7 Months

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Uncomfortable was an understatement. And Shannon was the only one who make me feel better. He wasn't around much; with a month long tour, signings and looking after the farm. He had to do the shifts I did, but they were cut down because Benny, the owner, knew I was pregnant.

I hated not doing something, especially as Shannon and they guys were doing so much instead of me. I felt pretty useless. I felt the baby kick the other day, Shannon was there and the smile on his face was priceless. I knew he would be an awesome dad.

I got out of bed slowly, then stretching. I opened my door and heard claws on the kitchen tiles. I walked in, and saw Axel playing with his newest chew toy. He still behaved like a puppy. He was huge now, I couldn't pick him up, especially now. I think deep down, Axel knew that there was a baby inside me, and that he'd have someone new to play with. It was really cute.

Suddenly the front door opened and Axel went to greet whoever had entered. It was Jared and Jamie, with loads of shopping bags in tow.

"Hey Jaz! You're up!" Jamie said cheerily. I smiled.

"Yup! And you guys didn't have to do that, I was going to," I scolded them.

"It was Vicki's idea," Jared defended. I rolled my eyes as Vicki came in with the rest of the groceries. I thanked her, and we all unpacked them.

"Where's Shomo?" I asked. The three of them gave me funny looks. "What? Shannon and Tomo is a mouthful to say!"

Vicki and Jamie burst out laughing and Jared just shook his head. Once Jamie and Vicki regained the power of speech, Vicki spoke.

"They're out buying stuff I think. Paint and stuff." I nodded. "But anyways, what do you lot want to do for the next two hours?" I shrugged. We had an interview in three hours, but it would take an hour to get ready.

By We, I meant 30 Seconds to Mars and me. It was one of those talk shows, where there is more than one guest, in this case three. 30STM, Me and Logan Lerman. The funny thing was, that the host didn't know that we all knew each other. I had met Logan at a couple of film premieres and we were quite good friends. And obviously they guys and I knew each other very well. The Echelon knew that their band and I were great friends, but not that I was living with them, or having a child with their drummer. And, of course, the public and sporting world, knew I was pregnant, but not with who.

So this was going to be very entertaining.

"Ooh! Lets watch Strangers!" Jared said. I rolled my eyes. Only Jared Joseph Leto would want to watch a scary movie at 2:00 in the afternoon.

"Alright then," Jamie said. "But no complaining if you can't sleep tonight." Jared huffed.

"Me? Never!" Vicki and I laughed at his pompous attitude. We went to the lounge and put the film on.


We had just got to the part were the guy shoots his friend, not one of the strangers in the house. I actually face palmed.

"You stupid man! You could at least check who it was before you shoot!" I exclaimed. Jared just shushed me.


I knew Tomo and Shannon were back, because they had been standing in the doorway without us noticing. They screamed at the ending of the film making us all jump.

"Bloody hell! You nearly gave me a heart attack, ya silly man!" Vicki squealed and jumped up and went over to Tomo. Axel started barking at the fuss being made.

"C'mere Axel!" Shannon called him. Said dog, came bounding up to my lovely boyfriend. "Hello! Did you watch the movie too? Was it scary?" Shannon said to Axel in a voice reserved for dogs only. I chuckled as his tail wagged. Axel that is.

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