Chapter 17

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"They found Aurora"

"What?! Did they find Rory?!" I yelled and a big smile creeped on my face

"Yes! Aria! They found Rory!" Ezra yelled and took me in his arms. "They found Rory" he wishpered one more time and pressed a kiss on my head.

"I thought we lost her" I said and stood up from the bench

"I already lost her once, I would not be able to lose her again" Ezra sighed, pressed a kiss against my forehead and grabbed my hand. We quickly made our way to MacDonalds and barged through the door. There she was, the little brown haired girl, sitting on a chair, playing with a strand of hair.

"RORY!" I yelled and then her head shot my way. She jumped of her chair and I knelt down so she could run into my arms.

"MOMMA!" She yelled and buried her head in the crook of my neck. I wrapped my arms tightly around her little body and kissed her head. "I missed you mommy!"

"I missed you too Rory, and look who's here!" I said and turned towards Ezra who was wiping away a little tear.

"DADDY!" Aurora yelled and Ezra took Aurora from me. Rory wrapped her arms around his neck and Ezra placed a kiss on her cheek.

"Daddy is back Rory, daddy is back" Ezra smiled and brushed her hair. Just when Ezra wanted to put her back on the ground the door opened and there was a sound of heavy breathing behind us.

"MONSTER MIKE!" Aurora yelled and ran towards him

"RORY! Where have you been? I can't have a unicorn party without you!!" Mike said and took her in his arms

"I'm sorry Mikey I won't leave you alone again" Rory smiled and suddenly Dad barged through the door.

"Aurora! Oh my god you're back" Dad smiled, knelt down next to her and hugged her. "Don't ever scare me like that again" Dad said

"Sorry grandpa, I won't do it again" she smiled

"What happened anyways?" I asked my mom.

"I was on my way to here, when I got a call from Tina here" mom said and gestured to the girl who helped us earlier. "She told us Aurora was in the restaurant so I immediately called you and when I walked in I saw Aurora enjoying her chicken nuggets" mom said and brushed with her fingers through Rory's hair.

"Where was she?" Ezra asked

"Sorry dear, it is all my fault" someone said. When we turned around we saw the old lady Mike had punched before.

"You?" Mike asked and mom just slammed his shoulder

"I'm sorry guys, I should've told you earlier..." The women sighed and then Aurora jumped in

"Your friend is so sweet mommy! She gave me food and bought that lipgloss from Sephora for me! She let me sleep at her house and I had the best breakfast ever! Almost as good as the one daddy made for us!" Aurora giggled

"My.. My friend?" I asked and the women just shook her head.

"I'm Rose" the woman started but Ezra interuppted her.

"Let me guess, it's been 84 years?"

"Ezra! Let her talk!" I hissed

"No, I'm not that Rose and no, I have no Jack waiting for me at home. As I told before, I needed someone to talk to.. When I saw this little girl walking alone through the MacDonalds I thought it would be my oppertunity to have someone to talk to... It's only a six year old but at least it is someone. I have nobody left you see, my husband died in the war 73 years ago... I was only 18 years old but we married before he went to that miserable life in the trenches. Before he left he said he loved me and he would survive for me but one year later I got all the letters I sent to him back, unopened, and that was the moment I realized I lost him for good.. I'm so sorry guys" the women sobbed out.

"Don't cry Rose, don't cry! It's okay, we're not mad" I said and patted her back

"I should've told you about Aurora when I saw you this morning, but I see my Thomas in your lovely boyfriend and I just can't accept the fact he's gone.. I still can't" the women cried out.

"It's okay Rosa! I had a good time with you today but it's time for me to go back to mommy and daddy because I love them" Aurora said and walked into Ezra's arms again.

"And I want to apologize for what I did.. I'm sorry I lost my temper but I just love my little niece so much.. That's surely not a reason to hit you I am truly, very very sorry" Mike said

"It's okay young boy, I shouldn't have done that" Rosa smiled

"Come on Rosa, I know a good place for you" mom said. "I'm bringing her to an old people's home, you guys go back to the hotel" mom wishpered and we just nodded.

"Rory, are you ready to go back home?" I asked and Rory nodded like an idiot.

"Let's go then!"


Ezra, me and Rory walked inside our hotel room. We were all really tired from the sleepless night so I dropped myself on the couch, Ezra dropped himself next to me and Aurora sat on my lap. She laid her head down on my chest and Ezra tried to braid her hair. It was really good to have some time with my family again, and not to worry about anything. After a few minutes of just enjoying each others company I heard soft snores coming from Aurora and saw she was asleep.

"Guess we're not the only tired ones" I wishpered, scooped Aurora in my arms and Ezra and I walked to her bed where I carefully laid her down. Ezra tucked her in and pressed a kiss on her head.

"Look at that sleeping beauty" Ezra smiled

"She really is" I yawned. "I could use some sleep too"

"Me too, come on, let's go to bed" Ezra said. It was only 1PM but we were all so tired from the past days so we went to sleep on the middle of the day. Ezra and I changed into our pyjama's, laid down on the bed and Ezra wrapped his arms around me. He kissed my head one more time and I almost drifted to sleep untill I heard Ezra wishper something

"You really have no idea how much I love you, Aria Montgomery. I can't wait to call you Aria Fitz one day. Seeing you with Aurora today made me realize how much I love you and how lucky I am with you, both of you. My biggest fear of losing you came true once and I will never let that happen again. How much I hate you for that instagram picture, I still can't be mad at that adorable little face of you. I know you're asleep right now and you can't hear anything I'm saying but I still want you to know how much I care about and how much I love you" he wishpered. I opened my eyes, turned around and placed a kiss on his lips. He was a little surprised at first but then he kissed me back with all the love and passion he had in his body.

"I love you too Ezra" I wishpered when I pulled away and snuggled my head onto his chest. Ezra played with my hair and rubbed circles on my back untill I fell in a deep, peaceful sleep.

Ezria ~ After a Storm Comes a Calm (SEQUEL)Where stories live. Discover now