Go For It

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I lay down on the sofa after our awesome Nando's meal. Axel came up and licked my hand. He was the new Alsatian puppy we got. He wasn't anybody's in particular, so we all shared him. I lifted Axel onto my chest and scratched behind his floppy ears. Dogs were such cute, loving, simple creatures, why couldn't humans be more like that? Some people were so complicated, I just didn't get it. And others were oblivious. Take Jaz and Shannon for example. They were so obviously into each other! They had been friends for over 20 years, it couldn't be that hard to admit your feelings. My thoughts were interrupted by the dulcet tones of Jaz.

"LETO!" She hollered. By now we all knew who she meant, and with that tone, not to disagree.

"Coming!" Shannon said, running past me to the bathroom. I decided to go anyway, just to see what Shannon had done this time. I leant in the doorway to watch the scene unfold.

"What have you done to my toothpaste?" Jaz asked, pointing the tube at my guilty looking brother.

"Nothing?" It came out as a question.

"Oh really? I can smell something in it. And it's not peppermint."

"Chiyy pwderrr," Shannon said with his fist in his mouth. For his sake I hoped he managed not to burst out laughing.

"Chilli powder? You arse," she said sweetly. Some serious shit was about to go down. "I'm just gonna have to use your toothpaste Shannon, until I get some more." That definitely wasn't revenge; there had to be something more. Shannon made and indistinct noise in the back of his throat, then slinked if back to his room. I followed and patted him on the back.

"Nice try, bro, but your gonna have to get up earlier to catch her out."


It was about 1am and I got up to get a glass of water. I walked down the hall to the kitchen. We really needed a bigger apartment, with two bathrooms. I walked in to find Shannon at the table with his chin in on one hand and stirring tea with the other. Something was definitely bothering him, he never drank tea. Especially that herbal stuff that I have.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Just stuff," he said dully. I knew what 'stuff' he meant. I sighed.

"I know you like Jaz."

"Of course I like her!" He said. So clueless.

"No, like like her," I said slowly. He nodded almost sheepishly at being discovered. I told him to just ask her out one day. "She's bound to say yes." He nodded again. "Get some sleep, we have a gig tomorrow night," I said and went to fill a cup with water. Shannon left to go to his and Jaz's room and I turned out the light after him.


It was the morning of our gig. I decided to take Axel out for a short walk because he was only small. I put his blue collar on and attached his lead.

"Guys! I'm taking Axel out. We have to be at the arena at 4!" I shouted, hoping someone would hear me.

"M'Kay," I heard Tomo say. He would tell the others. I locked the door behind me and carried our puppy down the stairs. I took the route that took me through the park. It was nice out, for an October day. As soon as we we in the park gates, I let Axel's lead go long. He started to chase the leaves and try to catch them in his mouth. I decided to sit down on the grass. His lead was an extendable one, so I let it out fully, knowing I could always get him back.

"Aw, he's cute," I heard somebody say. I looked up to see a girl of about 23 standing next to me. She was pretty. She had blue eyes and auburn hair that was down to her slim waist.

"Uh, hi!" I said, blushing. "Yeah, he's a month old."

"Sweet. What's his name?" She asked before she sat next to me.


"And yours?"

"Huh? Oh, Jared," I replied smiling. Why was I so awkward sometimes? And anyways she was probably to young for me.

"Cool, I'm Jamie," she paused "sorry, but are you Jared Leto?"

"Yup. The one and only," I said, grimly chuckling. She laughed, it sounded like bells.

"Don't worry I'm not interested in you-" she was interested in me? "Just because you're famous. I'm not like that."

"It's cool," I said, indifferent was the best way to be at the moment.

"Well, we should hang out some time," she said pressing a piece of paper into my hand. I grinned, so much for indifferent.

"Yeah! Defi-" at that point Axel jumped on my face. He sure had a lot of spring for a little puppy. Jamie just laughed again, waved and walked away, through the park.

"C'mon boy!" I called to Axel. He didn't come. "AXEL!" This time he came trotting back to me with practically a whole tree in his mouth. I tried tugging it out but he wouldn't let go. I sighed and we walked back to the apartment block.

We had to go in the elevator because I couldn't carry and Alsatian puppy and a tree up the small stairwell. We got inside and I shut the door. Axel dragged the tree to his bed and started to dismantle it.


A/N: I'm not gonna do too many P.O.V changes cuz it might get confusing. And also, I know their ages don't fit in with band like they do in the real world. But hey it's fanfiction! I also did this because I wanted Jaz to be aged in between Shannon and Jared and her still to be a decent age for sprinting.

Enough said. Comment, vote and I'll love you forever!!

Stay gorgeous!

Roz xx

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