Mother on the Warpath

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"LETO 1 AND 2!! Get in the car now and drive!" I heard Jaz shouting from her room now.

"SHIT!" Shannon shouted. I was soo confused. They rushed past me, Jaz being supported by my brother. "Come on!"

I followed quickly and we made our way down the apartment stairs, to the car. I jumped in the drivers seat and the other two got in the back. I had no idea what was going on.

"Where do I go?" I asked frantically.

"Hospital quick!" Shan said gruffly. I reversed then headed to the dreaded hospital. I could hear him talking to Jaz. "Focus on something else, a rhythm or something."

"What's going on?"

"My water just broke!" Jaz said quickly through shallow breaths.

"Holy crap. I'll call the others," I replied. I used my hands free to dial Tomo's number.

" 'lo?" he said.

"Yeah, it me, Jared. You need to meet us at the hospital. Bring Vicki and Jamie if you can," I said while concentrating on the road.

"Oh my God! what's happened?"

"Jaz's water broke."

"Holy crap!"

"That's what I said! now hurry!" I told him.

"Ok ok! Bye!" He hung up and I carried on driving.

Five minutes later, we arrived. Jaz was ushered inside and we followed after her. We had to be quick, so no possible echelons could distract us. It had been two months since the interview that Shannon and Jaz told the world, and we had been stopped, harassed and papped more than ever. I saw a few nurses gaze at us as we hurried through the whitewash, dreary, corridors.

We got to the ward and Jaz was already in a hospital gown, and on a bed. Shannon rushed over to her and kissed her forehead. I sat in a chair near her bed and tried to concentrate on what was going on around me.

"Aaagghh!" They both cried out at once. I looked over alarmed.

"Contractions," Jaz said, in between low, laboured breaths. I wondered why Shannon had screamed. I looked down slightly, to see that Jaz was gripping his wrist. She must have squeezed it when she felt the pain. I can almost guarantee that if she was holding Shannon's hand, his fingers would be broken. No joke. I could tell I was in for a long day.

An hour later, Jaz was stillgroaning in agony. The doctor had estimated a 6 hour labour, which was a bloody long time. I couldn't imagine being in that kind of pain for an hour, let alone 6. This ward was so noisy. I could hear people rushing about in the corridors. The distant muttering of family, the beeping of machinery, the screams of Jaz and the bawling of babies that had just entered the world. I shut my eyes and was suddenly more aware of the sounds around me.

I heard shoes squeaking on the polished tiles. There were three sets of foot steps and I recognised them as, Tomo, Vicki and Jamie. I heard them all sit down, in the hallway outside the maternity wards with me. Jamie kissed my cheek.

"Hey Hun. Do you know how she's doing?" she asked me. I shook my head, my eyes still closed.

"No. They said I can find out hourly, so we should know pretty soon," I told her.

"Kay." Jamie stroked my arm soothingly and I felt slightly guilty. I didn't need the comfort. It was Shannon and especially Jaz.

At this point a doctor walked out of her room and came up to us.

"We don't have anything to report, other than that Miss Franklin is doing well and there have been no complications," he told us. I breathed a huge sigh of relief. I couldn't bear it if Jaz or my nephew for hurt.


That's when it hit me. A huge grin spread across my face. I opened my eyes and blinked at the sudden brightness. Looking around, I saw Tomo and Vicki opposite Jamie and I. I turned to Jamie.

"I'm gonna be an uncle! it's only just sink in!" I squealed. Jamie giggled at my juvenile excitement.

"I know! They might not be at the present time but, Jaz and Shan are gonna be even more excited!" She was right. I couldn't imagine looking after something I had created. I knew this baby would be loved. My brother and Munchbunch would be the best parents parents. And there was us. Vicki and Tomo would be the best godparents. And Jamie and I would do our absolute best as an uncle and aunt.


8 hours later, I heard the cries of a baby. I instantly perked up. The four of us rushed down the hallway and stopped out side Jaz's room. I knocked.

"Come in," someone said. I pushed open the door and we all filed in.

The first thing I noticed was how tired the both looked. Jaz had sweaty, string hair and bags under her eyes. However, she was smiling and had a glow surrounding her. Shannon just looked like he was about to pass out. Jaz held up a bundle wrapped in blue, from where she was on the bed.

"Meet Noah Michael Leto-Franklin, guys," she said in a slightly hoarse voice. I took the baby boy and held him in my arms, just like Jaz had been doing. I looked at him close up. His eyes were closed and I could hear his breathing. He had extremely light brown skin.

"My God, he's cute," Vicki cooed. I smiled and rocked him slightly, as he was starting to stir. I have bent Noah back to Jaz, I could tell she needed him after all that pain.

"I have no idea how people go through that more than once," Jaz said. We all shrugged and laughed. At least she wasn't grumpy.


A/N: It's a boy!!

I'm sorry this has taken so long to be updated.

School is a bitch, and I'm sure many of you are having the same problem. I have a shit ton of coursework and I bet I'm not the only one. Ugh why???

So moving on. Please comment and vote! like srsly please!

If you have any stories you want me to check out, comment the title and author.

I think that's it!

Comment and vote, you gorgeous awesome sauce potatoes!

Roz xx

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