Time for Romancing

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I woke to Jaz poking my cheek. The sun was streaming through the window, illuminating her brown hair and making her even more beautiful. She smiled down at me. "Breakfast and coffe?"

"Oh my God yes," I said, I needed coffee. Jaz grinned and walked to the kitchen. I then rolled out of bed, showered and then dressed in trackies. I couldn't be bothered with a shirt, it was warm in our apartment. I walked into the kitchen to see a plate of toast and bacon with a mug of coffee in my place.

"Thanks," I said to Jaz. It was really quiet. "Where is everyone?"

"Oh Jared is meeting Jamie and Tomo is having a day out with Vicki. So we have the place to ourselves," she said while smiling mischievously. God, I loved that smile. Firstly it was really hot and secondly, it meant that there was good times to be had. "What do you think of this?" Jaz asked and pushed her laptop over to me. I looked at it. It was an apartment nearby. It had two bathrooms, three bedrooms, a huge kitchen and lounge, a small office and a soundproof room.

"It's perfect! Were you thinking of buying this?" She nodded.

"If Jared and Tomo like it. I was also thinking that Vicki could move in. I know how much Tomo misses her and I like spending time with her too." She said. That sounded like a good plan.

"That sounds awesome! I'm gonna go brush my teeth, and thanks for breakfast," I said standing up and putting my plate in the sink.

"It's fine. And we will have to take Axel out later but we can do whatever today."

"Okay," I called from the hallway. I walked into our only bathroom. I was falling for Jaz. Hard and fast. She was gorgeous, she thought about others and was a great laugh. I just hoped she felt the same way. I had a whole day to find out.

I walked into the lounge to see Jaz looking in a small mirror.

"Im so ugly," she was saying to herself. I couldn't believe she said that. So I naturally took action. I ran and tackled her so she was now lying back on the sofa. I was hovering over her and my knees were either side of her hips. This was my chance to hint at my feelings.

"Don't ever say that again. You're beautiful Jaz," I whispered in her ear. I leant down so our faces were close. "Don't let anyone tell you any different." I leant forward slightly and for the second time this week I kissed her soft lips. However, this time she wasn't frozen in shock. I was about to pull away, but she looped her hands around my neck and kissed me back. I smiled into the kiss and lifted one hand into her soft hair. I tugged gently with my teeth at where her lip ring was usually. She sighed slightly and sat up against me. We pulled away, breathless and slightly dishevelled. Jaz grinned at me, then I grinned back.

"That was fast," she said and I nodded in agreement. I was about to ask if it was to fast, I didn't think so but I didn't want to pressure her. "But I'm not complaining," she said huskily. I smirked and twirled a piece of her hair around my finger.

"Would you maybe then want to er, y'know be um, my er..." I was chickening out.

"Your girlfriend?" She asked. I nodded. "If that kiss didn't give the answer, then, yeah of course I would!"

I sighed in relief and wiggled my eyebrows. That just made both of us crack up laughing. "You pervert!"

"I don't see you complaining though," I countered back.

"True." Then came another makeout session.

We spent the rest of the morning talking like we usually did, except with the odd kiss. Jaz stood up and put a smooth hand on my chest.

"Put a shirt on, we're going out," she said and grabbed a rucksack. I picked up the first long sleeved shirt I could find and put it on. I snatched up Jaz's leather jacket, because she was only wearing a summer dress. I walked out of our room, we could take that curtain down now. And to be honest I didn't know why we had it in the first place. Jaz was already at the front door with Axel. He was so cute, I nearly melted.

"We might as well take him out now, I can still carry him if he gets tired. Oh thanks," she said when I handed her the jacket.

"No problem, lets go!" I locked the door behind us and we set off. Axel trotted along slightly ahead of us without a care in the world. I looked at Jaz's free hand, then took it in mine. She looked up at me and smiled at the contact. We decided to go to the park, because then Axel could exhaust his seemingly endless energy. That way if we went to any shops he would behave himself. As we walked Jaz rested her head on my shoulder, it felt like we a couple. Which we were, but in public.

"I wonder where Jared and Jamie are?" I thought aloud. Jaz looked around and snorted. I looked at her questioningly. She pointed at a park bench. Oh. Jamie was straddling Jared and the were completely oblivious to the world around them. A good make out can have that effect.

"They sure moved forward quickly," Jaz commented. I nodded.

"Let's move on, I don't really want to watch my younger brother's 'romantic' conquests," I said then shuddered. Jaz giggled and we walked on. We wandered aimlessly for an hour, it was nice to be outside.

"How long do you think it will take the others to notice we're together?" Jaz asked me. Good question.

"I know. Lets not tell them, then we can see who finds out first. Plan?" I said. She just smiled her mischievous smile. I kissed her forehead. "Shall we go back and chill now?" I asked.

"Yeah, let's get back before everyone else. Axel! C'mon boy," Jaz called. The little Alsatian puppy came bounding up to us looking very tired. I picked him up and we hurried home.


A/N: They are finally together!! About time. I'm not sure where to take this at the moment but I'll find something.

Thank you all for your support so far!

Stay gorgeous and potatoey!!

Roz xx

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