Ch. 14: Screaming

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As you tried to catch your breath, you tried to hit a tree as hard as you could with your weapon. Doing it even harder than before, finally it said a crack. Getting back to your normal position, you still panted in silence.

All of sudden your legs collapsed under you and your body felt to the ground. You didn't mind getting dirty. Letting your hand wander up to your face, you felt yourself calm down.

An ease fell over you and you laid back on your back with the glance upwards the sky. It was beginning to cloudy.

With grass under you, you kept on looking up, even though rain drops fell down. It had been quite a while since you left the dormitory.

As it started to rain, drops of water from yourself fell too. You found yourself crying. However you wasn't sobbing or sniffling.

Sitting up you didn't care to get soaked of the dark weather. You got up on your feet and pulled your weapon to yourself again, turning it into a simple cross as before.

Another tiny smile was formed on your lips that made you even smile more.

''I'm ridiculous,'' you laughed lightly to yourself with eyes full of tears.

Your hand touched your wet cheek, the tears streamed faster out of your poor (e/c) view, yet it wasn't to be seen in the rain.

It looked like the same anyway.

As always. And will be.

Laughter came to mind. Scenes from the laughing young children flashed through your head, now remembering the horrible pictures of your childhood. It was alike a movie playing around with the children's faces, moving from that to this time. The clip rhythm was running as seconds, slowly turning red and dark.

Still smiling wide, you started to scream like a complete mad person in pain.

Your hands took a hold into your aching head of memories, the emotions didn't hold back any longer. It was too big a pressure you took to yourself. Your body trembled of fear, your knees shaking of horror and your cross fell down to the ground with a metallic sound.

While the scary recalls went back to your present self, it almost looked like there was blood all over the place you were taking a break at. Surrounded by trees. Only. Further away from the dormitory, away from the academy.

Blood on the bushes, the grass, the trees and even on yourself. Splashed from here to there, dragged from this to that. You glanced at your shaking hands, yet filled with horrific crimson liquid.

You couldn't control it anymore. You kept on screaming. As if no one would ever hear you along with your poor past. Tears floated down your face. Your throat felt like it started to burn. That was how much you screamed of the top of your lungs. Unbearable.


You kept on screaming harder, the pain didn't go away. It went heavier inside your chest. The tears streamed faster and faster down your cheeks. The sound of echoing laughing but screaming people continued the dark feeling.





From the young age after the death of your parents, you had to take care of yourself. Still you felt useless. Colorless. Unhappy. You watched other young people on your age grow closer and closer together, while you grew tighter inside. That wasn't a great feeling.


_____! Where are you?!


Are you here!?

Someone was calling your name. Maybe it was just your imagination. Wasn't it? It must be you. It couldn't be anyone worrying about a person like you.

Your throat felt tighter. Could you last your scream? A part died from the very memory. The part of you.

The voice kept on calling you. You didn't wanted to believe that. It was too good to be true.

Are you there, ____!?

Answer me!

Where are you!?

You stopped your pained voice. The sobbing replaced the tiring scream.

Why did it happened to you? Why was it an unknown answer of the cursed family of yours? The thoughts took place inside your head. You wanted to die in some way, however you couldn't bring yourself doing it.

A slight weird feeling crossed you. Your voice still burned though in a lower state. Your head became difficult to handle; you head started to dunk and heat up. The lips let out coughs, it was getting slowly troublesome to breathe normally.


_____, is that you?

It sounded related to when a person approached you from behind. It was too unclear to find out.

A hand touched your wet shoulder. It pulled you backwards to face you, however your vision went blurred. From almost clear to blurred, shifting until everything went black.

You lost consciousness.



School has started! I'm sorry I updated now, I got into a new class for a year, haha :p Sorry it's so short too T^T

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