The Gig

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"Why the hell is there a tree in the lounge?" I almost shouted. Jared scratched the back of his head.
"Yeah, about that..." He trailed off. I have him the 'I'm waiting' gesture. "Axel picked it up and he wouldn't let go. So I had to bring him back with said tree." Well that made sense. It was really just a huge but thin branch with a crap load of leaves still on it. I couldn't actually see Axel.
"Where is Axel?"
Jared pointed vaguely at the 'tree' "in there somewhere." I set about finding our puppy. He needed to be fed before we dropped him off at our neighbours apartment. They bred Alsatians and that was where we got Axel from. We couldn't take him to the concert tonight and it was too long for him to be left alone. I found the AWOL dog and picked him up and took him into the kitchen. I filled both his bowls up with with fresh food and water, then started to put his favourite toys and treats into a small bag that we could leave with the breeders.
"C'mon Axel. Eat up," I said as if I was talking to a young child. He surprisingly complied. I looked up to see Jared looking rather distracted, with a vacant smile on his face.
"I get the feeling little Leto met someone today," I said teasingly.
"No! Nope, maybe, yeah okay I did," he said stuttering slightly.
"Spill. "
"She just came up to me and started talking about Axel. Then she recognised who I was, but she didn't care, she gave me her number and said that we could maybe meet soon," Jared said, his smile increasing. I grinned.
"You could see her tomorrow, maybe go out or something. Tomo is going to see Vicki, Shanimal will probably sleep all day and I have training in the morning." I didn't really have training, I just wanted Jared to get out more, and I really wanted to spend the day with Shannon. He nodded in agreement.
"Well, you better get ready, we have to leave for the arena in an hour," Jared told me.
That wasn't much time. Shit.

I dressed in a short and floaty, midnight blue dress that had and empire waist with a gold belt. I slipped my dark blue and gold heels on, checked my hair, grabbed my bag and headed out of my part of the room. Of course all the guys were ready and waiting. I hadn't particularly made an effort but I saw Jared actually close Shannon's mouth when he saw me. I winked at him and the poor sod blushed. I was in a good mood today, I didn't care if I sounded a bit up my own arse.
"Ready to go, amigos?" I asked.
"Yeah let's go!" Tomo whooped, sounding hyper. Not good.
I glanced out of the corner of my eye at Shannon. He was looking pretty dapper (cringe) too. In ripped skinnies and brown boots with a dark grey vest that showed his muscles. Phwoar! No Jaz, now was not the time to fangirl over Shannon's rippling muscles that stood out against his tanned skin- Focus lady! After winning my mental battle, I followed the guys out. We would not be riding in my Rustbucket. Instead, we had the Bently R-type Continental. Hell yeah!

We arrived at the arena, and we went straight to the dressing room. I, being a complete nutter, ran and flipped onto the sofa. I turned and grinned at the guys and said, "Top that!"
"Alright then," Tomo said, "gimme a boost!" Shannon linked his hands and gave Tomo a boost into the air. He flipped and landed on the armchair next to me.
"Smooth," I said. I don't know why I felt the childish urge to start flipping in the first place. YOLO! Sorry, I had to. For the next half hour we just messed around as per usual. Shannon and I also ate insane amounts of cherries, while Jared was doodling and Tomo was on the phone to Vicki. I ate the last cherry, then I looked around for something else to do. I grabbed a laptop, I has no idea who's it was. After this 30 Seconds to Mars gig, we had the opportunity to move to a bigger place, and boy was I gonna take that offer! I googled apartments with 2 bathrooms and lots came up. I saw one that was nearby. It was pretty big actually, like a whole floor. It had two spacious bathrooms, a large kitchen that joined the lounge, a small office and a soundproof room. It was perfect! There were still only three bedrooms but I didn't mind sharing with Shannon. Hell, I really didn't mind!
After about twenty minutes, I emailed the link to my laptop at home, just as an official entered.
"It's time for sound check guys," he told them. Shannon and I stood up, Jared closed his sketchbook and Tomo said bye to his better half. I smoothed my dress and decided I would go with them to watch the sound check. We walked through the arena halls, apart from Tomo who skipped, just because he was goofy like that.
To be honest, I wasn't much help, seeing as I only played piano. However Jared or Tomo would sort that. So I just sat on a speaker and watched them go about their business. An hour later we were chatting about random crap, before I had to go off stage for when the concert started.
Thousands of the Echelon filled the arena, anticipation on their faces. They must be hungry. The opening brass notes of Birth started to play and the show began.

After about ten awesome songs, they closed with Closer to the Edge. I'd always loved it. It came to the guitar and drum solo. Just before Shannon started, he turned to me and winked. I blushed, damn the cheeky bastard. I knew once he started the drum part he wouldn't be able to catch my eye again, although knowing Shannon he might be able to. Jared started to sing again.
No no no no!
I will never forget!
No no!
I will never regret
No no!
I will live my life!
No no no no!
I will never forget
No no!
I will never regret
No no!
I will live my LIFE!!

I grinned. A lot. I was so happy they were happy.

No, I'm not sayin, I'm sorry
One day maybe we'll meet again!
No no!
No, I'm not sayin, I'm sorry
One day maybe we'll meet again!

No no no no!
Closer to the edge!
No no no no!
Closer to the edge!
No no no no!
Closer to the edge!
No no no no!
Closer to the edge!
No no no no!

Closer to the edge...

I clapped and cheered along with the Echelon! That was the end, but everyone left with a buzz. The lights went black and the guys came running off stage.
"That was amazing! And brilliant and awesome and epic guys!" I said hugging them, and lingering slightly on Shannon. I mean, who wouldn't?
"Thanks! It's always nice to hear it," Jared said pinching my cheek. I laughed and turned around, crashing into somebody. Before I could say sorry, I fell back and hit a concrete with my head.
Everything went black.

A/N: Aloha! Who did Jaz run into?
I haven't really got much to say... And believe me, that doesn't happen often. Oh! Does anyone have any ideas on who should play Jamie? I have a few ideas but I wanna know what you think!
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You're gorgeous, little potatoes! Don't change for anyone.
Roz xx

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