A Unique Love Story (Shannon Leto)

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"Shannon, give me Rodriguez," I stated flatly. Shannon still held the chicken to his chest. 

"I think he likes me," he replied, nuzzling the large cockerel affectionately. I face palmed. My best friend was actually trying to make friends with a chicken.  

"Some how I don't think he does," I said sassily, taking Rodriguez from him. I placed him down in the dust pen and checked to see if he had enough water. The tray was nearly empty and full of straw. Gross.  

"Hey, Shannon can you turn the hose on please?" 

"Kay, hang on." 

Just when I had pulled out the last bit of straw, a huge amount of freezing cold water hit me on the back of the head! My dark brown hair was now dripping down the back of my shirt. 

"SHANNON!" I roared. 

"What? You said to turn the hose on," he said innocently. I spun round and stalked up to him, I was only about an inch shorter than him, so I could easily glare into his hazel eyes.  

"Do that again, and you are going in the pig wallow," I fumed, poking his muscled chest. 

He smiled apologetically and suddenly another blast of water was in my face. I spluttered and wiped the water out of my grey eyes. 

"That's it! You are coming with me!" I grabbed Shannon by the ear and dragged him towards the the pig pen. 

"Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow-" 

"Shut up." 


I opened the rusty gate and kicked it shut behind me, causing dust to billow everywhere. I then spun Shannon round and put him in a headlock and pushed him so he was leaning over the deep hole in the ground filled with water and probably a lot of pig poop. 

"Any last words?" I asked sweetly. 

"Yeah. You're the bestest friend ever and I love you so much, please don't dunk me," he begged. 

"Too late," I whispered in his ear and shoved him into the wallow. There was a huge splash and Shannon was sitting in the pool looking a bit worse for the wear. And of course I fell about laughing.  

Bob, Patrick, Stacy and Shelbin (the pigs) poked their heads out of their shelter to see what was going on. Having confirmed that it was only us, they lay back down with their heads in the sun. 

"You noob," Shannon said to me. 

"What was that?" 

"Jaz, you spectacular, beautiful noob!" I promptly shoved him back down and sauntered off in the direction of the car. I hadn't got far before I heard him squelching along behind me. 

"God, you're anno-" 

"I'll buy you coffee," I said, interrupting him 


When we got to my 'car' Shannon opened the boot to get his spare clothes. He peeled of his t-shirt and I saw his rippling muscles and tatoos. 

"Like what you see?" He asked cheekily. 

"Meh, it's alright," I replied with the same tone. I turned away and got into The Rustbucket (aka car) so Shannon could change out of his shorts and into his black skinnies. I took him a good ten minutes as he was a bit moist (that's what she said). 

Finally he got in the car and I started up the noisy engine. I pulled out of the farm driveway and looked at Shannon out of the corners of my eyes. 

"Starbucks?" I asked. 

"We'll duh," he said. We both chuckled, we had the same conversation all the time.

I stopped the car on a busy high street, just outside the aforementioned Starbucks. But before Shannon could jump out, I grabbed a can of Lynx and practically emptied it on him. He raised an eyebrow. 

"You stink," I said bluntly and he chuckled. It was a deep sound that warmed you from the inside... 

Focus Jaz. 

"COFFEE TIME!" Shannon shouted. 

"Blow up my ears why don't you?" I grumbled. 

"You love me really!" I just rolled my eyes and hopped out of The Rustbucket.

We had just ordered our coffees and I had paid, when a young blonde girl came up to us. 

"Hey," she said shyly "could I have a phot with you please? I mean I haven't got the wrong person have i?" She asked Shannon. I yet again rolled my eyes.  

"Sure," he said, shrugging. She held her phone up and they both smiled. 

"Thanks!" She exclaimed, smiling widely. 

"No problem," Shannon replied. The girl smiled at me too, waved and walked away. 

Shannon and I looked at each other and started giggling.

Yes, me Jaz Franklin is best friends with the one and only, Shannon Leto.

A/N: Well this is my first fic! It's 30 Seconds to Mars obviously, but mainly Shannon.

I doubt anyone is reading this but please comment you gorgeous potatoes!!  

Roz xx

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