Worst Fear

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Akatsuki have lady Sakura it's been 2 week ago we left the village. On that same day she was captured. Still no sign of Sasuke the last know location as a tea shop in tea country.

"Kakashi-sensei where are we going???" Naruto laying on the ground tried and course weaning like a child -_-" I took out the map.

I pointed at tea country

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I pointed at tea country.

"Akatsuki took kidnap Sakura here 2 weeks ago. And Sasuke last seen also in tea country a week ago.  So we have to get going." I got up with the map.

"What are we???" Naruto cried as his stomach growled. Looking down.

"We right here." I pointed at the a road a few inches below the wave.
(A few hours later, we need one more day to reach the tea shop.)

"You want to all night???" He grinned.

"Faster the better." Naruto ran ahead. I ran after him. Zooming passed trees Naruto wanted to see them again. But me I wanted Sakura.

(Few hours later.)

We Are in the small out post the tea house. A woman dressed in a deep purple. Black hair drown eyes.

"Would you like some tea?. Sir." Her soft voice.

"We are looking for a guy taller than me black hair and eyes. His looks like this" Naruto made a weird face Sasuke would do... but Naruto wet over bored with it.

"Hahaha how could I forget his face." She laughed. "I over heated he and three other people are going to hidden sound village."

Shock I took out the only picture of Sakura which was the team picture... "Have you this woman?!?? Her name is Sakura"

"Yes few weeks back. Poor thing. Two men came one was holding her she was covered in so more blood."

'Blood' the shock of me and Naruto the fear of losing her.

"Is she...." Naruto couldn't finished.

"Like I told the last guy, I bandaged her the best I can. The man talked but I didn't hear them. The next morning they were gone. The money was left on the table. Sorry thanks all I know. I hope you're friend is alright." She started to walk of then turned. "Now seeing you two and the other guy... her wounds look like battle wounds." She left.


"Sakura strong. I bet Sasuke is also looking for Sakura twice as hard of her and now maybe 1000 more time searching." I pet Naruto head. "But right now we need to inform hokage."

(Back to the village. Lady hokage waited)

"Did you find them???!!!!" Her cheerful face.

"Granny..." Naruto couldn't look Her in the eyes.

"Sasuke is looking for Sakura." I said. "Sakura... was in a battle the akatsuki may have her, or..."

"Or..." her voice growled. "We are going to search everywhere."

"I understand she is like your daughter Hokage-sama." I bowed. "I'll started looking as soon as you wanted me to."

"Kakashi found Sasuke first." She turned away. "That's an order. Naruto you are going to make your new sensei tomorrow morning go get some rest ready to left for a few years."

"Granny let..."

"You are still weak what use are you if you are weak." Her death glare.

"Hai..." Naruto sad face. "Kakashi find him and save Sakura"

"Right! You better get stronger" I pet his head. 'I can't let Naruto down not now, Sakura need help if she is not dead she will be.'

== Sakura==

"Let me go!!!" I yelled the chain tight around my body. "DAMN....!!"

"Tch Tch Tch... you can't break it." Man voice in the far corner. His deep voice send chills down my spine. But what he says made my blood run cold, takes my breath away in a way I don't like. "You are now mine" his blood red eyes...

"Ha!! Like hell!!!" My laugh filled the air.

"You will be mine!!!" He walk to me I still can't his face. "No one will have not my brother, not Naruto, not Kakashi, not the village hidden in the leaf!!"

"Nothing you can do will make Do what you want." I smirked.

"At the moment I have my men in your family house right now. All your friends are at a party also my men. One justu. Everyone you love... Will be gone."

"Fine... you win..."

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