Make or Break

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I heard Shannon on the phone. I was so annoyed with him. How could he do that to Jaz? I listened through the door.

"I want to explain. I can do it now or tomorrow," he said. I bloody well wanted to hear what he had to say. I walked into his bedroom and saw him pacing. I say down on Jaz's old bed, which could easily become hers again if he didn't explain himself. Shannon gave me a 'wtf?' look and carried on pacing. I was glad Jamie was at her place, she didn't have to be involved in this.

"I waited by your bed the whole day you were out. I guess-" Jaz had interrupted.

"No, please let me finish." Another pause. "Thank you, you can shout at me when I'm done.

"I waited and waited for you to wake up, and I was tired. I kept falling asleep, but only for about ten minutes at a time. I didn't want to be in la la land when you did wake. But anyways, I must have fallen asleep for a bit. I was woken by a weight on me. Lucy must have come in during the five something minutes I was out. There were police guards out side your room, I don't know how she got past.

She wouldn't let me go. You know that if I was conscious she wouldn't have got near me. I was leaning away, she didn't give me an escape, didn't you see how forced it was?" He ended. I heard mumbling over the phone.

"It's okay Jaz, I would be to. I'm so sorry you had to wake up to that," he apologised. He sounded so sincere, and when I looked at him I could tell that this was all true. I knew my brother too well.

I think I heard, "I love you, you prick," from Jaz. At least I hoped it was that. Shannon laughed,

"I love you more, I'll see you tomorrow. Bye."

If Shannon and Jaz wasn't, Shannon And Jaz, then I don't know what would happen to Shannon. Or Jaz for that matter. They were like gin and tonic or salt and pepper. Inseparable.

I stood up and went to leave the room, but stopped in the doorway. I looked at Shannon who was sort of collapsed on the bed.

"I knew something was off, you did the right thing. You always explain to Munchbunch," I said, mock sternly. He just grinned tiredly with his eyes closed. I was tired too, we had been packing for days.

I shut his door softly and walked next door to my room. It wasn't long before I could hear Shannon's snores reverberating off the walls. I sighed and I knew I would have to move him so he didn't get a crick in his neck or something. That man slept, not like a log, but like a whole frikking forest.

When I walked into Shannon's room his legs were dangling over the edge of the bed. He had both hands behind his head, that took up a lot of room. No joke, about a metre from elbow to elbow. I managed to move Shannon up the bed so he would be comfortable. The tension on his face vanished, that only happened really when he was asleep or with Jaz. I loved him more than anything, and wanted him to be happy. That's why I was so pleased him and Jaz and become an item.

I left the room and entered mine and sat down in the bed. I looked at the clock, 12:30am. I decided to go to bed, so we could go to see Jaz early tomorrow. I would ask Jamie if she wanted to come later in the day. I knew Jaz, Shannon and Tomo were wary of how quickly Jamie and I were continuing with our relationship. To be honest I thought she could be a classic band slut. But she really wasn't. She was a lovely person and really admired our work. I thought she was great. But I wasn't in a state to go into deep shit thought so I got into pyjamas and fell asleep almost instantly.


I woke up at about 6am, feeling really hyper. Not good! I heard Tomo and Vicki up and about already, but I could still hear Shannon snoring away! I ran out of my room, still in my pyjamas, and into Shannon's. I jumped on his bed.

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