Summer Stresses and Family Time

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Baby Noah Michael Leto-Franklin was born on June 1st at 9:08pm.

I don't know how Jared and Shannon's, mine and Tomo's mothers went through that more than once. It was all worth it in the end, but eight hours of pain was a hell of a lot.

I'd read about post natal depression, but I was pretty sure I didn't have it. Sure, I felt sad sometimes, it was only down to tiredness.

Why really made me happy was seeing how besotted Shannon was with Noah. He had inherited Shannon's hazel eyes and by the looks of it, his hair colour.

I was watching Shannon lying on the sofa with Noah curled up on his chest. They were both asleep. Shannon's chest was rising and falling with his large lungs breathing. Our little baby was just going up and down with it. I let out a giggle.

It was quite funny to watch. I could sit and watch them for ever. I could sit and watch them forever, if I wasn't so hungry!

I got up and quietly walked to the kitchen in search of food. There was nothing I fancied in the fridge, so I opened the cupboard over the kettle.


I reached in and pulled out a white chocolate red velvet cookie! Heaven.

I just bit into the cookie, when Noah started crying. Damn. I shoved the rest in my mouth and entered the lounge

I truly have no idea how Shannon was sleeping through the bawling. I picked Noah up and started rocking him. He calmed slightly, but didn't stop crying. Ugh. Feeding time.

I sat down on my favourite armchair and started the whole breast feeding routine. Of course Shannon chose this moment to wake up.

"Woah! Did not expect to see this when I woke up!" he said. I rolled my eyes.

"Well, get used to it! It's gonna be happening for a while," I told him through a smirk.

"Touché ," he said. I watched him stand up from the sofa and stretch. This made his tshirt lift a little, I could sneak a glance at his abs. As our relationship went on, I got more and more attracted to him.

Shannon walked over to me and stroked Noah's head.

"I'm gonna make coffee, want some?" He asked me. I nodded.

"Please." Shannon pecked me on the lips and went into the kitchen. I could hear him bustling about. Eventually Noah was full and Shannon came out of the kitchen. He sat on the arm of the chair and gave me a steaming mug of coffee.

"Thanks," I said.

"It's fine. Are you okay?" he asked, he must have noticed my slightly glum expression. I wasn't meaning to do that.

"Oh yeah! I'm just tired, its to be expected though." Shannon nodded. He rested his chin on my head.

"I love you," he said. I smiled.

"I love you too," I said back curling into his chest. We sat there in silence for a moment.

"He's so beautiful," Shannon cooed while picking Noah up and cuddling him. "Like you."

I opened my mouth, but didn't really know what to say, so I turned and kissed him. He kissed back, it was a tender kiss.

"Rise and shine motherf- woops!" A shout came from the hallway. I rolled my eyes, Jared was still training himself out of cussing. A perky looking Leto brother strolled into the lounge.

"What are we doing today guise?" He asked. I shrugged and continued to rock Noah.

"We could go to the beach maybe?" Shannon half asked.

"Sounds good," Jared said. "But, we need to get the other's lazy asses outta bed!"

"Yeah, that might be hard though, I swear Jamie is the heaviest sleeper I know," I said dryly. Shannon and Jared both nodded in agreement. Jared went to make his breakfast just as Tomo and Vicki trudged in. When ever they see each other, they're joined at the hip.

We sat down at the kitchen table discussing the plans for today. It wasn't long before Jamie was up.

"NEEYYYAAAA! Jesus Christ dog!" We all gave each other puzzled looks.

Jamie stalked into the kitchen with said dog, trotting behind her.

"What the hell was that?" Jared questioned.

"I rolled over, felt something next to me and assumed it was you. But no! Axel decides he's allowed in the bed and he started licking my face! Not the most pleasant way to wake up," she grumbled.

Axel had come and sat by my feet, looking extremely pleased with himself. I scratched behind his ears and he let out a growl of appreciation. Another beacon of sunshine in my life was that, Noah at a week old, was fascinated with Axel. And Axel was as equally in love with Noah.


Later that day we were packing up from our day at the beach. It had been a fun day.

My favourite had been having chicken fights with Jamie and Jared, while I was on top of Shannon's shoulders.

Baby Noah had had an awesome first day at the beach. He was mesmerised by the different shells we gave him to play with. In the late afternoon he had fallen asleep, lying right next to Axel as our now huge dog dozed. Shannon got about a thousand photos of that day and I was glad. I wanted loads of photo memories of Noah's baby years. Mainly to embarrass him in his teenage years like my mom did to me.

"We're ready to go now love," Shannon murmured huskily in my ear. I turned to kiss him passionately. He was caught surprise but quickly kissed back with equal force.

However, our moment was ruined. Noah started bawling from where he was cradled in Jamie's arms. Shannon huffed.

"I swear he's more hungry than me!"


A/N: Ugh! I know it was short but I'm so busy! I'm trying to update as much as possible. Promise!

But I hope y'all are enjoying this! So feedback is much appreciated!

Stay gorgeous and strong, ma potatoes!

Roz xx

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