Chapter 1: Holy Mama!

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Recap: I stumble to the door and start pounding on it. I hear my cousin Kim scream, stand back or I'll shoot you. I look up to see her in the second story window holding a AK_47.

"Kim its me" I shout. "Carter?" she yells back unsure. "Yes its me open the god damn door there's a little girl who wants to eat my fucking flesh. Raven, open the door!" Kim yells. I hear six different clicks and a huge slam before the door finally opens. Raven grabs my hand and pulls me in. She looks both ways before slamming the door shut and locking it again. She spins around, and crush's me in a huge bear hug. "Whats up big cuz.?"

"Raven step back we don't know if she's infected or not" Kim says. Raven let's go and steps back like I have ebola. "Did any of those zombies bite you Carter?" Kim demands. "No but the little girl tried to and so did my dad. "Well I have to check just in case anyways,we don't want to take any chances." "Wait just a minute." Raven says.

"If she was infected she would have already turned so therefore I declare no check-ups." I relax not worried that they would see my bite marks. My pajamas covered them up nicely. Im so glad Im a prude and always wore long sleeves to bed. So where's your brothers?" Kim asks ignoring Raven. "I don't know that's why I came here.My dad was infected and tried to attack Prez. I told him to run with Nick and that's the last i've seen of them. I don't know where my mom went either.

Or my dad, he wasn't in the house. In fact no one was outside either besides that little girl who attacked me" I said. "Those things aren't human anymore." Kim stated. "They only crave flesh, they don't think about who they're attacking, they're undead."

"Well where's auntie Ever and uncle Trey?" I asked. Raven started crying and ran upstairs. "Come on Carter look what you did. We don't know,they went out on business at a different lab facility and we can't call them, the phones don't work." Kim says annoyed.

"Well I didn't know, so calm your ginger ass cheeks" I say. Kim huffed and went upstairs. "firecracker!" I yell. "Lazy ass!" she calls back. I start laughing and follow behind her.


I hear screaming and see my dads face before he bites me. I jolt up panting and sweating. I look around and see Raven curled up at my side. I try to go back to sleep but can't stop thinking about my nightmare. I just sit there till I see the sun rise up.

I stand up knowing that I won't be going back to sleep anytime soon. I don't wake up Raven. She looks peaceful. I walk downstairs to the smell of bacon and the clinking sound of glass. i run down the stairs the rest of the way and run right into Kim.

"GET YOUR FAT BUTT OFF OF ME YOU OX!" she yells. "How dare you!" I yell. "I'm only a hundred and seven pounds!" I state in a matter of fact tone. " and how much are you?" I asked rudely. "Shut up!" she says.

" What are you fart heads doing?" Raven asks glaring at us. "Kim started it." I say defending myself immediately. " She bumped into me and called me a fat ox" I said. "She ran into me!" Kim said angrily.

" And who are you calling a fart head chubby cheeks?" I yell. " How dare you missy!" Raven screams. "Oh you wanna go?" I say spreading my arms wide. " Oh I wanna go sucka" She says even louder. "Then come at me then"I say.

She runs at me but before she could slam into me Kim grabs her head with one hand while Raven flails her arms. I go behind her and proceed to give her an atomic wedgie. " She starts screaming as I lift her in the air by her underwear. I try to spin her but her underwear rips off. I stare surprised then start cracking up, rolling on the floor while Raven runs upstairs crying.

Kim points and laughs. " We are really mean" I say once my laughs have lowered to giggles and wheezes. "No... you're just mean i'm laughing with her not at her." Kim says with a smile still on her face. I was about to reply but was cut off by loud banging on the door . We where being to loud. " Go get Raven" I say in a whisper.

"Give me the gun i'm going to the door, take her and hide in the panic room." I say. " What about you?" Kim whispers back. " Don't worry about me just take care of Raven i'll worry about myself. She pats my head and runs upstairs. I turn towards the door and take a deep breath before I peer through the peep hole.

When I looked through it a half eaten zombie slams against the door. I jump surprised and let out a shaky breath. I back away and relock the door. I retrieve Kim and tell her false alarm there was no way it could get into the house with that many locks anyway. Heading back into the room I hear soft husky laughter that was very faint.

I freeze and hear "OH CRAP!" I still hear laughter but a faint whispering also. I turned around the room to hear were the noise is coming from. Straining my ears i pin point it coming from the left side of my room were the closet was. Grabbing a lamp I walk towards the door. I heard the laughter die down slowly as I stomped towards the door. Kim never said she had guests. Especially in the room I claimed at her house.

I hear someone making a shushing noise and kicked the door open. "What the hell are you doing in my cousins house" screaming I start to swing the lamp around. Holding the lamp against ones throat I cant help but notice how good looking he is. "What are you going to do? slice are throats with a lamp." Feeling even more irritated I press it harder to his throat. "Don't tempt me little boy" I spit out.

" I'm not a little boy" he pouts. I ignore him gesturing the lamp at all of their necks." let us explain" the hot one says. "Ill give you one second." "What!" they all say simultaneously. "Times up!" I start to swing the lamp again but it flings out of my hand and across the room. "Crap" spinning back around I glare at them. "That was on purpose" I explain.

They burst into a fit of laughter." My face turns a deep red. At the same moment Kim appears. "Why does your laughter sound manly"? Her voice trails off as she takes in the three boys in her house. Kim looks at the three of them and stops at the amber haired one.

"Holy mama he's hot! can I have him Carter? Is he for me?" she gushes out begging and asking at the same time. "No! he's not for you, but if you want you can touch him" I wink at her and raise my eyebrows suggestively. "Hey you cant have my little brother you crazy ginger!" the sexy one says. "Well" the hot one drawls, "she can still touch me if she wants." He winks at Kim and she turns bright red twirling her hair in with a finger as she winks back. " I might take you up on that offer" she says suggestively.

" Not that I want to stop your nasty flirting but need I remind you there is strangers in your house " "yea but they are pretty hot, and no ones hurt so I don't see the problem." Kim says. "Kim stop being a perv"I say pinching her arm."

"Why are yo here!?" I snarl. I was getting hungry and they weren't listening. Storming out all I had in mind was good and maybe a nap later.

Digging in the kitchen i find some Ho Ho's, which are very delicious by the way.

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