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After the talk with Tsunade, the full moon is the only light I had as I walk up to the temple. I hopes that I can ease the memory of the night my mother and father die not only them but my birth mother and father. Before that night everything was perfect...



Walking faster to the temple as the foot step came closer and closer the fear it might be Orochimaru.


"STAZ!! you idiot you are going to scary her!"


"Will you two be quit. Ki. Staz."

"I won't do that if I were you Vladimir."




"Anyway Misaki, we should stop hiding."

~Sakura thoughts~***

'Ready... They sure like to being annoying...'***

A large brown wolf stepped into the moonlight. After the first two step 'it' transform into a woman wearing a maid outfit...              'really?'***

                                                                                                               Anime: Maid-sama

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                                                                                                               Anime: Maid-sama. Character:  Misaki Ayuzawa

"Hi!! Milady!! Am Misaki"

"Hi~~... Misaki What are you doing here???"

".....I~i was ready to answer 'Who are you' 'What are you' 'What do you want'... or 'AHHH!! RUN IT'S A MONSTER!!' kind of stuff..."

"I'm not a complete idiot, you are Misaki you are a wolf / girl. And something that you want is from me. Also I don't scream like a little girl... but I know someone who does" Walking over to a stone bench.

                                                                                        Anime: Blood Lad Character: Staz C

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                                                                                        Anime: Blood Lad Character: Staz C. Blood

Came the white wolf then change in to a man"Hey, Baby I'm Staz"

"Pervert..." Misaki hit him in the face leaving him with a bloody nose.

"Sweet heart why don't we go somewhere... Privet... So we can really know each other." Licking his Fangs.

                                                                                               Anime: Van Hellsing (with white hair) Character: Alucard

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                                                                                               Anime: Van Hellsing (with white hair) Character: Alucard

Then a gray wolf came changes into a man. Hitting Staz on the top of the head making him face plant into the ground.

"I'm Vladimir, sometimes know as Usui... Yeah~ yeah I know I'm not anything like an Usui type."

bowing his head.

                                            Anime or Manga: Black Bird (yes I do read stuff like this) Character: Misao Harada

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                                            Anime or Manga: Black Bird (yes I do read stuff like this) Character: Misao Harada

A golden brown wolf came out. Yawning the change into a girl. "Hi I'm Misao." Bowing her head.

"Okay, is there any more of you wolves hiding?" Wait for an answer and maybe more.

Staz started to come toward me, cupping my chin in his icy hand making me look into his warm golden eyes grinning saying. "Awww... do you want more of me?" Moving closer.

'Is he going to kiss me?!?!'***

Misaki hit his back causing him to fell to the ground. "PERVERT!!"

"Don't be like that Misaki. I wanted to know... also many more stuff."

Vladimir grab Staz then throwing him into the icy cold lake. After landing in the middle of the lake hearing Staz yell...


Vladimir yelled back. "YOU BETTER GET OUT OF THE LAKE BEFORE I BLISS THE WATER. YOU IDIOT!!" saying a few verse of something hear Staz screaming then.

"FUCK YOU VLADIMIR!!" Seeing Staz running on... water?....

"Misao are they always like this???"

"Well no." Thinking then gigging. "It's only when they are around a hot woman like yourself. Staz loves woman who can take control." Smiling.

"WHAT!?!?!" 0_0!!!

"Ohhh!! and Vladimir loves the same thing even a woman who is named after a flower that live up to it's name... like Sakura.... mostly Staz and Vladimir were.... How you say........... turned on by 'you' Sakura. Misaki and I, we had a very hard time keeping them under-control..."

"Uhmmmm.... What do you mean by that... Misao?"

 "Well they wanted to make you a wife and mother. Without a second thought."

"0_0....... So.... you mean....."

"Yup they wanted to sleep with you."

"MISAO!! DON'T TELL HER THAT!!" Both Staz and Vladimir Yelled at Misao.

"Hahaha!! Well now she know who not to talk to or EVEN be alone with." The girls laughed.

After an hour of laughing and stuff.

"How do you guys know about me?"

"We have been stacking you for the past few mouths." All four said.


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