde hair and hazel eyes. "What do you want" I bite out. Annoyance rushed through me that he had the nerve to follow me into my room when I was already in a foul mood.

" I want to know what you did to my sister, she wont tell me anything and we all know she should have been one of those things already!" He burst out on the brink of yelling. I starred at him as his breathing slowed to a soft pant. "Whats your name?" I asked actually curious to know.

He looked confused for a second then blushed turning away slightly. "Ethan" he said softly.

"Well Ethan what I did to your sister is none of your business or concern all you need to know is that she is fine." He stepped closer any shyness disappearing as quickly as it came. "ANYTHING THAT HAS TO DO WITH MY SISTER IS MY CONCERN SO I ADVISE YOU TO SPIT OUT YOUR STUPID SECRET!"

He slammed his hands to block me in between the wall and him. Smirking up at him I laugh while he glowers and growls. "If its such a stupid secret I guess you don't need to know what it is." I said humor clearly dancing in my eyes along with anger at him yelling at me. He is lucky I don't kick his ass out of my house with the way he's acting.

His posture changed quick as he turned away pulling me with him as he pushed me on my bed. He grabbed my face and leaned in close so our noses where brushing against each others. "Obviously your a smart girl so let me ask you this, who is the one with the muscle here". I glared at him and said sweetly, "who's the one with the power here." He gripped my face harder and pulled my face closer and brushed his lips across mine.

As I was about to knee him in the balls he was thrown off me and slammed to the floor by none other then Xavier. I rush up ready to explain but sit back down. I don't have to explain anything to him its not like where going out or anything. I keep repeating the words even though my heart is telling me otherwise.

(Ethan's prego sister)

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