The Final

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A/N: This chapter could get quite uh, lemony, lets say. But I'm not sure if its this chapter I will put it in.
Read on fellas!

"Good luck," everyone said together as I hugged them. I waved, then when no one was looking, I kissed Shannon quickly. I turned and walked into the athletes lounge. Fancy, eh? I found a spot and put my bag down, then I plugged in my head phones and put on my training playlist. There was a length of track about 50m long, I found a free lane and started with some slow shuttle runs.
After I did this, walked back to my bag and took my track jacket off so I could stretch easier. I caught some of the male athletes staring at my chest, but I just rolled my eyes and started to stretch. It was such a hype, just for a race that would last a little over 10 seconds. I had an hour to kill. I was looking around for something to do, when a good looking guy came up to me.
"Hey Jazmyn," he said. How did he know my- oh right, top athlete here.
"Uh, hi! What's your name?" I asked, not wanting to be rude.
"I'm Gareth. Gareth Turner." Simple name to remember. I nodded to show I'd heard. "God. You're even more pretty in person-" where was this going? "Do you want to grab something to eat after your final?" He asked. Oh shit.
"Umm, well I'm having a night in really. With my boyfriend," I told him slowly. His face fell, but he quickly put on a smile.
"Oh. That's cool, maybe I'll see you around," he said then slinked off, back to his mates. Poor sod. I sat down and pulled out my phone. I decided to text Shannon.

-Hey babe xx- it was a few minutes before I got a reply.

-Hey! U feeling ok? Xx- I texted back quickly.

-Yeah I'm fine. Dunno bout that guy who tried and spectacularly failed to pick me up xx- I hoped he wouldn't hulk out.

-HE DID WHAT? xx- I giggled at his protectiveness.

-He tried to ask me out after this, but I told him bout ma amazing boyfriend xxx-

-Aw thx! We are just going to r seats, and Jared's wondering who I'm texting! Good luck! Sxx-

-Kk Jxx- They had seats near the finish. I managed to get them all tickets to the best seats. I would also be able to go and see them straight after the race. I don't know how long I could keep our relationship secret for much longer. I wanted to be able to kiss Shannon when and wherever I wanted.
"100m finalists. Please proceed to the tunnel," a voice on the tanoy said. I put my track jacket back on, put on my spikes and walked to the tunnel.

"Take your marks." I put my feet in the blocks and placed my hands behind the line. I chewed my lip ring nervously.
"Set." I pushed up and let my weight go forwards.

The gun fired.

I pushed out with all the force I could muster. I kept my head low and made my strides long and powerful for the first 20m. I went upright and pumped my arms and pushed with my legs. No one was in front of me, but there were two or three others in line. The last 10m I gave it everything I had, adrenalin running high. I sharply ducked my head as I crossed the line. It was close. Close enough for a photo finish to determine first, second, and third. I put my hands on my head in frustration. I didn't want to look at everyone in the stands yet. It had been decided. The results came up on the board.
3. Venus Parker
2. Martine Ohandae
I couldn't believe it! I didn't believe it.
1. Jazmyn Franklin

I put one hand over my mouth in shock and waved to the crowd with the other. I was still in shock! I was world champion!

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