Ch. 11: "Leave me alone."

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I'm finally done with my exams! Woo! Now I got more time to spend here in the Sumer vacation! *^* ... Expect when I'm spending my time with my family and friends, of course~ I got my grades today and just as hoped! They were good! ... At least not very low ( ~ = w =)~ Sorry it's so short! But I REALLY wanted to update soon as possible~ :3



Finally the school bell rang. You got up from your seat and took your leave from the classroom. In hurry. The last class ended, it couldn't be more enough.

''_____-san! Hey!'' a hand rested on your shoulder.

Taking a glance behind you, a blonde girl was there. Worry was written all over her face.

''Are you alright? We haven't been able to get a chat with each other yet!'' the girl spoke softly.

''Ah..'' you stared at the girl.

You became silent and shook your head. Grabbing gently her hand, you took her grip of your shoulders and let it go with a small, gentle smile.

''I'm fine, thank you for asking. Don't worry,'' you turned to the blonde female.

''I'm Shiemi Moriyama! It's nice to meet you!'' her bright smile came across her lips in return.

''Erh... You too... _____ ______,'' you rubbed your neck a little awkward.

You had to get away soon or later. Or else..

''Ah! It reminds me ... Sorry, I need to go now. I have something to do,'' you bowed your head at Shiemi, your smile changed into a wry one.

''Oh, no! Don't worry! Let's hang out together some time!'' the blonde haired girl shook her head, still kept her smile on her face, yet was showing a little disappointment.

''See you,'' you started to wave your hand a bit at her before leaving her back in the class room.

More over, now you had to go home as quick as possible.

The more you talked to other people, the chance of cursing them would grow.


''Remember to watch out~! Or else....~"

Clenching your fists hard, you headed towards a door in the hallway. Without any patience you took your key and opened the door. Almost slammed it open.

The anger started to heat up through your veins. You just needed to get out of there as soon as possible.

The well-known room appeared before you, but before you walked inside ....

''Oi,'' a voice called.

You turned around a little annoyed, finding the navy blue/black haired classmate behind you.

''What do you want, Rin?'' you narrowed your eyes at him.

Though you looked at him negatively, you were quite surprised by seeing him.

''Well..'' he smiled and used his finger to scratch his cheek to find the right words.

''Too slow,'' you narrowed your eyes more and went inside your room.

''Hey!'' he said, your arm got pulled back by Rin's strong grip.

''I just want to know what happened to you!'' Rin said irritated.

... Is he worried? Like Sensei?

The emotions started to mix up inside you, because you never had a single person caring about you after your parents' death. The (e/c) eyes of yours widened shortly.

You opened your mouth but closed it again. You just couldn't do it.

By looking away, avoiding Rin's face, you shook off his hand of your arm and went behind the door.

''... Just leave me alone,'' was all you said before closing it just in front of the navy blue/black haired male.

"Hey!'' was the last thing you heard before locking the door.

You just stood there after closing the door. Your hand didn't move from the doorknob. Only tightened the your grip on it.

Biting your lip hard with your gaze downwards, the silence appeared.

Drip, drip.

Everything became blurry out of the blue. You found yourself crying unexpected in confusion.

''.. What the hell is wrong with me?'' The words escaped your trembling lips.


Few hours passed and the outside became darker.

Sitting alone in your room, only one lamp was on and it placed on your desk. You were already done doing the homework and had your arms resting on the desk, laying your head there with headsets on.

Every song that switched to another one made you calm and comfortable after such an attack of feelings earlier.

You were neither tired or sleepy. You just wanted to run away from the reality just at once in a while.

Glancing at your clock under your lashes, it showed 10.30 pm. You let out a heavy sigh and sat up.

You were wide awake.

''Maybe a walk would help,'' you told yourself while you ran a hand through your (h/c) hair.

By that you made your decision and went out in the night. On the roof.

Laying down there with the gaze upwards the sky, made you more relaxed.

In the past before you started to study about demons, you were really a daydreamer at that time.

The thoughts floated around, the imagination of a world without demons at all was like paradise for you.

Spacing out with your glare towards the night sky, without warning something began to fall towards you.

Immediately you came out of your thoughts and moved as fast as you could from the place you were laying on.


As you stood up, a demon appeared. How nicely when you just were in another world without creatures like those just for a moment.

It growled meanwhile you searched for something in your pockets. Your crosses. But they were not to be found.

You must had forgotten them.

Whining to yourself, you yet forgot all about the creature for a second. Suddenly it swung it's big arm at you.

With all it's strength you flew through the air and off the roof. Noticing it with wide-open eyes you felt the air surronding you and under you.

The laughing demon jumped off of the edge of the roof, chasing after the human being you were.

Children laughed, however the sound of their voices were not clear, but you could still hear them.

Everything were in a shade of blue yet so unclearable. You couldn't see their snickering faces throught the cold liquid, only remembering them.

You couldn't breath. Neither swim.

You were drowning.

It felt like you were falling into your own little dimension of darkness, tears and unhappiness.

Being bullied this long was painful.

Though you needed to live with this for the rest of your life.

"I hope she die!" one grinned widely to the others, who nodded in agreement.

No one seemed to enjoy your accompany. They disliked it. Very much.

You called for help. For all that no one heard you. Bubbles only came out of your mouth. The more you pleaded, the more you began to lose your curiousness ... Also your breath.

The world in your eyes seemed colorless.

And it still does.

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