Chapter 7

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I'm so glad you made time to see me

How's life, tell me how's your family

I haven't seen them in a while

You've been good, busier than ever

Small talk, work and the weather

Your guard is up and I know why

Because the last time you saw me

Is still burning in the back of your mind

You gave me roses and I left them there to die

I was sitting in my room, with Aria and Ella in front of me. I never thought I would see one of them ever again. I never thought I would see her family again. We were sitting in an awkward silence because I didn't really know what Aria and Ella were doing here. Aria was just staring at the floor, it almost looked like she was embarrased, but who wouldn't be? We had a slip last night and she came back with her Ella, her own mother! Ella was staring at me with that intruding look in her eyes and was tapping her right foot at the wooden floor.

"Aria, Ella, what are you doing here if I may ask?" I said after I let an awkward cough

"I want to talk to you" Ella said

"I don't think Aria wants-" I said but I got cut off by the girl

"Talk for yourself! I'm not a little child anymore Ezra! I'm 25 now!" She yelled and finally met my eyes

"You were the one who told me you never wanted to see me again remember?!" I yelled back but Ella jumped in

"Aria you may be 25 now but you're acting like a little child now, and so do you Ezra!" She said and we both went silent.

"Aria just let me explain what happend please" I said and she nodded. Finally, this was my chance to make things up to her, this was my chance to get her back. "You remember what happened 3 years ago right?"


It was two weeks now. Two weeks since Aria and Ezra lost their baby boy.

It eas two weeks after they lost Max.

Aria woke up in the middle of the night. She turned around but when she felt an empty space next to her she was confused. Wasn't Ezra supposed to sleep next to her? When she walked to their kitchen she saw Ezra, his hands stuck in his brown curly hair, bags under his eyes, papers spread on the kitchen table.

"Ezra?" She almost wishpered and when his head shot up she noticed something was wrong. His eyes were all red and puffy, he must've been crying.

"Aria! Please go back to bed, you're ill" Ezra said and rushed to his girlfriend to get her to bed again. Aria was ill, really ill. She was still taking medicine for her sickness but the fact she had lost her son was the worst for her. The girl wasn't eating for two weeks now. She was pale, her once thick mane were thin now, her once thick, pinkish lips were almost grey now, her once curvy body, was now flat. And not the healthy flat.

"No Ezra, I don't want to be treated like a sick person, just tell me what is going on!" Aria said, louder this time.

"We have a little problem with the money, the insurance won't pay any hospital costs, I don't earn enough money, and-" Ezra said but Aria interrupted him

"I can work. I finished college"

"Aria no. You can't. You are sick." Ezra said but Aria shook her head

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