The Final (part 2)

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A/N: Wattpad deleted like half the chapter!! Needless to say I was pissed off but here is the rest.


I ran up to the guys, Jamie and Vicki. I hugged everyone and when I got to Shannon, I put my hands either side of his face.

"I can't keep it any longer," I murmured.

"Me neither." And we kissed. Cameras flashed but I didn't care. I was kissing Shannon, who I'd had feelings for, for years. We pulled away to see the shocked faces of Tomo and Jared.

"About bloody time," Jared said while grinning. I ruffled his hair and went to do my 'victory lap'. Someone threw me a flag and I wrapped it around my shoulders. I jogged around the colour filled stadium, waving at the crowd and occasionally signing things. I had no idea women's sprinting had become so popular! I then had to go do an interview.

"Hi there! So who was the lucky man back there?" The interviewer asked.

"Oh, that was my boyfriend! He's given me so much support," I replied.

"Wow! How long have you been waiting for this moment?"

"It seems like forever! As a little girl, I would watch athletes winning and wanting to be in their position! Now here I am."

"And has this win hit home with you yet?" I shook my head.

"No! I've only just got my head around qualifying with such a good time. I hope I can keep it up, I have so many more seasons ahead of me! I expect later it'll really sink in!"

"Thank you for your time Jazmyn." I nodded and waved at the camera. I walked back to the athletes lounge to pick up my stuff. I waited for everyone to pick me up.


"How long have you two been together then?" Jared asked. I smiled at Shannon.

"About two days now," he replied. Jared shook his head as if to clear it.

"How the hell did I not notice?" He said to himself.

"Maybe because you were so puppy eyed over Jamie here," I said, making everyone laugh and Jamie blush. We decided to go out to eat, at a posh restaurant a few blocks away. We pulled up and Tomo unlocked the door. Shannon and I ran in and both said,

"Shotgun the shower!" We looked at each other and smirked. We ran and got our towels and then locked ourselves in the bathroom.

Shannon turned the shower on and I slipped out of my track suit. My running stuff barely covered my butt and boobs. I took it off and stepped under the hot water, Shannon followed. I couldn't help but stare at his muscled body. He captured my lips with his and pushed my back against the shower wall. I lifted one leg and wrapped it around him while I pushed his wet hair out of his hazel eyes. He tugged on my lip ring making me moan. I brought him impossibly closer and he pushed his pelvis into mine. Then Shannon squeezed shower gel onto our chests, without breaking the kiss. I rubbed it into the ridges if his muscled chest and arms, while he kissed my neck. He did the same and I could hear our breathing getting heavier-

"Hurry up you two! We only have one bathroom," Jared shouted through the door. That guy had timing issues. Shannon groaned and we quickly rinsed off the soap and dried ourselves. Well, each other. We dresses in what we had on before and walked out the bathroom. Jamie and Jared walked in and I gave her a knowing look. Shannon tapped my ass, the horny bastard. I winked at him and walked into our room.

I picked out something to wear.


A/N: Ooh! Steamy in the bathroom! Is that a pun? I think so.

So Jaz is world champion! Woop woop!

Also, shout out to MMARMF! She showed the first love on this story and she's been really supportive! So if you aren't following her already, go do it! She has awesome stories!

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Love yous my gorgeous potatoes!

Roz xx

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