Truth or Truth?

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I could hear voices. No,they weren't in my head but in my hospital room. I also heard two people kissing. Probably Jared and Jamie. I rolled over in my bed, however I didn't see what I expected to see. Shannon was leaning back in a chair, while Lucy was straddling him. Their lips were locked. I started shaking with anger. Tears slipped down my face as I clenched my fists. I didn't see that Shannon was trying to push Lucy off him. I didn't see that she wasn't giving him an escape. And I didn't see how forced it was.

"Get the fuck out of here!" I shouted. Lucy jumped, up obviously intimidated. She knew what I could do. "I said get out, bitch!" With that she started to move. I glared at Shannon. "BOTH OF YOU!"

I was so upset, my vision was clouded by my emotions.

"Jaz, I can-" he started.

"No you fucking can't! GET OUT!" I felt hurt, betrayed. That was nothing compared to the pure rage I felt. I was trembling noticeably. I had also bent a metal bar that ran down one side of the bed, during my angry tirade. Shannon left.

Something started beeping next to me. Doctors and nurses rushed into the room. One held out two pills towards me. I slapped them out of her hand.

"YOU CAN'T MAKE ME TAKE ANYTHING! I DON'T WANT TO TAKE HAPPY PILLS AND SHIT!" Some of them backed away. Another doctor slowly approached me.

"It's okay Jazmyn, calm down," he said.

"NO! I WONT FUCKING CALM DO-" My body relaxed and I fell back against the pillows. I saw the doctor pull a needle out of my arm. I tried to shout at him, but my words were slurred. I was so tired. Someone pulled a sheet up to my shoulders. I blacked out.


"When will she be waking up?" Someone asked.

"During today at some point," someone else replied. "We had to give her a large dose." I opened my eyes a tiny bit. Just so I could see through my lashes. Jared, Tomo and Vicki were there, as well as Doctor Sharpe. I wasn't in the mood to talk to anybody. I was still angry, but more towards the annoyed end of the scale. As opposed to whatever yesterday was. Doctor Sharpe left and Jared sat down in the chair next to my bed. He took my hand and squeezed it, I squeezed back and opened my eyes.


"How are you feeling?" Jared asked. I shrugged.

"Like shit I guess."

"Do you want anything?" Tomo asked.

"A coffee would be nice, but you don't have to," I told him. Vicki shook her head.

"No no, I'll get it. Don't worry." She picked up her purse and headed to the cafeteria. I murmured a small 'thanks' as she left the room. Tomo pulled up another chair and sat next to Jared. He handed my my iPod and my phone, with my head phone wrapped around it.

"Thought you might want these," he said. I smiled my thanks, I didn't want to talk to much. Jared stroked my hair.

"When can you come home?" Jared asked.

"In two days," I answered hoarsely.

"Okay. Because we move to the new apartment in three days." I'd forgotten about that. I nodded. We sat there in silence for, I don't know how long. "Can I ask you something?"

"Apart from what you just asked, yeah," I told him. He smiled slightly.

"Why did Shannon come home in such a bad mood yesterday?" Oh. Crap. I sighed and looked away.

"I woke up yesterday and heard two people er, playing tonsil tennis lets say, and I er, thought it was probably you and Jamie." Jared blushed furiously. "But I wasn't. It was Shannon and fucking Lucy!" I could hear my voice rising, so Jared continued to stroke my hair. I calmed down slightly. "I told them to leave and I guess you know the rest." We sat in silence again for a while. My phone started ringing, and I saw it was Shannon. I ignored it. Five minutes passed. It rang again. I checked to see who it was, but it wasn't Shannon. And unknown number. It could be a cold caller, but I had to check.


"You were lucky-" the voice sounded familiar "-that second bullet was meant for your heart. You wouldn't have survived, honey." They hung up. I had felt the blood drain out of my face. Jared and Tomo looked worried. It suddenly clicked, I knew who the voice was.

"Who was that?" Tomo asked. I started shaking slightly.

"I know who fucking shot me! LUCY! That's who! She's hurt me twice, but that wasn't enough! She had to ruin my career too," I shouted. Then I burst into tears. At that point Vicki returned with my coffee, saw the state I was in, and put it on the nightstand. She then gave me a hug, one that only your best girl friend can give. We stayed like that for ages. Until doctor Sharpe came in.

"I'm sorry, but visiting hours are over now. You can come earlier tomorrow if you like. Just tell the receptionist that its fine with Doctor Sharpe," he said to Tomo, Vicki and Jared. They nodded and left quietly. "I have some other news, I guess, for you. Because of all the different painkillers we have to put you on, you will have to stop taking the contraceptive pill, and if you have any headaches, we will give you some tablets that you are able to take." I nodded, he left and I started to drink my coffee.

The rest of the evening passed slowly. I was about to go to sleep, when my phone started to vibrate. It was Shannon again. I answered.

"What do you want?"

"I want to explain. I can do it now or tomorrow." He said.

"Now. But I want the whole truth. No hiding anything. The truth," I told him.


A/N: it was short again I know...

IN OTHER NEWS! I have an idea for another story! All the ideas have kind been stopping me from being able to write longer chapters on here. So once I have a chapter of it up, you lot will probably get longer and better chapters! I'm not putting this on hold either so don't worry!

Check my profile to find it, It's called Freedom Hunters!

Roz xx

A Unique Love Story (Shannon Leto)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon