Chapter 5

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"I want to talk"

"Can't you talk with that blonde skunk who's probably waiting for you on your bed right now?" I asked with an annoyed voice. I quickly closed the door behind me so Aurora wouldn't see or hear anything from our conversation

"Aria.. I can explain" he sighed

"Explain?! Explain what Ezra?!"

"Let me explain the story!" He raised his voice

"The story about how you have moved on already and the story about how I could ever be so stupid to have hope that we could get through this?!"

"No! You don't get it Aria!"

"What do I don't get Ezra? Tell me exactly, what do I don't get?! Am I too dumb and immature to get this?!" I yelled but before I knew it he grabbed my wrist -lucky for me the one without the scars- and dragged me to his room

"Ezra! Stop! What are you doing?! Taking me to your whore to make me even more jealous?! God Ezra you know I still love you!" I yelled and when I spoke the last four words he suddenly stopped walking, turned around and looked at me

"You still what?" He almost wishpered. I tried to read his eyes but I couldn't. They were just as emotionless as before.

"Forget about that" I mumbled. Ezra turned around and started walking again. When we reached his appartment he kicked in the door and walked in. After that he slammed the wooden door, walked straight to the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of wishkey.

"Are you drinking again?"

"In alcohol's defense, I've done some pretty dumb shit, but so did I when I was sober"

"Don't say that Ezra" I responded. I knew exactly what he was talking about

"But it's true" he shrugged

"People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim" I said and walked closer to him

"Can we please just stop quoting people and talk about us instead of them?!" Ezra suddenly yelled and grabbed two glasses. He poured one in for himself, and one for me. Without hesitating I let the liquid burn through my throat before refilling my glass.

"It's hard to talk about us when there is no us" I said after a while of silence. The only sound was the sound of the wishkey bottle getting emptier and emptier

"There can be" Ezra said and gave me a little smile

"What about that blonde slut"

"She's not you" Ezra said, inched closer and brushed away a piece of hair

"Ezra stop" I said and stepped back


"You're drunk"

"Yeah, drunk in love"

"Ezra we can't do this"

"I want to do this" Ezra said and seconds later his lips crashed against mine. The warm feeling of his soft lips made my heart beat a thousend times faster. His strong hands wrapped around my waist made the butterflies in my stomach go crazy. That spark, that shock of electricity everytime he touched me was back. His arms around my body, my fingers tangled in his hair, everything was how it was supposed to be, and how much I wanted to pull away, I didn't have the strength to do it. This is what I wanted after all. This is what I needed after all.


Today was the day of Aria's ultrasound. She was 20 weeks pregnant now, so she and Ezra got to know the gender today. How excited they were to know about it, a part of them was afraid for what was about to come. Afraid for sickness or a complication. Aurora's birth was far from flawless and Ezra almost losing the two most important girls in his life, made it even worse. He never wanted to lose them, never again.

Ezria ~ After a Storm Comes a Calm (SEQUEL)Where stories live. Discover now