Chapter 23

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Lol sorry for this 73929292 years late update. I just have no time but I LOVE WRITING THIS STORY

The next day


It was a new day. It was the first day Aurora was back, and it felt good to have her back. Although I knew Aurora would never be able to jump next to our bed again, or to wake us up with her loud giggles next to our bed, or to see her reflection in the mirror, I was so, so glad we had her back. Our little Aurora.

Currently I was laying in bed, my eyes still closed as I felt a small body turn around and cradle against my body. I opened my eyes and saw Aria had positioned herself as close as possible next to me, with a small smile on her face.

"Goodmorning beautiful" I smiled and brushed her hair, but she didn't respond. "Are you still sleeping?" I asked and then I heard a soft snore escape her lips. "God, they should've called you Aurora" I chuckled and stared at her for a while. She looked so adorable, her heart shaped lips only a few inches away from my chest as her legs entangled with mine. Her hand was resting above her head and her long brown hair was still flawless, flowing on the soft pillow. "Hey, hey Aria, wake up" I wishpered and played with her hand.

"Ezra?" She suddenly mumbled against my chest which made me chuckle

"Yes, love?"

"Do you love me?"

"You know I do"

"Then let me sleep" She groaned and laid even closer against my chest.

"Aria, come on, you-" I tried to say, but got interrupted by a loud snore that escaped her lips. "You've got to be kidding me!" I laughed, but Aria kept snoring. I let a defeated sigh when I saw her sleeping against my chest. "Okay, you win" I smiled and pressed a kiss against her forehead. I grabbed my phone and played Candy Crush, untill suddenly my alarm went. I quickly pressed it off and looked at Aria who was still sleeping peacefully. "Not even a tornado could wake you up" I chuckled and carefully got out of bed. My alarm meant it was 11 AM meant it was time for Aurora's medicine. I walked to the bathroom, grabbed her medicine and walked to her room. I sat on her bed, and surprisingly enough, Aurora was still fast asleep, soft snores escaping her lips. "Like mother, like daughter" I chuckled and shook Aurora's shoulder.  "Hey, hey baby girl, wake up" I wishpered and suddenly Aurora's eyes fluttered open

"I'm not a baby girl" she murmered and closed her eyes again.

"No, you're not" I smiled and I saw Aurora drifting back to sleep. "Oh no! I'm not gonna let that happen for the second time today!" I said and started to tickle her. Suddenly, Rory's eyes shot open and she startled to giggle.

"Daddy! Daddy stop!" Aurora giggled and swung her arms around her because she couldn't see where I was

"Okay, what about this: I stop tickling if you be a big girl and take your medicine" I said and grabbed the pills out of my pocket. "And if you're reaaallly lucky we can lay in bed with mommy for a while"

"Yes yes!!" Aurora yelled, I handed her the pills and although it was a bit hard to swallow because the pills were a bit big for aurora, she did it without complaining. A small cough followed so I patted her back. "Now I want to go to mommy" Aurora exclaimed

"Okay, come on baby girl" I said as I wrapped my arms around the girl's tiny body and limp legs.

"I'm not a baby daddy!"

"You will always be my baby" I chuckled and pressed a kiss on her head

"I want to walk by myself" Aurora complained

"You can't honey" I said and held her even tighter because I knew it would upset her. Aurora went silent after that so I dragged the girl to our bedroom and sat in bed next to where Aria was laying. "Shh, mommy is sleeping" I wishpered and looked at Aria with a small smile on my face

"I want to sleep too" Aurora wishpered

"Okay, but I will wake you and mommy in 30 minutes okay?"

"Okay daddy, but be quiet, I don't want mommy to wake up" Aurora wishpered which made me smile.

"I will honey, go to sleep" I wishpered as I laid her down next to me, and laid down myself. Aria instantly wrapped her arms around me even though she was fast asleep, and to lay in between my two favourite girls in the world made me the happiest man alive. Soon I heard Aurora's breathing getting steady so I knew the girl was asleep. I turned around, wrapped my arms around Aria's tiny body and without noticing, fell into a deep slumber.


"Rise and shine, sleeping beauty!" I heard someone yell, and that was the moment I realized I had fallen asleep.

"One more minute babe" I groaned and turned around

"Get out sunshine!"

Suddenly, I felt the blankets getting ripped away from me. I groaned, opened my eyes and saw Mike laughing his lungs out at the end of my bed.

"Don't worry, 'babe'" Mike laughed and I saw Aria standing in the doorway, smirking at me

"Look who finally woke up" Aria laughed, walked towards me and pressed a quick kiss on my lips

"Look who's talking!" I laughed, sneaked my arms around her waist and pulled her on the bed with me. She started laughing as I pulled her on my lap.

"I won't do it again, babe!" Mike laughed, walked towards me and almost kissed me on my lips.

"MIKE!" Aria yelled. "I get he's fine as fuck but he's still mine!"

"I know you want to kiss me" Mike smirked, turned around and swung his hips untill he was out of the room

"He's crazy" I laughed

"And I'm crazy in love" Aria smirked and pressed a kiss on my lips.

"What are we gonna do today?" I asked and Aria shrugged her shoulders

"Today, we're gonna give Aurora the day of her life"

Ezria ~ After a Storm Comes a Calm (SEQUEL)Where stories live. Discover now