Chapter 6

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I quickly walked back to my room after the weirdest night of my life. How could I let this happen? How could I end up in one bed, with him?

"Rory? Are you in here?" I asked and quickly walked through the door. I let her in our room last night, alone.

"Rory?!" I yelled. I started to freak out when I didn't see her. I quickly walked to our beds and saw her and Mike, peacefully asleep in one bed. Aurora had wrapped her little arms around Mike's neck, just like she used to do when I slept with her.

"Rory? Mommy is back" I wishpered and shook her shoulder. After a few seconds her blue-hazel eyes fluttered open and she let out a little yawn

"Why are you back mommy?" She wishpered

"I have to take care of you silly, I would never leave you" I wishpered and kissed her head

"You left me yesterday. You always leave me" She said and turned around to face Mike.

Was that true? I had no choice yesterday.. Well I had, but things are complicated. Things are always complicated when Ezra is around, although I can't blame him. I stayed in his room, I could've left, I wish I had left.

"Mommy! Mommy don't cry! I didn't mean it like that!" Aurora yelled and now she wrapped her arms around my neck to cuddle me.

"What's going on?" mike groaned and opened his eyes

"Monster Mike mommy is back!" Aurora yelled and let out a tiny laugh

"Can monster Mike talk to mommy for a second?" Mike asked and Aurora nodded.

"I'll go to granny! Maybe she wants to swim with me!" She yelled and ran away. When she was gone Mike suddenly turned around and threw a pillow against my head

"MIKE! What's wrong with you?!!" I yelled and threw the pillow back

"Whats wrong with me?!! Damn Aria look at yourself! What's wrong with you?!" Mike yelled

"Nothing! What is your problem? Are you on your period or something?!"

"Aria, what is going on?! You left your freaking six year old daughter in your room, alone!"

"Well, you came didn't you?"

"Yeah I came because I woke up by her crying!"

"I'm sorry okay?! It won't happen again!"

"No that's right, it won't happen again because she's staying with me now" Mike said and turned around. "Where were you anyway?" He asked before he walked out of the door


"What?! Why!"

"We had a slip" I confessed

"Wait, what?" Mike said, suddenly his voice was a lot softer

"I'm sorry okay! It won't happen again but you can't take my own daughter away from me!"

"It's for her own safety Aria! Talk to me when you got your shit together. Don't drag Aurora in to this, and don't drag me, mom or dad into this. We don't deserve it" Mike was now yelling again

"Mike wai-" I yelled but before I finished my sentence Mike slammed the door. Good. Now everyone hates me. Now everyone shuts me out. Even my own daughter.

Maybe this is how Ezra feels.


Aria and Ezra were sitting in the living room with their daughter who was watching a movie. It was a week since that fatal ultrasound. That ultrasound that changed it all. Aria was taking medicine now, and both her and Ezra were counting on that little chance, that little hope their baby boy would survive it. They knew the odds weren't in their favour this time. They knew something was terribly wrong. Aria was feeling ill all the time, she had no energy, not al all, but to go to hospital to let her baby die wasn't an option for her. Even if she had to choose between her and the baby, she would always choose the baby. There was no way she was gonna let her baby, her son, die.

"Ezra, I'm tired" she mumbled and rested her head on Ezra's shoulder

"Go to bed honey, I'll put Aurora in bed" Ezra said

"No, I'll just sleep here" Aria yawned and two seconds later she was fast asleep. It was killing Ezra to see her like this. She was ill, and although she was pregnant she was skinny. Really skinny. She was 21 weeks pregnant but you could barely see it. Ezra carried little Aurora to her bed, tucked her in, then walked back to Aria and carried her to their bed. He laid Aria in bed and wrapped his arms around her tiny body. He was more then concearned about her, he wanted this all to be over. He wanted to have a happy family with two healthy children and a lovely wife, but he knew that was probably not gonna happen.

It was in the middle of the night when Aria woke up with an indescribable amount of pain in her stomach.

"Ezra! Ezra wake up" the girl groaned and squeezed her boyfriends shoulder to soften the pain

"Ezra wake up!" She yelled one more time and this time he shot up

"Aria! What's wrong?" He yelled and turned on the light. It was just then he noticed the sheets were red. Bloodred. Aria's clothes were red. It was too late now.

"Ezra... the baby" Aria cried out. Ezra ran to Aria's side of the bed, scooped his girlfriend in his arms and rushed to the hospital.

A part deep, deep inside him knew it was too late. He knew he couldn't do anything anymore.

They lost their baby.


I found myself in the bathroom again, fresh wounds in my flesh. I knew this wasn't a way to get out of my problems but I had no idea what else to do. There was no way out now. My brother hates me, my parents hate me, my daughter hates me, my ex-boyfriend hates me.

I hate me.

Seeing the red liquid dripping down my wrist made me hate myself even more, but it also felt good, good to have control about at least one thing. I washed the blood from my wrist, changed into a sweater, walked to my refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of wishkey. I knew it wasn't a solution, but my life is already fucked up right now. It can't get any worse.

I know exactly how Ezra feels right now. Everything he loved, everything he wanted, ripped away in a fraction of a second.


"Aria?! Aria! Are you in here?!" I heard someone yell from the other side of the door. How drunk I was, I stumbled to the door to open it.

"Aria! Oh my god!"

"Whoo. Areyouu" I laughed

"Aria! are you drunk?!"

"Maybeee.. Who caressyou're not my motherr" I laughed and stumbled back to my couch

"Yes. Yes I am" mom said, carried me to the bed and sat next to it untill I fell asleep.


"Mom? What are you doing here?" I asked and got up. I had a brutal hangover, again.

"Get up" mom commanded and threw a shirt and a dress to me. I changed into my normal clothes and just then mom grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of my room.

"Mom! What are you doing? Why are you here?" I yelled but she just kept walking.

"Mom, where are we going?!" I asked again

"To Ezra" she sighed

"What?! Why!" I yelled and tried to get out of her grip but I couldn't

"Because apperantly you can't get out of this yourself, and we're gonna have a nice and mature conversation with him" she said

"I thought you were angry at me!"

"I'm not. I'm just disapointed. Ever since Ezra's back you're a mess Aria, and I don't want to see you, Ezra or Aurora get hurt."

Ezria ~ After a Storm Comes a Calm (SEQUEL)Where stories live. Discover now