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Two hours and Twenty-Five minutes left until i'm no longer keeping secret i'm pregnant and not a regular girl. In fact i'm not a regular girl, i'm a werewolf as well. Her name is Juliet, they boy's love that name and so do I.

  "Alexia darling are you almost done your bath?" Mom asked me.

  "Just a minute!" I said calling back, I slipped out of the tub and put on a lilac robe. My undergarnments were on my dressing table since I forgot them so i'd have to wait.

  "Here Lexi, put these on and then go get your makeup on!" Mom said rushing around everywhere. I wonder what the boys are up to.


    Dad was running around the entire room looking for ties, shoe laces basically anything.

  "Dad I have the ties!" I yelled at him. He looked at me and came to me.

  "Are they royal purple?" He asked when he got to me. I showed him and he nodded.

  "Good good," He said turning around walking towards Hayden. He repeats everything twice when he's nervous.

  "WE HAVE AN HOUR LEFT BOYS!" He shouted. An hour? An hour left until my life with Hayden and Alexia change forever.


    "Miss Alexia we have an hour left, I have to finish putting on your lipstick then you go put on that gorgeous dress of yours." Marlee said, my makeup stylist said. She showed me pink or red lipstick, I picked the red. It matches everything better than pink.

  I walked over to my closet. I had my dress inside there locked up so the boys can't see it. Mom handed me the keys and I unlocked it and my dress was hanging up in the back, it was a beautiful princess ball gown. I grabbed it and went to the podium to put it on. Marlee and Genny helped me put it over my head and zip it up.

  "You look beautiful, your mother and father would be so proud." Mom said crying. (Alexia's parents died, last chapter Queen Victoria said that Alexia can call her mom)

  I walked up to her and wiped her tears away, I flashed her a smile.

  "They are proud of me, mom. I found my mate, i'm having pups. I'm becoming queen and have two amazing mates. They are watching me beside the moon goddess and smiling down on us." I told her.

  "My dear, you are right. No need for the tears. Today is focused on you, Hayden and Luke. Now let's put on your necklace and heels dear." Mom said handing me my heels. I slid them on and realized how i'm going to have to wear these more often.

   I asked for Genny to help me put on my necklace, while I put on my diamond earrings. The necklace is passed down from queen to queen. I don't put that on, Mom is supposed to when they give us our crowns. For now I wear a smiliar shape heart necklace.

  "Alexia honey, it's time." Mom said camly knowing my anxiety would act up. I breathed in and out to calm myself down and it worked. Mom grabbed my hand and kissed my forehead and led me to the staircase where I would meet Hayden and Luke.

"Hello darling," Hayden said whispering into my ear giving me the chills.

  "Tradition is you aren't supposed to see the bride until you meet her at the alter," I said smirking.

  "We aren't traditional, are we love?" Luke said making me jump. I smacked his chest playfully and started to laugh.

"No we aren't. No where near tradtitional." I said linking my arms into theirs. I had to walk down the stairs with them, then we seperated to walk by ourself to the stage in the ballroom where our thrones would be and start the ceremoney.

  "Alexia we love you." Hayden said reassuring me.

  "And I love you both as well. Now let's do this, a fresh start, just me, you and Luke with the twins." I said as I walked to the middle door.

  And once I step through this door, everything changes. I won't be Alexia Rose Blake, I will be Alexia Rose Taylor.

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