15 years later

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Five mile outside of hidden village a young man with black hair. The sound of a water fall was closer by. The sound of a three young adults less than two miles away. Entering a dark cave to hide from them. Resting near the back of the cave and pool of warm blood dripping from him right shoulder.

"Sakura, please wait up and talk about it." A tall orange spike hair and ocean blue eyes.

'Sakura?' the man in the cave thought.

"Bla bla bla I don't care Naurto" I yelled for the world to hear.

'Naurto... the nine tail of hidden leaf?' he thought again.

"Sasuke please talk to Sakura!!" Naruto tried to bring a taller guy about his age, his dark hair, and eyes and the only thing that drives all the girl's crazy for him.

"Don't bring me into your mess Naruto." With a face that he doesn't care one bit.

'Brother?' "Damn it." Slowly moves farther into the cave.

I leave the two guys moron behind me, Naurto and Sasuke tried to follow me. Stopping looking back to meet their eyes of the two. "Don't... follow... me..." I gave them the death stare, both Naruto and Sasuke froze where they stound.

I ran toward the sound of waterfall in hope that is no one there. After stand in the cold water for a few minutes when I felt a faint chakra. Jumping out of the water into the water there was a cave it was dark and cold. I used my left hand to form a bright green light it lighted up the cave. A man was on the ground coughing up blood. I quickly ran over to help him but and moment I sat down an ice cold blade was at my throat.

"I'm here to help you. If I don't than you'll die of blood loss. Please." Glaring at the man. He slowly put down the blade.

"But think I won't kill you if you try anything to bring harm to my life, do you hear?" Him spoke with a chilling but husky tone.

Placing right over left over the wound. A green light growled. Minutes turned into hours, sweat moved down your forehead.

"What happen to you?" I asked ever though the pain made it hard to talk. "If you can tell me than I can help you even more, please."

Coughing. "I was attack by my partner, he I is not a man to get on his bad side. But I did and this is the end of that fight. Lucky me he just scratches me with his Samahada." A small grin showed on his lips.

"Samahad I heard of a sword called that... but that mean I have to take out the poison before you die." Laying him on his back and ripping off the sleeves of his shirt. "This will hurt a lot. So bite down of this." Giving him your scarf. Right hand over the wound and the other forming a sphere slowly moving over the wound. Having the water entering the skin then but out repeating over ten times. "I'm almost done." This time using you right hand to move the water holding water, it turned into a pink glowing water then moving over the wound. "This will be cold."

"I can handle anything blossom." He said acting all cool and stuff.

"Okay..." The water entered his shoulder.

"COLD!!" he yelled. About five minutes later the blood stop and the wound is completely gone not even a scare. "You are good... What is your name?"

"You can call me blossom." I smiled. "what is your name?"

"You can call me.... Aki" Aki smiled.

"It's nice to meet you Aki" I said with a smile, then I fell to my left side.

It's been a week after that day in the cave.

"Itachi, how long are you going to keep that girl her?" A tall blue man spoke in a harsh tone, standing in the far corner of the room. "You had his girl here over a week now. I think you should inform the leader. Itachi Uchiha."

"Don't call me by that name when she is around. Kisame." Itachi look down at blossom sleeping face.

"Ouch..." I tried to sit up but my body ach so much I fell back down onto the bed.

"Blossom down move so much, please." Itachi (Aki)

"Aki, where am I?" Itachi said with a nice voice, holding blossom right hand. "Aki I'm cold."

"I'm leaving.... Aki...." A grin appeared on his blue skin.

I tried to get up again but failed again. Aki (Itachi) pulled me up, then moved me onto his chest.

"You need to eat blossom." Aki (Itachi) said holding a bowl of soup. "Say ahh."

I open my mouth to let Aki feed me. After eating more than half the soup I am full. "I'm full Aki." Having a bit more strength I moved slowly to face Aki. "Aki, where are we?"

"We are in my one of my house I own in the fair nation. Blossom." Aki smiled.

"I see; can I see the house when I have the strength to walk." I smiled after that Aki had a sad look on his face. Itachi move beside me then pick me up in his arms.

"Why don't I show you like this?" Itachi smiled down at me. I nodded, he walks me out of the room. Seeing a light at the end of the hall it seems like an hour to get into the light.

"Ohhh~ my gosh it's so beautiful Aki!!" I smiled at the most amazing view. The rainbow of flowers I never once seen in one place. The feel of unbelievable sent of flowers. There is also one lager cherry blossom in full blossom. "Aki where on earth did you get all these flowers from?"

"Around the around the world." Aki (Itachi) smiled towards the flowers. Walking over to the cherry tree sitting down. "Blossom you love my Garden."

"YES I DO!!" smiling up at Aki (Itachi).

"Do you want to stay here?" Itachi looked up to the tree.

"Stay here, me and you?" I blushed. "What do you mean? Aki"

"I mean you can stay here; I love this house that I can't just leave alone. And the flower would die. So please watch of this place from me." Aki (Itachi) smiled down at me. My heart was racing.

"I understand, but can you come and visit me, Aki" My face felt really hot. "Please?" Aki smiled my heart skip a beat.

"I will blossom." Aki (Itachi) "And if you don't mind I would to train you to help with your skills?"

"I would love that Aki. Thank you" I hugged Aki, after that I black out.


I open my eyes only to Hinata looking down at me.

I hope you guys like it :)

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