Chapter 11

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He kissed me.

He kissed me. He really kissed me. His lips on mine, my lips on his, and as much as I wanted to deny it, I had missed this. I had missed the feeling of the soft lips thag belonged to the one and only Ezra Fitz on mine. I had missed the feeling of his soft hands cupping my cheek. I had missed Ezra Fitz, but also, I know I can't do this. I know I will get hurt if I give in now. I used to believe we were soulmates who met at the wrong time but now I think Ezra and I are supposed to be friends. Nothing more, nothing less.

Ezra is my friend.

"Ezra, Ezra stop" I wishpered and pressed my hands against his torso to push him away

"Aria, I-"

"No Ezra, I'm sorry. I just can't do this. Go eat chicken nuggets with Aurora, tell her I got sick or something, bring her back when you're finished and please just pretend like nothing happened" I said, brushed a strand of hair out of his face and walked away.

I had made the right decision, right?

Just when I wanted to walk around the corner Ezra called my name.

"Aria?!" He yelled and ran towards me. I hesitated to walk away from him but I decided to stay to hear what he needed to say

"Just a so you know, I gave everything up for you. And so did you. I know you still care about me Aria, I know you still love me"

"I'm sorry Ezra, but I can't do this"



"Don't think too much, just let your heart decide" Ezra said. I just nodded, walked back to my room, slipped into an old shirt Ezra left, wrapped myself in my blankets and snuggled in bed. Why was feeling so miserable by rejecting him? For the past three freaking years I thought about what I would do if Ezra would ever come back and after a while of tossing and turning I decided it was best for the both of us to move on. I deserved someone who took care of me and Aurora without all the complications. It has been seven freaking years since I fell in love with him. It has been three years since he left me. Over two years trying to get into a new relationship and I wake from dreams of him with a hollow chest and a desperate need to make him anything more than a memory thinking "so that's how it felt to be in love"

Was I still in love with Ezra?

After a while of bawling my eyes out in Ezra's shirt I heard the door open and little feet made their way to me.

"Mommy! Hey mommy are you feeling better? Daddy said you got sick!" Aurora asked and pecked my cheek. I quickly wiped away my tears with my sleeve and pulled Aurora on my bed

"Don't worry honey, mommy is feeling way better" I smiled and kissed her soft, wavy hair

"But why did you leave when daddy kissed you I thought you love him" Aurora suddenly said

"Did you? Did you see that?"

"Of course I did mommy I was watching you because I was afraid I was gonna get lost on this big boat"

"Ooh honey, that was nothing, I just wanted to thank daddy for the beautiful day"

"Are you some kind of slut mommy? Don't kiss daddy when you don't love him"

Ezria ~ After a Storm Comes a Calm (SEQUEL)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang