Madara Uchiha

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As a child I didn't nothing but do order I was sick of it the endless void of nothing that can never be fulled. i have nothing to live for, til that one mission. That day I was order to steal a flower for a temple that many so is full of ghost, lost souls but most a flower of healing. No one know that the flower wasn't a flower in the high mountains in that old temple. If only he know, if he did... well... hard to say right now.

"Madara?" My maid spoke outside my door the feel of daisy slowly fill the air she have been here a while before she spoke. "Your father, request. Madara"

Getting up slowly tie my hair back and grab my katana walking out of the room waited a bit to have an answer on where he is after a moment she finally spoke that he is in the garden. Walking past her to the garden on the south side of the mansion my father enjoy the garden more than his own son... his only son, only child. Seeing his sitting down and drinking tea in the cool morning before noon. "Lord?"

"Sit." Not even looking a me. "I have a mission for you. Here." Hand my the folded paper then wave me to leave now. I bowed then left. Opening the paper it was a map of some kind a a few writing on the side like: 'your will power be tested.' 'The warrior would be fair.' 'Always be ready.' and 'Don't be fear or you'll die.' folding the paper to read the other side. it reads 'Leave at sun rise, find the flower and bring it back here. Lord Uchiha'

Heading to my room seeing my maid still there. She stood up taking a step towards me not even looking her in the eyes I open my door there she grab my hand.

"Madara?...." I wait for an answer I gave her a death glare she let me go. "I'm in love with you. Madara" blushing I don't even know her name or anything. And for there I spoke for the first time to her in year when she first became my maid.

"I can never love a maid it is forbidden so why try a less love such as this? I know nothing of you and you are not my equal not in this life or the next." Looking away I closed the door.

She whimpered and softly said, "You'll never love anyone... but me. Madara" There the air fulled with blood lust. I packed a few part of clothes and dry food after I was done it only took about 10 minutes. Then I pack a few more weapon where I had room I put on my red armor started to walk out I heard small feet pants... It was her. Leading her to the library.

"Why would you love me? Madara?" She had a smile of a mad woman.

"There is no way this 'love' can ever be."Turning away from her. She grab my hand.

"I will tell lord that you rape me..." Breathing heavy. "I will"

"If you do he would beat you, throw you out for being a whore... or he'll kill you. Either way you make me love you. And for years I know you are on his side and in his room. The my mother would only want you die for what you did and are doing now." walking to the window opening it full letting the in the hot air of past noon. "I already told mother this is your only chance to run. run fast you only have til dawn."



I hear form across the river.

Follow the map for the past few day I got lost a few times, but now I'm sure it's near.

"If you don't mind me asking but why are wanting to come up here?"

"It have nothing to do with you so stop talking"

"Hahaha okay."

An old man and a covered woman in pink... just like my 'maid'. Looking at the map again I noticed that the Flower is hidden in a cave. Right above me. Jumping off my black horse taking my bags and started to claim the mountain.

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