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its funny how things changed in the matter of a year. i never thought that i would be queen, or a mother, or a mate to two beautiful men. you never know anything, you set a goal or a plan for your life, but things change. i changed.

  im not the same girl i was a year ago, i grew up. not everyone becomes this lucky. its not even luck actually, its fate. my mother, her mother, and my great grandmother believed in fate. and now i do too.

maybe it is fate that Leslie lost her baby girl, maybe. Leslie broke down to Nate, i didnt know what to do but hug her. i mean shes my best friend and she means the world to me.


"hey leslie, do you need anything?" i asked her.

"no im fine, just leave me alone." she rolled her eyes.

"ok, love you." i said before closing the door.

Walking away from Leslie's room i decided to check on my kids to see if theyre okay. they were a year old now, Kalani, Jackson and Alison. they can speak better than most kids at one year old since were werewolves.

  "hi momma!" Jackson yelled running up to me following Alison then Kalani.

  "hi babies, where's daddy and bubba at?" daddy is Luke and bubba is Hayden.

  "upstairsth." Alison said, she has a lisp.

  i kissed them on their forehead and walked towards the spiral staircase to speak to their father.

quietly knocking on their office door i hear a muffled come in from Luke.

  "hi boys." i said walking in giving them each a kiss.

"hello love." luke said.

"how are you darling?" hayden asked.

"im good, can we talk?"

"are you okay?" they said simultaneously.

"i think Leslie didnt lose the baby on accident."

"how?" hayden asked.

"i- i think she cheated on Nate and realized the baby isnt his."

"how so?" hayden asked.

"i mean shes never with Nate anymore, always out and about. when shes home i never see her with him, always locked in her room."


again a filler chapter. kinda short sorry. i might make a sequel and end this book at chapter 30 or around there. idk. but anyways yeah oh bad Leslie... 

Mated to Twin PrincesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon