General Happenings

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General Happenings


I was lying face down in the soda Tomo had spilt. What a great way to start the morning.


Tomo had been juggling with two cans of cream soda and one had casually exploded.

*enter Jaz*

"Morning! What's for br- Aaarrgghh" I had squealed and slipped landing on my face.

"Breakfast? By the looks of it, soda and tiles," he answered.

"Har har"


Which brings me back to the present. I stood up and wiped the drink off my face as best as I could.

"Ew," I complained. It would have been a great morning if the soda/floor incident hadn't happened.

"Teach you to run into the kitchen," Tomo said smugly. I just glared at him. He doffed his imaginary hat. I flipped him off. He smiled. I growled (weird, whatever) and slinked off to grab some wipes and soap.

By the time Shannon was up, I had finished scrubbing the sticky floor. I heard his deep chuckle.

"What happened here then?" I only pointed at a guilty looking Tomo.

"Ask him."

"I spilled soda, then fart face-"

"Rude," I said.

"over here decided to run into the kitchen and land face first in it," he finished smiling.

Shannon snorted, "you idiot." It was then his turn to get flipped off. I walked into our bathroom and washed my face with cold water. Then I put my contacts in carefully and brushed and put my long hair into a ponytail.

I got dresses into my running stuff and pulled my scruffy trainers on. After giving myself a once over in the mirror, I left the room and walked over to Shannon and Tomo.

"I'm going for a run by the way!'

"Okay," the both said. Wait....

"Where's Jared?" I asked.

"He's getting bagels and OJ," Tomo said. I had forgotten we had run out.

"Well, when he gets back tell him that you're all coming with me to the farm today! No ifs or buts," I said cheerily and unlocked the front door. There was a fresh breeze that blew through the already loose bits of my hair. I was surprised to see that there weren't many people outside, I mean, it was a Saturday! I had only jogged a block when I saw Jared walk around the corner with some shopping bags. He waved and I jogged up to him.

"Hey," I said, ruffling his hair which was black at the moment.

"Hullo Munchbunch," he said smiling. Munchbunch was my little nickname; I can't remember how I got it.

"Yeah, just so you know all three of you are coming to the farm with me today, so don't believe what Shannon and Tomo tell you!"

He laughed, "okay. I haven't been in ages! Does Rodriguez still refuse to be friends with Shannon?"

"Yup!" I said, "I'll be home soon to keep you guys under control. I'm only gonna jog another block 'cause I'm feeling lazy today!" Jared waved again and I set off.


I unlocked the front door and found Jared dancing around the kitchen with a salt shaker in his hand. I just lent against the doorway and watched him. Not in a creepy way. I just wanted to see how long it would take him to notice me holding in my laughter. I wasn't until that Shannon and Tomo had started to watch him from the other doorway, did he notice me.

"Uuhhh, how long were you there?" He asked, afraid of the answer. I just giggled and started clapping; then Tomo and Shannon joined in.

"Kay, now I feel awkward..."

"Nnaaawwww, c'mere little bro," Shannon said and put him in a head lock and knuckled his head. How cute.

I left them to do their manly crap and went to have a shower. I grabbed my towel and walked to the bathroom. 30 Seconds to Mars' manager had wanted them to move to a bigger apartment. I only agreed with him because I wanted more than one bathroom.

"Shotgun the shower!" Shannon yelled from behind me.

"Oh no you di'nt," I back sassed and we both took off running. We got to the bathroom at exactly the same time, meaning we got wedged in the doorway.

"This isn't awkward or anything," I said.

"Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit," he said with his broad shoulders hunched.

"At least I'm on the wit scale though."

"True." We stood the for about ten minutes (no joke) because we were too lazy to move.

"Right, whoever holds the plank for the longest, gets the shower first," Shannon proposed, just because he knew he would win. But I had a plan.

"Kay, fine," I said, throwing my towel inside the bathroom. We both got onto our elbows and knees and after three we straightened our legs and held our backs flat. I gave it ten seconds before I jumped up and ran into the bathroom and locked the door.

"You nob!" Shannon shouted. I just laughed and turned the shower on.


A/N: Chapter 2! Life is all fun and games! So far....

Stay gorgeous, you potatoes!

Roz xx

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