Ch. 16: Inside My Head

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You watched the orange colored leaves on the trees dance away from their home and float in small breeze, the air started to seem a slight cooler than before. Your cold hands held the soft [Favorite Color] fabric called a scarf and pulled it closer to the lower part of the face of yours. Exhaling into it, you were getting cold, hoping this method would help you to gain the warmth you needed. Maybe you had to wear something warmer soon, your winter uniform wouldn't be a bother when you had to take your actions when it was time for it.

Sitting alone under a tree somewhere at the regular place of the park nearby the academy, it was nice to watch the fall colors blend together with the sun shine. The very last moment of the sun peeking out like this, it had to be enjoyed before it got away. What a pain in the ass the weather had changed the whole time, although the heat you had overcome, you would miss the blue, cloudless sky.

You sighed deeply under your breath. Closing eyes, leaned backwards while laying down on the grass you were sitting on. With arms open on the comfortable green ground, you opened your sight, your gaze was upwards the large wood with still leaves rustled along with the rhythm of the wind, You saw the light breaking through them. What a wonderful view.


A distant laugher of children was heard. Not even changing your face expression, blank [Your Eye Color] orbs of yours didn't move. You heard your younger self cry, the sound of the noise became closer.

''Please!'' You sobbed.

''Someone help me!''

Your structure's limps went numb.

A child's voice began to echo.

''.... A-... nd...


The words of the singing young persons turned out to be clear.

''Go and die!♪~"

The childish voice began to cry even louder.

''Please stop! I beg you!''

The pleading of the victim didn't help her to stop the torturing grins upon the young bullies' faces.

You could not stop the painful recalls. However you would not let them stop passing your head.

Feet stepped and kicked the injured girl until she no longer could say anything more. It was so tempting to the children that it was giving a pleased feeling by hurting her.

Every day on the way to school, during the school hour and on the way from school, injury after injury worsened.

Hunger after hunger they searched for the weird girl.






All these mixed into one.

Always hunting.
Both demons and humans.

It was like there was no end of it all.
And yet ...

... There still isn't one.


You sighed. You wondered how long it would last.

"Weakling," you huffed in mumble.

Oddly you felt a presence of a smile.

Almost like an extended grin.


Some time has passed. You didn't know when you were going home or not. It looked like the sun was soon going down. You were not in the mood to move your ass away from the grass either. The sky had turned redish/oranged colored tone that made the comfortable feeling of the last warm days.

Your eyes went half open. Focused on something between the autumn blending colors. It was indescribable how you found yourself lost in thoughts by only concentrating on the leaves.



''Yes, darling?''

You saw a little girl and her mother sit together, the child's back facing her front. The peaceful sunlight surrounded both persons perfectly.
The wood of the tree was at the side of the visible it almost looked like a portrait of them with the nature in the background. Almost like a paint or a photo.

The woman's eyes laid on her daughter with a gentle smile upon her lips. Her beautiful slender hands touched the younger one's stunning [Your Hair Color] color shinning in the sunlight, stroke by stroke.

''Why can I not play with them?''

The girl glanced upwards her mother. Beautiful [Your Eye Color] eyes sparkled startled as it looked exactly as the ones the child had. A small smile released on the woman's mouth and spoke softly to the younger one.

''There are things in this world we cannot get any closer to. You must understand that, alright [Your Name]?''

Scary, thin and thick, tiny and huge, shinning but sharp teeth and devilish eyes peeked out of the picture-perfect harmony of the nature.

The small girl moved her head into a slow nod and returned her gaze ahead her once again.

''Okay, Mom,'' She replied her quietly.


All of sudden your [Your Eye Color] orb wide opened. You sat up while you drew a sharp breath along. You tried to scan the space of the spot you were to be found if anyone was there. You felt someone watching from nearby. It was coming this way! It dragged your attention away from your peaceful dreamland back into the reality.

Moving your eyes from location to location, something rustled behind you. The serious look showed up onto your face together with your legs automatically standing up under you. With light air waving with the locks of [Your Hair Color] hair, in instant you already had drawn out your cross from your jacket pocket.

Your figure began to turn around towards the track of the noise. The metal cross of yours including a click had transformed into the long weapon, a rod. Furthermore you swung it in your left hand afterwards your right to get into position of attack. Your heart beat started to rush.

What if it was another demon? Was it going to attack you right here? Right now? At the very moment?

You must not let your guard down!

The moment you had turned around, the rod was pointing at ...


Drops of sweat trailed down your neck.

What were you thinking?

Dumbfounded, you retreated back to your normal structure's position; straightened back. Click after click with a pull in the end the metal weapon turned back into the small cross. Your breath was stuck in your throat at the moment, a long sigh finally released. It gave you small chills down your spine.

You did never act like this before.


I srsly hate when I can't think of anything good for an update ;; I even tried it at school when I had my English assignment/test! Can it be even worse? - DONT EVEN THINK OR SAY IT!!! =A=

Oh! If you don't know how the cross would look like, then think of Yui Komori's cross from Diabolik Lovers more round formed with the ruby in your favorite color :3 When it turns to the Heroine's original weapon, think of Yuki Cross' vampire staff from Vampire Knight xD A little complex, yes, however that is how I would describe it (tho, idk how in details) xDD.

Haha, sorry about the short chapter, I needed something for the new update anyway~ Gomene~

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