An Unexpected Meeting

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A/N: This chapter will probably have bad language in it. Don't say I didn't warm you!


When everyone was ready we headed out to the Bentley. Everybody was showered and dressed nicely. There were six of us and the shower was only turned on three times, so you can guess what happened.
I kept glancing over at Jaz in the car, she looked stunning. She had a short, long sleeved silvery dress and black pumps. I couldn't think about what was under that dress, other wise I would have to rip it off her and.... You get the idea.

We got to the restaurant and walked up to the doors. We walked in our couples, Jaz put her hand in my furthest back pocket. I looked at her and she smiled up at me and bit her lip. That was hot. I put my arm around her shoulders and kissed the top of her head. Jared pushed open the glass doors and asked for a table for six.
"It will be about 20 minutes, so you could order your drinks at the bar over there," the waitress said.
"Okay thanks," Jamie said. We found six bar stools and ordered drinks.
"So that's two beers, a martini, two vodkas and a pineapple juice?" The bartender asked.
"Yeah, that's right," Tomo said. He went off to prepare our drinks. I looked at Jaz.
"I get the vibe Jared is going to be hammered tonight," I told her. She giggled.
"Well this will be funny, I'll probably be the only sober one when we get back," she said thinking ahead. "Jared is a funny drunk." I laughed, remembering last time he was completely drunk. He tried to go to sleep in the kitchen sink with his guitar. Our drinks were brought over just as the waitress told us our table was ready. I grabbed my beer and Jaz's pineapple juice then brought it over to our table. I sat down opposite Jaz and next to Tomo. I held her hand across the table while we talked to the others. Tomo was telling Vicki and Jamie about the last time Jared was drunk, while Jared had his head in his hands.
"So then he goes and grabs his guitar and starts trying to make out with it!" Tomo said through laughter. "But then when he realised it wasn't gonna kiss back, he got Jaz's lipstick and drew kisses on him! Then he got tired and tried to fit in the sink with the guitar." By this time Jamie and Vicki were in hysterics, while Jaz and I showed the photo evidence. Our food arrived and we ate slowly, because everyone was telling stories. By this time Jared and Jamie had had 10 shots between them so they were pretty pissed. The night was going really well so far.
But I spoke to soon.
I felt Jaz tense. I looked at her and rubbed soothing circles on her hand. She was glaring, not at me, but behind me. I looked around to Lucy, with some bloke sitting a few tables behind us. I knew she hated Lucy, but Jaz looked really angry.
"What's wrong?" I hissed, not wanting everyone else to know something was wrong.
"Well, she's here with Gareth fucking Turner," she ground out. She told me that Gareth was the one that tried chatting her up earlier today. I signalled to the others to pay and leave, before things got ugly. With Jared being completely pissed, it took us about half an hour to get to the car. By this time Lucy and Gareth had caught up with us. Lucy sauntered past Jaz and we heard some of her conversation.
"- some people are such slags," she was saying. I was no use trying to hold Jaz back. Lucy was thrown to the floor and Jaz kicked her. Again and again. She then bent down and whispered in her ear,
"I thought I told you to stay out of our lives you little shit." Tomo and I snapped out of our daze and pushed Jaz towards the car. I mouthed an apology then we drove home.she marginally cheered up when Jared started singing songs from the Sound of Music. Badly. I don't know what Lucy had against her, but whenever she saw Jaz, she was horrible to her.
Jaz curled up against me and I could hear her crying quietly. She never cried. I rubbed my hand up and down her back to soothe her. She wrapped her arms around me and fell asleep.

When we got back to the apartment, Tomo and Vicki went straight to bed, so did Jamie. I went to get into bed with Jaz, when a still extremely drunk Jared crawled into our room.
"Can I snuggle with you two?" He asked with puppy eyes. "Jam Jam is asleep." That was cute but, he wasn't sleeping in here. Jaz sighed and got out of bed. Then she picked him up and carried him over her shoulder and back into his room. I just sat there with my mouth open. My girlfriend just picked up my brother, who was considerably taller than me. Bloody hell. Jaz just slung Jared fucking Leto over her shoulder. The fuck?
Jaz walked back into the room and shut the door. I could sense the anger rolling off her in waves. She got into bed and I opened my arms. She put her head on my chest, so her chocolatey coloured hair tickled my nose. Jaz was still tense. I rubbed my hand up and down her back and she shivered. I was about to pull the duvet around us more, when she rolled us over and straddled me. She leant down so her cheek brushed against mine.
"I love you Shannon. I fucking love you," she whispered in my ear. My heart swelled and I knew I what I was going to say, as soon as the words came out of her mouth.
"I love you too. So much. I fell hard and fast for you, and now I'm in love," I told her huskily. I felt her smile at my words, but I could feel the heat of her aggression.
"Now. I want you Shannon. I need you now," she said while running her hands down my bare chest. I kissed her heatedly.

