Ch. 3: Class In Action

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"Today is the mission, so I hope of course you all are prepared for it," Okumura-sensei said before everyone left the class room.

As you walked down the hall way, mumbling and mutters were about you, which you could tell already. You walked right beside Sensei, silent yet you didn't gazed behind you to the others - your 'classmates'.

'Just... Don't make any attention towards them,' you reminded yourself.


Later on they all arrived in front of a haunted old house. Sensei told them all to be careful and the instruction about the mission. Soon all the students walked inside by themselves, expect for you and Sensei. Again...

Awkward silence.

Well, you were used to be an outsider of course, so yeah it worked... You thought.

Okumura-sensei cleared his throat a bit as he observed the situation inside the oldish house. You looked a little away, just spaced out inside you mind.

"So.. _____-san," Sensei started and you got out of your thoughts.

"Yeah..?" you asked, gazing at him lightly with an expressionless face. Again he cleared his throat a bit.

'What the, what's wrong with that guy?' you thought by yourself, looking the other way narrowing a bit.

"What do you think about you class until now?" he asked.

"They haven't done anything yet," you narrowed at him a bit.

"Take a good look inside the windows... Now," Okumura-sensei said as a bright light came out of the windows on 1st floor, yet someone screamed a bit.

You gazed at the windows, understanding at the same time, why he was concentrating at the haunted house the whole time, even there were already the other teachers to keep an eye on the students. A sword was drew, prayers were about to end their verses from the bible, plants were coming out of the windows and yet you heard something attacking insanity. Unbelievable the students had already defeated the ghost there and went out of the main door with big smiles on their lips, walking towards you and Okumura-sensei. You took a good look on all of them, seeing them a little hurt, not much just much the same as scratches. Or something like that.

The pink haired guy came small jumping grinning brightly on his tip toes, reminded you he wasn't that normal. To think of that he was the most happiest of all of them, making you sweatdrop of course at the same time his eyes sparkled like big stars. Maybe also stars around him, flying around. And around. What a strange guy, good he didn't talk to you at all on the way here. He was definitely different towards the other guys too.

A blond and a dark purple girl walked together, side on side helping a light blonde haired guy to walk with small injuries all over his body. He carried a sock puppy too. The two girls were almost like the oppisite of their looks, the blond one was more girly, spreading positive aura and the dark purple haired one was girly too, but.. More in a different direction. They both seemed to be the same, yet still so different in a way, you thought.

The blond brown haired guy reminded mostly about you, having his scary expression on along beside his piercings, making him more like one of the bad guys. He wasn't like that at all, only his look showed that but the guy was more likely grinning too happy as the other black/navy blue haired one. He came as well with the short, stubby haired guy, wrapping his long arms around the short one's small shoulders. He smirked brightly, seeing Sensei coming proudly with great results of their assignment.

Somehow you couldn't take your eyes away from the black/navy blue one, he was kinda cute with his grin, fitting everyone's atmosphere of joy. Directly something about him was making you curious into him like Sensei, however what could it be?

"Great job, everyone! The price for the cleared mission there will be arranged a small party at the old male dormitory at 6pm tonight, therefore from now you all can get ready. See you everyone there! " Sensei announced to the whole class as he started to head towards the academy.

You followed him back to the school, just to get your textbooks. You walked down to the library, didn't really knew what to say. Well, what were there to talk about seriously? Everything seemed to be more out of your sight, blurring out again as your childhood did. Until now it didn't seemed to be a great feeling inside yourself. It might be just you, having trouble all the time since back then.

You cried into a corner inside a room all by yourself, alone in the shadow meanwhile the children about your age bullied you all over again.

"Stop this, ____! You just want attention from everyone, because you're having so- a big ego of being seen!" one said.

"Yeah!" others said agreeing beside.

"I hate you always acting you see demons everyday, even they don't exist!"

"But I'm not lying or acting, I swear!" you cried out loud telling the truth , in fact couldn't be proved towards them.

"Let's finish her already!" another one said before everyone growled irritated and started to hurt you.

"____? You there?" Okumura-sensei asked you, getting back to reality.

You felt yourself cold sweating slightly down your neck a bit, then nodding and smiling a little nervous of relief.

"I'm sorry, Sensei. I just spaced out... That's all," you said with a light bowed head.



I do not own Ao no/Blue Exorcist, the picture(s) or you c:

Heya all! I hoped you enjoyed this chapter of Is That The Right Thing To Do? !!! I'm of course still busy and school is starting already next week, how sad! But as a little sign, I had been thinking to write another fan fics or just one shots of the fun's sake ;o That's all from me!

I'm looking forward to the next chapter, stay cool until later!


Is That The Right Thing To Do? [Blue Exorcist Fan Fic - Okumura Twins x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now