Letter to Aurora

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Dear Aurora,

I remember the first time I saw you. I remember the first time I held you in my arms. I remember the first time I heard you laugh. I remember the first word you spoke. I remember the first step you took. What a special little girl you were with your eyes so mysterious and your laugh so contagious. Your smile so honest, and your giggles so pure.

Without our own awareness, we were counting your last days. Why little Aurora? What made you decide to go downstairs? Why didn't you wait for daddy to play with your dolls? Why did you make that fatal decision? The only reassuring thing about this is that I know you're safe now little princess. You don't have to worry about your lipgloss anymore, and you don't have to worry about your messy hair anymore.
Wait for me little Aurora, I'll see you someday in the future not so near. 'Til then, baby girl, I'll love you from here.

I will miss you Rory. I will miss how you will never come home with shaky hands and sweaty palms to introduce your first boyfriend to daddy. I will miss how you will never annoy me to the point where I can't take it anymore. I will miss how I'm never gonna see a cop showing up at our house, bringing you home after the next rebellious thing you've done. I know I'm never gonna hold you in my arms anymore, and that I will never hear you perfect singing voice again. I also know that I will never forget you, my baby girl.

I've heard that last scream you made. The last sound that ever came out of your little mouth. I saw the blood flowing over the carpet.  I saw you dying.
I'm sorry I couldn't protect you my little princess. I'm sorry that it had to end like this. I'm sorry I let you slip through my fingers so easily.

Dear Aurora, if you are reading this, I will love you until the day after forever. You will always be on my mind and in my heart.

With all our love,
Mommy and Daddy.

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