Hey Mama

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"Woah, woah! Fill Mama in!" Shannon promptly stopped straddling me, and looked sheepishly at my mom. My mom was a big Jamaican lady, with a wide smile and a heart of gold.
"Hey Mama! Well you can probably tell that Shannon and I are together now," I told her, grinning. She came over to us and engulfed us into one of her famous hugs.
"It was only a matter of time! You're so cute both of you," she said into my ear. Shannon and I laughed and pulled apart; to see Jared and Tomo walk back in.
"My other babies!" Mama squealed and rushed over to them. "It's been too long!"
"It really has," Tomo said and they all hugged it out. I looked around the bland hospital room. It needed colour.
"No Kady?" I asked. Kady was my younger sister. She was sixteen and quite the rebel. Takes after me.
"She'll be here later, but she out with 'friends' and we all know what she really means," Mama said. I laughed. I'd used the same excuse, when I was with my teenage boyfriends. My mom wouldn't have been angry, so I don't know why I didn't tell her. Go figure.
"So she's gotten over my big bro?" Jared asked. Kady used to have a massive crush on Shannon when she was thirteen. 10 year age difference? Not creepy at all. Shannon looked mildly uncomfortable, while Tomo made kissy faces. Oh Shomo.
"Yes!" Mama said with a chuckle. "Shannon, what are you doing to charms both my girls?"
Shannon blushed.
"Mo-om!" I whined, she could be really embarrassing. She just ruffled my hair. I just grumbled incoherently. At one point, a doctor came into give me a shot. I could tell that it was gonna hurt. And it did. But I laughed all through the process. Why? You ask. Shannon was making sexual signs at me from behind me. My mental age at present time= 6.
After that ordeal; two more people entered the already cramped room. Enter, Jamie and Vicki.
"Hi Mrs. Franklin!" Vicki chirped. Mama tutted and waggled her finger.
"What have I told you?"
"Okay, okay. Hi Vernie!" She tried again.
"Much better!" I never understood that. Vicki was the only one allowed to call Mama, Vernie. When ever one of us said it by accident, there would be hell to pay. Well, not quite but shh.
"And who might you be darlin'?" Mama said to Jamie who was sat in Jareds lap. She jumped up and held out her hand.
"I'm Jamie, Jared's girlfriend," she said.
"Nice to meet you! And none of that hand shaking crap!" Then Mama pulled Jamie into a bone crushing hug. Jamie tentatively hugged her back, obviously not used to Mama hugs.
After that, we all caught up with each other; talking about the most random things in our lives.
Suddenly, Kady burst in.
"Kady in da house!" She shouted smiling. "Aw bitchface, hug time!"
Kady rushed over to me and jumped on the bed.
"Hey dipshit," I said into her newly dyed, dark, dark red hair. Nearly black. "Nice hair too!"
"Thanks! My bo- my friend did it for me," she said stumbling.
"Look we all know you have a boyfriend. I used the same excuses, remember?" I said, fake frowning.
"Oh, haha..." She said awkwardly. Jared chose that moment to "aw".
"Mini Muchbunch has all grown up!"
"Dude, I'm sixteen! Your what? 25 going on 7?" She said sassily. Oh snap.
"For your information, this lovely lady here," he said indicating Jamie. "Is my girlfriend. I am very mature, if you get my drift!"
"Ugh! No one wants to hear about your sex life!" Shannon exclaimed, realising what he meant. That man.
I looked around and saw that, Mama, Jared, Jamie, Tomo and Vicki were occupying the three chairs in the room. Kady and Shannon were sitting on my bed. Mildly claustrophobic.
"Ermahgerd! It's cramped," Kady said, voicing my thoughts.
"Yup." Shannon chuckled, making shivers run through me. I loved that chuckle.
"C'mere!" Kady squealed as Shannon pulled here onto his lap. She blushed furiously, obviously hadn't quite gotten over her crush. I laughed at the red tinge on her cheeks and Jared smirked. Kady just glared at the both of us.
"Baby, put my sister down!" Said sister just gaped at me. I forgot she didn't know about Shannon and I. She held her hands up.
"Woah, woah! Fill Kady in!"
So like the mother.

I was finally out! Everybody went their separate ways, with promises to see each other soon.
"Freedom!" I shouted and headed off on my crutches. Shannon laughed from behind me.
"Wrong way Jaz!" Oops.

I changed into my pyjamas and looked around at out boxed up flat. We were leaving tomorrow, I was actually really excited!
I flopped down into bed and sighed. It was so much more comfortable than the hospital one for sure. I felt the bed sink down at the foot end, so I raised my head to what happened. It was Shannon. He was crawling towards me with nothing but superman pyjama bottoms on. Normally I would of laughed at his night wear choice; but to be honest, I was too turned on to notice.
"Mm, c'mere," I said. He reached me and pushed his lips onto mine furiously. I responded by kissing back and hooking a finger into his waistband, and running it down that 'v'. Shannon growled and I pushed my chest against his. Then he pulled my shirt off in one movement, I did the same with his superman attire. That's when the real fun began.

"First night back from hospital and you two are at it like bunnies!" Jared exclaimed over breakfast.
"Well, he ain't called Shanimal for nothing," I said laughing at the expression on his face.
I got the feeling I had just scarred my boyfriend's brother of life.

A/N: another chapter finally! Sorry, I had a bit of an emotional downfall recently, which wasn't help by this chapter getting deleted.
BUT, I'm better now! Which means happiness and virtual cake for you all! Yay!

Thank you for sticking with this story! I mean it.
Usual story, comment, vote, hug someone!

Roz xx

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