The pack

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"So Misao?" Facing Misao whom she sat next to me on the stone bench while Vladimir and Staz still fighting. "Why were you guys following me for the past few mouth?"

"Well princess we have order to protect you from your Sensei"

"What?.... I don't understand?"

"After the attack of the village some time ago. You use the chidroi with both of your hands and transferring the energy to two water dragon one full of the chidroi and the other using fire justus. That right there is very complex. With that in mind it would take 4 shinobi but you young 15-year-old girl with that much power. No wonder Madara wishes to clam you. We are here to develop your power. Also your transformation justus. ^.^" Smiling at Sakura.

"I get everything but the transformation?" Standing up.

"Yes you are from the Kumanoi clan?"


"Than it's simple you can change into a wolf."


"Easy! First clear your mind." Closing her eyes. "Than feel the heat from your heart flow though out your body." open her eyes now a red color. She moved toward into a jump now she's a wolf. Then she bowed her head.

"Okay..." doing the same thing as Misao did. The heat I had in my heart burned like lava. 'Don't give up...'*** Opening my eyes I'm still human. "What did i do wrong?"

Misao change back to human. "Well what did the heat feel like?"


"In time you'll control your power. Now we train you like you are a wolf. VLADIMIR!! STAZ!! GET OVER HERE NOW!! You too Misaki" They started to walk over to us.

"Well if it isn't my little blossom." The voice... Turning to see the same man from that night.


"I see you haven't forgotten about me." Grinning from the top branch of the tree. "I just came to see if you alright. I was told you were 'lost' my dear."

"Why do you care? Madara."

Laughing. "Now, now don't give me that look. Love." grinning down at me. His icy dark eyes but some how warm, liking he..... loved me and I love him back. The way his lips curled made something inside want to kiss him, to feel his arms rapped around my body drove me crazy. Feeling my face burning and eyes filling with lust. "I see you have... fallen for me"

"Ehhh!! HELL NO!!" I yelled in embarrassment. 'Damn... Am I really falling in love with him?.... NO!!'***

  "Well my love I hope you don't mind if I take something of yours."

"Not a chance!!" The wind blow so great that it almost knock me to the ground. Looking  back to Madara was gone.

"Don't worry love it's just a small piece."

"What!?" I turned around only to see a dark mist fading into the trees. "What did he take???"

"Uhmmm.... a lock of your hair....." The wolves said.

"What?!" Look to my side to see my once long hair now short. Not that I mind it now really light, but still. "I'M GOING TO KILL THAT HIM!!!"

Just before I could walk away a  bright green light started to glow around me this feeling of love, enjoy full my heart only soon to be darken with hate, sorrow and angry that's when a pink light wrap around me.

'You must understand, you must know what I feel live the way I did and died as I did.'

The lights combined into a a large dark dragon with green eyes the inside of the wings.

Sakura HarunoWhere stories live. Discover now