Chapter 20

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Sorry for the suuuper late update, I was busy writing my other story and things were going so I was not able to update. I AM SO SORRY.


"Ella? Is there any news? Is Aurora okay?" I asked. There was nothing but silence at the other side of the line. I heard Ella breathing, I heard her mumbling something, and I knew that wasn't a good sign. "Ella?"

"Just come over here Ezra, I can't tell you this over the phone" Ella said and hang up. I could hear her voice was almost breaking, and that scared the hell out of me.

Something is wrong.

Something is wrong with my daughter.

Something is wrong with our daughter.

I decided to grab a cab and not to drive myself. First, because I couldn't think anout anything else but Aurora. Second, because my vision was too blurry from all the tears I failed to hold in.  I hopped in the cab, grabbed my phone and dialed Mike.

"Ezra? Do you have any news?"

"I- I don't know" I said with a raspy voice. "Ella called and it certainly isn't good news. I'm on my way to hospi-" I said but I got cut off by a little voice.

"Mike? Is that Ezra?" i heard Aria's soft voice on the other side of the line

"Don't tell her yet, please" I wishpered

"It's nothing important Aria, go back to sleep" Mike said

"I want to talk to Ezra" She said

"Is this Aria or Mike?"

"It's Aria. Ezra? What's wrong?"

"It's nothing Aria, I'll just call when I know more. Get some rest honey, you need it"

"Call me when you know more"

"I will Aria, I love you. No matter what happens"

"I love you too Ezra" she said and then hung up. It felt really bad lying to her, but she needs to rest now, she had enough stress lately. After a while of driving I finally arrived at the hospital. I jumped out of the cab and ran inside where I saw Ella sitting in a chair with her head burried in her hands.

"Ella?" I asked. Her head shot up and now I saw her tear stained face and her red puffy eyes. "Ella, where is Rory?" I asked her as I walked towards her.

"She's in room 5A, the doctor is waiting for you" Ella said as she wiped away her tears. "Just make sure you're ready for what you're gonna see" I nodded, gave Ella a hug and walked to room 5A. Ella's words were constantly replaying in my head.

"Make sure you're ready for what you're gonna see"

I took a deep breath and opened the door. What I saw there broke my heart. Rory was laying on her hospital bed, she was having a large tube in her mouth, one in her nose, a few in her hand, her left eye was black and swollen, she had a cervical collar and the left side of her head was bald. Where once her beautiful, dark brown, curly strands of hair were, was now a big, bloody scar.

"Rory" I managed to get out. I grabbed her limp hand, pressed a kiss on the back of it and sat down on the chair next to her. Tears were streaming down my face now. No one should see their child like this.

"Ah, Mr. Fitz. I see you're here" a doctor said. He just came through the door and walked towards me and Aurora.

"Just tell me what is going on please" I said to the doctor. He sighed, sat down next to me and started to talk.

"Perhaps you want the mother here when I tell you this?"

"Just tell me now, please"

"Okay. When Aurora fell from the stairs her body hit the edge of a step. She got a sternal fracture now, and there's a big chance that has damaged her heart and her lungs. She also got a fracture in her skull. We can do surgery, but that's your choice. It is very dangerous because it's near her brain area. There's a 50 percent chance she will be paralysed when she wakes up, but there's also a chance she will not make it.. I'm very sorry" the doctor said. I couldn't believe what he was saying. This is not true.

This can't be true.

"What if we decide not to do surgery?" I sobbed out

"Then she has to do it on her own, but I have no idea how, and if she will wake up"


This is not happening.


"Aria, we have news about Rory" I told Aria who was sitting in front of me. Mike brought her to the hospital so we could discuss if we wanted surgery or not. We had 24 hours. After that the wound would be too dangerous to operate.

"Where is she? Is she okay? Why aren't you telling me anything?" She almost wishpered. She wasn't able to talk normally because she was so sick.

"Aria, it isn't good news.."


"We have decided together," I started and grabbed Aria's hand. "We want Aurora to have the surgery" I sobbed out.

"That's a really brave choice. We will bring her to the operation room now" the doctor said and ran away. I looked at Aria who had tears all over her face.

"Ezra, I'm scared" she wishpered

"Me too Aria, but she will make it. I know she will." I said and took the sick, tired girl in my arms. "Come on, I will bring you back to your family"

"No. I want to be with you" Aria said and snuggled her head in my chest. I pressed a kiss on her head and took her in my save embrace. For the rest of the time no word was spoken. The hours felt like days, or more like years. Living in that insecurity is the worst feeling ever. After a few long hours a doctor finally came in.

"Where is she?" Aria asked. The doctor took a deep breath, sat down in a chair, and finally looked at us.

"I'm not here to tell you the surgery went succesful. I'm here to tell you you have to say goodbye."

Ezria ~ After a Storm Comes a Calm (SEQUEL)Where stories live. Discover now