Surprise Me Baby

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*Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump!*

The 'thumps' came in quick succession. I rolled over in bed, to find that Jaz wasn't next to me.

It had been a month since we moved and a month since Jaz came out of hospital. Long story, short, we got her a punch bag so she could stay active. We also got it because she had been so angry lately. Not at us, but at life in general. I was constantly worried she would rip her stitches. I wasn't a worrier, but if it came to people I loved, then I was a wreck. I got up and went to go to watch Jaz but she came rushing out of the room, straight into the bathroom. I heard her retching, so I went and held her hair back.

"Are you feeling okay?" I asked. She nodded and I rubbed her back. We had all had a bug, but Jaz was the only one still being sick. She got up and used some mouth wash.

"Thats the thing, I feel fine but I'm still throwing up. I don't get it," she said while brushing her hair. I just kissed her cheek.

"Want to go to the doctors?" I asked. She shook her head and started to apply some make up. I stopped her. "You don't need it. Don't even try to argue with me, you're beautiful," I told her. Jaz sighed, but put it away.

"I'm going out, y'know to clear my head. I'll be back soon," she said and kissed me goodbye. I kissed her back and she left the arpartmemt.

I walked into the kitchen. Tomo and Vicki were talking quietly, Jared was making some herbal tea crap.

"Oh hey Shannon!" Jared said. Tomo and Vicki looked up and waved.

"Hey," I said back, reaching to make coffee. "I'm really worried about Jaz. She hasn't stopped throwing up yet."

"Still? It's been a week! I'm guessing she doesn't want to go to the doctors?" Jared replied. I shook my head. Jared frowned.

"Where is she?" Vicki suddenly asked.

"She said she was going out to clear her head. And wasn't going to be long," I told her. A look of realisation came across her face, she got up quickly and ran out of the flat.

"What the hell?" Tomo looked bewildered. Women were weird sometimes. I took my coffee back to my room and sat down.

I drank it quickly and lay back on the bed. I was tired. From the gigs we've been playing, from worrying, Jaz getting up in the night and from unpacking our stuff into the apartment.

Before I knew it, I was asleep.


Jaz and I were walking in the park, when some guy saw Jaz.

"Hey baby!" Baby? She squealed and ran up to him.

"Hey honey! Good to see you again," she replied sweetly. I was boiling with rage. My fists were clenched. I stormed up to this guy.

"Who the hell are you?" I roared. He scoffed.

"I'm Jaz's boyfriend. And I don't know who you think you are!" He shouted back. I felt my heart shatter. A million little pieces.

"I don't need you anymore Shannon. I have Cody!" Jaz said to me harshly. With that they walked away, leaving me shaking, with tears streaming down my face.

I sat up sharply, breathing heavily. I was still reeling from the dream. Confused didn't even begin to cover how I was feeling. I'd never doubted Jaz, ever. I think it was the coffee. It didn't have caffeine in it. I guess this was just withdrawal symptoms.

Believe it or not, that was the worst dream I'd had in ages. Common nightmares didn't scare me. Casual stabbings in my dreams didn't bother me.

I shook these thoughts off, and got off the bed. I opened the door, and was just about to walk into the hall, when Vicki and Jaz shot past me and into the nearest bathroom. Bloody hell. I walked down the clean hallway to the lounge. Jared and Tomo were watching reruns of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Classy. I joined them, to watch my favourite show. When and advert break came on I looked at Tomo.

"Have you got any idea what your wife and my girlfriend are doing?" I asked.

"I got nothing," he replied. I grumbled something incoherent.

"Holy crap!" A shout came from the bathroom. All three of us looked at each other, highly confused. Suddenly Jaz ran out and grabbed my forearm. She pulled me into our bedroom, she was still strong. I shut the door behind us and she pulled me onto the bed, and threw herself onto me and hugged me.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked, still in the dark. Jaz pulled back and took my hands and a deep breath.

"You can't be mad okay?"

"Why would I be?" I asked. She sighed.

"I don't know. But anyway," she took another deep breath. "There is going to be someone new moving in." That didn't make it any clearer, I frowned. Jaz saw this and continued. "What I mean is, that, well, we're gonna be parents!" She gave me a tentative smile, obviously not sure how I would react. I grinned.

"YES!" I shouted. "I mean, that's great!" Jaz laughed at my excitement.

"I take it you're pleased?"

"Hell yeah!" I pulled her into a hug. "Oh my god! I love you so much, and now there's gonna be a mini you!" I said really quickly.

"A mini you as well," she corrected me.

I jumped up. "Yay! OMG! I'm so excited and happy and nervous and overjoyed and excited! Wait I already said that!" Jaz's face spilt into a grin and she jumped up with me.

"I'm so glad you're happy," she said and pulled me into a passionate kiss. Out lips moved together and our hands intertwined. We broke apart. "I loved you. So much, more than life itself," she said to me and my heart swelled.

"I love you more!" I said simply. Jaz poked me.

"I'd have to challenge you on that." I shrugged and pulled her lips back to mine.

Eventually we stopped kissing.

"When do want to tell the others?" I asked. Jaz smiled.

"Now! Vicki already knows." I nodded and everything clicked into place. Jaz was throwing up because of morning sickness, which meant she went out to get a pregnancy test.

I linked our hands, and we walked back into the lounge together. I coughed. Everyone looked around.

"We have something to tell you guys," Jaz said, beating me to it. They nodded. I could see Vicki smiling already, she knew of course. Jaz paused. I took over.

"Well, put it this way. Tomo, Vicki, you are going tone godparents and Jared, you're gonna be an uncle!" When they worked it out, they all grinned like maniacs. The relief on Jaz's face was clearly visible.

"Yay yay yay yay yay! I'm gonna be an uncle! Yes! Lets go buy things," Jared squealed. I laughed and nodded.

"Woah woah! Guys, I'm not that far along!" Jared made a sad face at that.

"We can get baby books though," I said to cheer him up.

"Yay!" I never thought Jared was a baby kind of guy. Guess I thought wrong then. Tomo engulfed us in a hug, and gave us a much more controlled congratulations. I could tell he was excited but, he obviously wasn't hyper like Jared.

Ten minutes later, we were in the car, go into get the baby books that Jared so badly wanted.


A/N: it's been a while hasn't it?

But anyways! Sorry for the short chapter! *ducks flying brick* I have the next chapter all planned out so it will be up soon, my gorgeous potatoey friends!

Thanks for your support! It fills me with confidence and bubbles. Keep it up!

Love you loads!

Roz xx

A Unique Love Story (Shannon Leto)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora