Do That Again and You're on the Couch

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"OUT NOW!" I shouted at Shannon. He grunted and shuffled out of the door, with a few blankets in tow. I was four months into pregnancy and grouchy as ever. This was the third night in a row, that Shannon had slept on the sofa. I shut the door behind him. I could hear Jamie telling him to never argue with a pregnant woman. I sighed and flopped down into the bed.

I was uncomfortable and I needed a lot of sleeping space. I was getting OCD about the tiniest things. I would get angry if all the light switches weren't aligned. Or if, the chairs weren't tucked in straight.

All these little things annoyed me, and on top of that, Shannon snored. I couldn't sleep in the same room as him. I decided I would at least try to sleep properly tonight, seeing as I didn't want to be grumpy the whole time. I was ready for bed, so I just slipped under the covers and tried to get comfy.


I woke the next morning to se Shannon dancing around the room. This would have been funny, but he'd woken me up and I just wasn't in the mood.

"Wake me up like that again, and you'll be in the couch another night!" I whisper shouted at him. He batted his eyelashes.

"Sowee!" He said sweetly and came over to my side of the bed. He stroked my hair, because he knew that always calmed me down. "How're you feeling then today?" I shrugged.

"Good, but everything is more uncomfortable," I replied. he nodded and kissed my forehead.

"I wish I could take it away. I hate seeing you in pain," he said.

"You cheesy sod!" We both laughed at that. Shannon was just coming to terms with my mood swings. He climbed back into bed and held me from behind. His tattooed muscular arms were wrapped around me, making me feel safe and warm. I ran my index finger along the the veins in one of his arms. The ridges of the blood vessels and muscles fascinated me for ages. Before I knew it I was asleep again.

When I woke for the second time that day, I was still locked in Shannon's embrace and he was lightly snoring into my hair. I shifted slightly, but that woke him up.

"Good morning sunshine," he whispered in my ear. I looked at the time.

"I wouldn't call three p.m the morning, love," I said back sassily. He chuckled. The sound still made me weak at the knees. After a few minutes laying there,blistering to each others breathing, Shannon spoke up.

"Can we pick baby names today? Please?" He begged me. Mind fuck. Shannon Leto was actually begging. Moving on...

He turned up the heat by using the puppy dog eyes, I couldn't resist. And besides, I wanted to pick out names too. I nodded and Shannon jumped up and ran out of our bedroom. I got up more slowly, and didn't bother to get out of my pyjamas. I shuffled down the hall, still suffering from post sleep numbness. I heard Shannon walk up, following me with some paper and a pen in his hand. We reached the lounge and found something we weren't expecting.

Jamie and Jared were on opposite ends of the sofa, glaring at each other with tears streaming out of their eyes. I gasped.

"What the hell happened?" Shannon asked, shocked. Jamie and Jared didn't break eye contact.

"This staring contest has gone on too long! She won't let me win!" Jared exclaimed, whining at the same time. I was worried. I didn't want them fighting at all! I liked Jamie. She was caring and funny, but really quite shy.

"You go girl! Whoop his ass," I encouraged Jamie. Jared frowned, they still weren't relenting.

"I thought you'd be on my side!" I shook my head. Shannon and I sat down on the other sofa, while I rolled my eyes at the immaturity of our friends. I leant my head on his shoulder and took the lid off the pen.

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