We Need Thicker Walls

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"JAZ!" I heard a familiar voice squeal. I turned around.
"VICKI! Oh hey Tomo," I said. We ran up to each other and gave a bear hug! "Oh my god! I missed you! We have to catch up," I told her. She nodded vigorously and pulled me towards the sofa.
"We need a girly day out! I know you're stuck with these boys when you aren't training. Oh and I'm coming to watch your final tomorrow," she said while smiling.
"Thank you!" I said and got out my phone. "We'll I'm free next Monday, how about you?"
"Yep! That's good for me. The boys can do whatever they do," Vicki said smiling and glancing over at Tomo and Shannon. We talked for about an hour, and we got up to date with each other. I didn't tell her about Shannon and I. That was still a surprise. I heard the front door open then shut.
"What's up minions! We're home," Jared called. I rolled my eyes and stood up, I went out to see him. Vicki came with. I walked into the hall and saw him and Jamie holding hands.
"So what did you guys do today," Shannon asked with a slight smirk, obviously thinking of when we saw them earlier. I bit my lip to stop me laughing. They both blushed.
"Oh nothing much, we walked around and got coffee and stuff," Jamie said.
"Okay," I said, winking at Jared. "This is Vicki by the way, Vicki this is Jamie," I introduced. They both said hi to each other. "Wait, what are you doing on Monday, Jamie?"
"Oh nothing much. Why?"
"Would you want to come with me and Vicki for a girls day out?" I asked.
"Yeah! That sounds great! Thanks."
"No problem," I chirped. "What are you lot having for dinner then?"
"Take out I guess. We won't get Thai, 'cause I know you won't have any," Shannon said thoughtfully. Sweet.

After dinner everyone settled down to watch a movie. They had Indian take out and I had a protein shake, grilled pineapple and chicken.
"I'm gonna head to bed, I need my sleep. Bye Vicki and bye Jamie," I said.
"Oh no we're both staying the night," Vicki replied. I yawned and nodded, then headed into our room. I decided I would surprise Shannon and sleep in his bed tonight. I pulled on an old My Chemical Romance T-shirt and slid into bed. I couldn't sleep. I was nervous for the final tomorrow.

I heard Shannon come into the room and slide in next to me. I snuggled closer to him.
"Still awake?" He whispered. I nodded. I suddenly heard bed springs creaking. A lot.
"Wha?" I said, not quite asleep. Shannon looked confused too. It wasn't until we heard,
"F-fuck Jamie!" And "Oh my god! Jared yeah!" That we worked out what was going on next door. Shannon and I looked at each other.
"Earphones," I said and he knew what I meant. I grabbed my iPod and he grabbed his earphones. We lay facing each other and we had and earphone in the ear that wasn't on the pillow. I rolled my eyes and we tried to get to sleep.

I walked into the kitchen after and, er, eventful nights sleep. I made coffee for everybody and gave it to them as they trailed in. Tomo walked in last and glared at Jared and Jamie's backs. I giggled.
"How did you sleep last night?" I asked no one in particular. Vicki and Tomo just grunted, Shannon looked at me and twigged what I was doing.
"Good," Jared and Jamie said in unison. I nodded.
"You must have been really tired. It was quite noisy last night," I said innocently. They both blushed. At this point Shannon let out his laughter. Then followed Vicki and Tomo. By this time Shannon was literally rolling on the floor laughing. I snorted and gave him a high five.
"Well, I'm gonna go get ready," I told them and walked to our room. I put on my stuff then my track suit on over it. I put my spikes in my bag with water, a towel and my phone. I put my iPod and head phones in my pocket. I heard the door open and shut. Shannon put his strong arms around me from behind and I lent my head in his shoulder.
"You don't need to be nervous. You'll do great," he said in my ear.
"I'm only nervous about all the press and stuff."
"Oh, don't worry to much about it." He span me round and crashed his lips into mine. I looped my arms around his neck, and kissed back fiercely. Shannon put one hand on the small of my back and the other under my ass, then lifted my up so I could wrap my legs around him. He walked back and sat down on the bed, without breaking contact. He tugged on my lip ring, making me moan slightly. I then unlinked my hands and put them under his shirt and on his firm back. Then I ran my tongue along his top lip, making him moan this time.
Suddenly there was a knock at the door and we broke apart. Shannon looked very disgruntled and I pecked him on the cheek.
"Jaz? Are you ready? We have to go," I heard Jared saying.
"Yeah, hold on," I replied gathering up my stuff. Shannon sighed.
"Way to ruin the moment little bro," he muttered to himself. I just giggled and said ,"There's always later."
Shannon grinned and walked out. I slipped on my trainers and followed him. Everyone bundled into my Rustbucket and we drove off.

A/N: Ooh! Jaz and Shannon are like horny teenagers! Next up is Jaz's race.
How long until the others find out about them. Will they be annoyed or happy?
Thanks for all your support, you gorgeous potatoes! Keep it up!

Roz xx

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