We collapsed back onto our bed, breathing heavily. I pulled Jaz into an embrace. I could see her falling asleep, her day had been exhausting.
"Love you," she mumbled quietly.
"I love you more," I said cheekily.
"No bitch-" she yawned "I love you more."
"No I lo--." I was cut off by a soft snore from Jaz. All the tension had gone from her face and she looked more innocent than an angel. Corny, I know. I couldn't find another way to describe my crazy, beautiful girlfriend.

"BLOODY FUCKERS!" I was woken by Jared's dulcet tones.
"GOOD BLOODY MORNING TO YOU TOO!" I yelled back. Unfortunately this woke Jaz. I smiled apologetically at her and she just shook her head. Then she moved closer, intertwining our legs. "Sleep well?" I asked.
"Very," she said.
"Your snoring is cute," I commented. She frowned at me.
"I snore?"
"Yep. It sounds like Axel's snoring." She giggled, which sent vibrations down my chest. We needed to get dressed but neither of us moved. The sheets only covered us from the waist down.
"You need a haircut," Jaz said running her fingers through my brown hair. It reached my ear and sometimes covered my eyes. "I like it short and kinda spiky at the front." I smiled at her and wrapped my arms around her.
"We should probably get up. We won't be able to rest or anything if Jared has a hangover," I said. Jaz just grunted. She was so cute sometimes. Kay, most of the time. The other part she was just freaking awesome. I stretched, which felt good. Jaz went to roll over, but didn't realise how close to the edge if the bed she was. She landed with a thud. "You okay?"
"Yup! Just testing gravity. It still works," she said from the floor. I started laughing. "Wow, your concern is overwhelming," she said sarcastically. I just got out of bed and picked her up off the floor. Speaking of picking up...
"How the hell did you pick Jared up last night?"
"Oh! I dunno actually, I just did," she said and shrugged. "Don't worry I won't turn into she-hulk or anything!"
"Yeah, I'd rather my girlfriend wasn't green!"
"Fair enough."
We showered (separately, damn) and got dressed. I walked into the lounge, to find Jared lying face down on the sofa.
"How do those vodka shots taste now?" I asked smugly.
"Piss off." I shrugged and went to make coffee. Couldn't start the day without coffee! I went to get some fruit, and turned around to see Jaz drinking my coffee.
"Hey!" She just looked at me innocently. But I knew better.
"That is mine," I said slowly, like I was talking to a toddler. I gave her a clean, empty mug after I took mine off her, and steered her towards the coffee machine. "Make your own, love. No one touches my coffee." She just rolled her eyes, put the mug back and poured some orange juice into a glass. Nob.
"Don't have to be at the stadium until much later so we can chill," Jaz said while she sat on the counter. "Is anyone else up?"
"Obviously Jared, Jamie is asleep I think but, I don't know about Tomo and Vicki," I told her. She nodded and jumped down from where she was sitting. She filled a glass with water and got two aspirins.
"I'm gonna give these to Jared, seeing as he is incapable of doing anything but complaining at the moment." She kissed my cheek and walked to the lounge. I heard a lot of grumbling, but Jaz came back unscathed. "Mission accomplished." I chuckled. I put my arms around her from behind and rested my chin on her shoulder.
"So, what do you wanna do today? It's Tomo's turn to take Axel out," I said. She turned in my arms and kissed me passionately.
"A lot of that," Jaz said cheekily. I wiggled my eyebrows and put my mug in the sink.
"Horny devil!"
"You're one to talk," she shot back sassily. I just shrugged and kissed her. I led her into the lounge and we both sat in an armchair. Jaz sat on my lap and ran her tongue along my top lip. I put one hand on her waist and the other, I tangled into her hair.
"Ugh! Guys! PDA much? I think so,' Jared grumbled from the sofa. We didn't separate and Jaz giggled into the kiss. I put my hand up her shirt and she tugged on the waistband of my jeans. Jared didn't like to see public displays of affection, which made him a bit of a hypocrite. *cough* Park bench *cough* Jamie *cough*. Jared got up, muttering obscenities under his breath, and went back into his bedroom. Jaz and I pulled apart and looked at each other. That set us off in a laughing fit.
And the day carried on.

A/N: I know that chapter was crap. I wasn't the easiest to write for some reason! Lucy is a bitch isn't she?

But anyways thanks for your support! Vote and comment please you gorgeous potatoes! It makes me happy :)

Roz xx

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